Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4759: Young Master

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Chapter 4775th Master Tiansha

"The third princess spares life, this is done by the grand princess, the small one is only responsible for escorting you here, and please spare the small one!" The man kowtowed like garlic, and his body was trembling.

"The third princess Rao Ming... Rao Ming..." Two women of the Xueyin clan hurriedly knelt down and pleaded in a low voice.

Many people immediately opened their eyes when they heard the word Three Princesses.

None of them are fools, but they are all smarter than monkeys.

Upon hearing the third princess, the grand princess immediately knew that this was the internal struggle of the Xueyin tribe.

But it was a bit too cruel. It was even more uncomfortable to send a princess of the Xueyin tribe here than to kill her.

Many people are also faintly looking forward to it. I am afraid there will be an uproar within the Xueyin tribe.

"I take care of your care for me all the way, so... you go to die!" Xue Ling rushed up and slapped the man directly into the meat.

I couldn't help but hate it, opened a mouthful of cold air to freeze the meat of the other party, and finally slapped it on the hand, and it suddenly shattered into red ice residue.

Everyone around saw this scene and couldn't help but tremble, it was too vicious.

Zhao Yuande also looked at all this, he knew what kind of character Xue Ling was before.

She was able to hate a person to such an extent that she could see how great the anger in her heart was.

If you don't let her vent, I'm afraid it will become a demon in cultivation in the future.

Xue Ling did not hate the man who had beheaded him, and smashed and smashed the two women according to the law, which only gradually calmed down.

At this moment, the world was shaken, and the closed void was suddenly opened from the outside world, and a strong man with a red head and a tiger head strode in.

"What a person! Such a bold courage, dare to spread wild in my Beyond Garden!" This powerful man with a tiger head glanced at everyone, and finally set his sights on Zhao Yuande and Xueling.

"Master Tiansha, don't do it. This is a distinguished guest of Master Tianyou. This time I came here to celebrate the birthday of the old man, all from my family!" The giant piebald tiger rushed out at this time, facing that The tiger's head is strong, and his hands are repeated.

"Go! What are you, dare to speak in front of Ben Young Master." The strong man of the tiger's body sneered with disdain, "What is the matter of the distinguished guest off Ben Young Master, you dare to ruin my territory, if it is today Don’t leave without giving me an explanation!"

"Master Tiansha..." What else did the Great Tiger have to say.

"Shut up, you dare to say one more word, this young master will eat you alive today!" Young Master Tiansha stared at the tiger, and suddenly a fierce anger burst out.

The giant piebald tiger scared his body backwards again and again, and dared not say one more word.

"Old Goat, it's not coming yet." Zhao Yuande didn't pay attention to the other side at this time, but beckoned to the old Goat.

At this moment, this guy's small eyes are looking around, specifically looking for the women who are naked.

Zhao Yuande didn't expect this guy to be so lustful.

"Your son?" The old goat hurried to Zhao Yuande.

"If there is a war to guard her for a while." Zhao Yuande pointed to Xueling beside him.

"Master, rest assured! Laoyang, I dare to guarantee that she won't be hurt at all." Lao goat nodded hurriedly.

Although Xue Ling resumed cultivation at this time, she still had not been promoted for half an eternity.

It can be seen that Xueling's return to the clan may not have time to retreat, or that she was laid off while retreating.

Of course, if Xue Ling is really promoted by half a step, eternally, I am afraid that her strength will increase by several tens of times. If the other party wants to calculate her, it will not be so easy.

Thinking of Zhao Yuande here is also a sigh, the family struggle is the most frustrating.

Just for a little bit of power and status, the family's future will be abandoned, and this family may not flourish.

"You're so arrogant!" Master Tiansha looked up and down Zhao Yuande up and down with a cold smile on his lips. "Don't think that I won't dare to move you if I have the sky."

"If you are not afraid of embarrassment, just try it." Zhao Yuande stood down with his hand, and with the appearance of the old fairy, it really felt a bit like a fairy.


The young Master Tiansha snorted and turned into a terror hurricane, sweeping towards Zhao Yuande without any scruples.

A dreadful blade of wind continued to rotate around the hurricane, and the void was cut and fragmented.

Many people were very close to each other at this time, but were only slightly cut by the wind blade, and suddenly turned into flesh and blood.

The young Master Tiansha didn't care about the life and death of other people, and directly used this large-scale attack to want to strangle Zhao Yuande and even everyone around him.

Many people cried and madly fled backwards, but this hurricane seemed to have a terrifying power of attraction, and there was a whirlwind around it that generated continuous sweeping.

"Is this the only way?" Zhao Yuande smiled contemptuously.

He touched Tiansha Young Master lightly in his hand.

This point seems to be breezy, and there seems to be no trace of power.

But this is a bit empty, so Master Tiansha instantly felt the pores explode, and a coolness instantly rose from the bottom of the foot to the back of the head.

When the great crisis came, Master Tiansha changed color all of a sudden.

He felt that this finger could really threaten his life.

"Young Master be careful!" A step out of the void came out of a strong white tiger.

The strong man punched out and greeted Zhao Yuande with one finger.

The terrifying fist wind swept through, and the endless hurricane suddenly turned into nothingness.

Even if Master Tiansha was swept by this punch, the whole person stepped back and back more than ten feet, and then stood firm.


The fist hit with this finger.

Suddenly, there was a terrible tremor in the whole world, and the ground was centered on the hand-finger handover, and a huge trench with a length of thousands of feet was directly broken.

Water vapor spewed beneath the trench, and water columns rose into the sky.

There are thousands of miles around Bieyuan, and all the buildings are broken.

Numerous cultivators all flew into the air, looking in this direction, one can not help but stunned.

It was an old man of the White Tiger family who carried the horror punch. He had a tiger-headed body, but his body was slightly sloppy, showing his old appearance.

His body flew straight out, and he didn't know how many miles. He slammed into a huge mountain and smashed the whole mountain.

And Zhao Yuande just backed dozens of feet at this time, looking at the giant mountain exploding in the distance, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The old White Tiger clan who just punched should be an eternal realm who has only realized two kinds of eternal power.

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