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Chapter 4777th Siege

And Heaven Eater Taoist should not encounter any danger beside the invincible saint.

He followed the breath of the Taoist, and soon came to the sky above the invincible holy city, his face became very ugly.

The Holy City is now somewhat damaged, and the army outside the city is under pressure, and countless powerful cultivators firmly besieged the city.

The holy city was covered with a layer of light curtains, blocking the joint attack of many powerful men.

A huge palace stood outside the city, and laughter came from them.

"Haha! This invincible sage is not so good. I am afraid that the hero's blow is now a half-waste. There is no one who can't resume cultivation for eight thousand years."

"Now this holy city is about to be broken. Let's try to compare who can capture the invincible holy prince?"

"Haha! I mean that, but what happens if I win?"

"Winning naturally is the master of this East Road Army. He will pick all the property in this holy city first."

"Okay! That's it, now give me a drumbeat now and let the children work harder!"

"Break through the invincible holy city and catch the invincible sage alive!"

"Break through the invincible holy city and catch the invincible sage alive!"


Thousands of cultivators shouted, with a very excited look on their faces.

At this time, in the invincible holy city, half of the body of the invincible sage was broken in an underground chamber, and his pale face tried to restore his injury.

"Holy King, why don't we escape to the Holy Land of Holy Lotus! Only Chaolian Holy Lotus can treat you." Heaven Eater Taoist's face was worried at this time.

"No, you can escape, and I can't! I will be spotted as soon as I escape, then Cheyenne..." The invincible Saint said the name with anger in his eyes.

"Hey! Who knows that there is a traitor next to us. We have been together for tens of millions of years, and we never thought he would be like this. Why the hell?" Heaven Eater said with a puzzled face.

"It is nothing more than a promise to achieve eternity, but everyone knows how easy it is to achieve eternity...they are probably just cheating Xia An!" Invincible Shengjun sneered.

"But he did believe it! He also attacked you, if you didn't have a trace of protection against him, it wouldn't be so..." Heaven Eater Tao couldn't help but smile for a while, "I actually felt something was wrong, But I didn’t take it seriously because of my trust in him, and now I want to come...I still hurt you, the Holy King!"

"Forget it... what do these do! What is our relationship... and only our relationship, you will stay with me in the end." Invincible Shengjun smiled, "you can stay with me at the last moment , I can be relieved! At least there are brothers like you, such friends."

"Holy King, what do you want to do, don't do stupid things, we still have hope!" Tianchi Taoist heard the other person say this, his face could not help changing slightly.

He was very familiar with this sage, and knew what he was thinking now.

"I will explode directly when you get there. You can run away in chaos and find Sheng Chaolian Sheng Chao! Now only she can turn the tide!" Invincible Saint said.

"I don't leave, I will die together, I will live together! This is our promise, did the prince forget?" Tianchi Taoist shook his head again and again, and there was a resolute determination on his face, "Unfortunately, I can't see Yuande Come back!"

"Master Zu, I'm back!" But at this moment, the void was directly torn apart, and Zhao Yuande stepped out of it.

"Yuande...when are you..." The Tianci Taoist was overjoyed when he saw Zhao Yuande, but then there was anxious expression on his face, "Go quickly, go to the Holy Lotus God Realm, looking for Chaos Holy Lotus!"

"Yuande, go away! If you don't leave, you will be too late!" Invincible Saint also nodded and persuaded.

Zhao Yuande didn't pay attention to the words of the two, but came straight to the invincible sage, and gently pressed a hand on the broken shoulder of the invincible sage.

The undead power in his body rushed out like a tide, and he began to help the invincible saint to repair the broken body.

And Ni Tian Hu also passed a vast life force into his body.

Working together, a broken arm of the invincible sage was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What!" Invincible Shengjun and Tianchi Taoist all stared at the scene in front of them in a dumbfounded voice.

"Cooperate with me!" Zhao Yuande sipped.

The invincible sage was quickly awakened from the uncontrollable shock and began to cooperate with Zhao Yuande continuously.

Thanks to the body of the invincible sage is only broken, but the bone meridian is not broken, otherwise Zhao Yuande might be squeezed out.

After dozens of breaths, Zhao Yuande sat on the ground panting.

The injury to the invincible sage was completely recovered.

Of course, it was only a physical injury. The trauma in his body was still very serious, but he already had the power of a battle.

"Master Shengjun, this is the panacea. You should take it quickly and you should be able to fully recover it soon!" Zhao Yuande handed over a bottle of panacea.

The invincible sage was also polite, and took it directly, his eyes suddenly froze again.

Among them, there are thousands of potions filled with dangdang.

"This...this..." The hands of the invincible saint tremble.

In his realm, there are very few treasure potions that can restore his injuries.

But this bottle of immortality is exactly what he used in this state, and so many at once, even though he has experienced infinite years as a sage, and has a lot of knowledge, but he still can’t believe what happened before him, as if it were Dreaming!

"In the Broken God Realm, I got the inheritance of a prince of Emperor Wu, and there are many immortals." Zhao Yuande explained.

"It turns out so!" The invincible saint nodded.

"Holy King eat quickly and recover from injury! I will go out to solve those people first." Zhao Yuande also took out and swallowed the Elixir, and stepped into the void in one step.

"Well...Well...Yuande can now stand alone!" The invincible Shengjun shouted again and again, his eyes glowing with excitement.

"Haha! My apprentice also broke through the half-step eternity!" At this time, the Taoist Taoist couldn't help but laugh with his palms, and he laughed extremely cheerfully, and all the haze in these days was dispersed.


Zhao Yuande went outside the city in one step and stood in the void.

"Someone came out of the city! Who is that person?"

"It seems like a young man, never seen before."

"Did the people in the city die long ago? Only a young man came out and surrendered?"

"No, this young man seems familiar to me, as if I have seen it before."

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