Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4758: Goodbye Xueling

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Chapter 4758—Goodbye Xueling

"Go!" Xueling gritted her teeth and scolded.

"Don't toast, don't eat and drink fines, you must know that this is my place. I used to call you princess that just lifted you up. You are now a prisoner of the ranks. I can torture you as much as I want! Think about it!" The glamorous woman could not succeed in persuading, so she had to do it.

"Go!" Xue Ling replied with only one word.

"That's it, don't blame me!" The glamorous woman took a long whip out of her own space, and all the long whips were covered with a hairy barb. "Your cultivation makes me have If you have too much room to play, even if your skin is all torn apart, you will still recover as you will in a few days."

Xue Ling was unmoved, just looking at each other coldly.

"If I succumb, you will die!" Xue Ling said coldly.

"Dare you threaten me... Today I will let you... who you are and how you came in." The glamorous woman just waved her long whip and wanted to beat Xueling.

Suddenly found a man, an old man standing in front of him.

The other party grabbed his long whip, and the treasure given to slap the disobedient woman was shattered by a powerful force in an instant.

"Damn you!" Zhao Yuande said indifferently.

With one of his fingers, he clicked on the opponent's eyebrow.


The glamorous woman directly exploded into a blood mist.

"You... who are you?" Xueling looked at the back of this human and always felt a little familiar. He could not help asking.

"Xue Ling, how could you end this way!" Zhao Yuande restored his appearance and then changed back instantly.

"Brother Zhao!" Xueling saw Zhao Yuande, the excitement of her heart could no longer bear, hugged him, tears came out of her eyes.

At this time Xue Ling saw that Zhao Yuande was more cordial than seeing his loved ones, so the name naturally changed to Big Brother.

Zhao Yuande knew that the other party was the most sad moment at this time, and did not push her just to let her hug.

"Brother Zhao, thank you. If it were not for you and me today..." Xueling felt terrified after thinking about it herself.

She knew that if she could not die today, she would definitely suffer from unimaginable humiliation, which would be more uncomfortable than killing her.

"What the **** happened?" Zhao Yuande could not help frowning.

He couldn't imagine a super genius like Xue Ling destined to become the guardian of the family. How could it fall into this kind of end, are the people of the Xue Yin clan all fools or lunatics?

However, after Xue Ling finished his experience, even Zhao Yuande was speechless.

For the sake of an illusory patriarch, sending his own sister and his family's future hope here is simply...

"Brother Zhao, I will be homeless in the future, can I follow you?" Xue Ling has lost hope for the Xueyin tribe, even now that her ancestors came out of the retreat, she was also discouraged.

If Zhao Yuande did not appear here at this time, she would commit suicide sooner or later.

"Okay! You don't want a genius like Xueyin, then follow me! They will regret it someday!" Zhao Yuande smiled at Xueling slightly.

Suddenly, the corner of his mouth moved, and he gently lifted the ban on Xue Ling with a few clicks.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

Two middle-aged ugly women walked in. They saw blood on the ground as soon as they came in, and screamed and rushed out.

"It's not good! The three girls were killed, the little maidservant just sent was rescued!" The two middle-aged ugly women screamed constantly, and the entire Xueyue Bianyuan boiled instantly.

Dozens of figures rushed in from all directions, including two strong men in the half-step eternal realm.

They all appeared murderously in front of the two.

"Human, who the **** are you? How dare you spread so wildly in my Xueyue Bieyuan!" One of the old ladies, the chicken skin crane hair, was rickety, and there was a big hairy tail behind him.

This old lady has a strong breath and is one of the half-step eternal realm.

"I'm just here to save a friend of mine. You dared to get her here! I didn't have any trouble with you, but you got me!" Zhao Yuande snorted, and his breath rose.

Suddenly the sky and earth changed color, and the sun and moon were dark. The sky above the other courtyard seemed to be suppressed by a huge world, and everyone felt like hammering drums in their hearts.

Everyone around changed colors, and they never dreamed that the other party would be so powerful.

"Human race! You have great prestige, but you have found the wrong place! My Xueyin Bieyuan is the property of the young master, you are so powerful and dare to stalk the White Tigers!" The old lady saw Zhao Yuande's momentum and suddenly knew herself They are not opponents anyway, so they can only be threatened.

"Really?" Zhao Yuande sneered, pointing a little.

Zhao Yuande pointed out that suddenly the world was a chaotic color, and the whole sky seemed to be turned into a finger and rolled towards the old woman.

Although the old woman was half-step eternity, she only realized the ordinary half-step eternity of two or three kinds of eternal power, and her strength is almost the same as Zhao Yuande.

Feeling the power of this finger, almost scared to the ground, there is no power to resist.


With just a bang, the old lady was directly crushed by the explosion and turned into a smog of blood.


All the people who rushed suddenly swallowed a spit at this moment.

Have they ever seen such a strong man?

"All come out!" Zhao Yuande pressed the palm of his hand to cover the entire Bieyuan.

There seems to be a world of heaven and earth turning in the palm, and all the buildings in the Beyond Garden were instantly turned into powder.

Every body of white flowers sprang from everywhere, with emotions such as anger, terror, and confusion written on his face.

"Xue Ling, who sent you?" Zhao Yuande turned to look at Xue Ling.

Xue Ling was also shocked by Zhao Yuande's terrible means.

Destroy all buildings and wipe the ground flat without harming one person. This kind of manipulation of energy is terrible.

Now she wouldn't be surprised even if one hand destroyed a dimension world, but now she is really surprised.

"It's them!" Xue Ling pointed at a few people not far away.

These are two women and one man, with obvious marks behind them, a long hairy tail, all of the people of the Xueyin tribe.

Seeing Xueling pointing towards them, the people of the three Xueyin clan suddenly frightened.


The Xueyin man knelt down to the ground and tapped on Xueling again and again.

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