Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4778: We're fucked

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Chapter Four Seven Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight We Are Over

"He is Zhao Yuande... it is Zhao Yuande!"

"What! Zhao Yuande, he's back? This is impossible! Isn't it legend that he died in the eternal land?"

"Go and tell a few commanders!"


Many of the practitioners who attacked the Holy City stopped their attacks at this time, and looked at Zhao Yuande, who looked down on them in mid-air with surprise.

"What are you talking about? Zhao Yuande? That Zhao Yuande?" A half-step eternal realm full of beard with doubtful face.

"Is it an apprentice who eats old ghosts, that Zhao Yuande, who is known as the first genius of origin?" Another half-step eternal realist who was slightly angry with books was surprised, his face changed continuously, "Isn't he dead?" Why is it back? With his talents, he must have broken through half a step at this time, broken..."

"What are you afraid of! But a little boy who has just stepped into the half-step eternity. We have six half-step eternal strongmen. It is not easy to kill him." The half-step eternal realm with a big beard is Grinned.

"You know a fart. This Zhao Yuande is very powerful. Before that, he could compete with the half-step eternal realm. Now he has entered half-step eternity and realized that he doesn't know how many kinds of eternal power. We are afraid that no one is his opponent. Immediately Send a message to the Saint." An old white-bearded man looked extremely dignified at this moment.

"No need!"


While these people were discussing, they suddenly heard a chaos outside.

There were horrifying roars.

"What's going on? It's a mess!" The bearded and strong man couldn't help but stand up at this moment, and went outside the palace in one step.

But when he saw the situation outside the palace, he suddenly rushed back into the palace.

"Quick...Quick escape!" Bearded, who looked as if he didn't care just now, was pale and scared, almost sitting on the ground.

"What's the matter?" The other five half-step eternal strong spirits protruded out, and all of them suddenly looked pale.

Because they saw a huge monster beast crawling across the earth and soaring in the sky.

Every monster is stronger than their breath, every monster is more terrible than their strength.

A few more terrifying breaths are suppressing the spot, that is the breath of eternity!

Everyone in the siege was completely beheaded in less than three breaths, and one was not left.

Dozens of powerful monsters have surrounded this huge palace at this time, releasing fierce light among their eyes.

"It's over! We're over!" The bearded man wailed sorrowfully, and he fell to the ground directly.

"This is so possible? How come there are so many strong people... this is not scientific!"

"Zhao Yuande has returned, and brought back so many horror existences. It seems that even the monarch can't resist, let's surrender!"

"Surrender...yes, surrender...we are all half-step eternal, and after surrender is still useful to them."


Zhao Yuande stepped into the hall one step at a time, looking at the six half-step eternal realm powerhouses that looked like earth.

They are all human races, and no one is controlled by the shadow clan.

The anger in his heart couldn't tell at this moment, he was about to be ignited at this moment.

These things that eat inside and out will sell the origin dimension for their own sake.

At this time, Zhao Yuande was followed by two strongmen of the eternal realm, which were the two strongmen of the eternal realm that he had caught in the wild jungle before, and they had now become Zhao Yuande's loyal servants.

The emergence of these two eternal realm powerhouses suddenly made these six people completely lose their minds of resistance.

They knew that if they resisted, they would die without doubt, and they would be extremely miserable, and even the spirits would be destroyed.

If you are asking for mercy, maybe there is a trace of life!

These are all human races, and they can rely on the shadow clan, which shows that their bones are soft.

So now that the enemy is strong and the weak is weak, they immediately become cartilage again.

"We surrender... we surrender... we are still useful, don't kill us!" The bearded man was the most unbearable, and he tapped Zhao Yuande repeatedly.

Zhao Yuande glanced at him in disgust, glancing at the six people one by one.

"You are Cheyenne?" Zhao Yuande said coldly.

"He is Cheyenne!" Bearded quickly pointed to the strong man who looked like a scholar.

"Yes... he is Cheyenne!" Everyone nodded again and again.

They naturally knew what Zhao Yuande did to Xia An, and they all felt relieved.

It seems not to kill us, but to kill Cheyenne, that's fine!

"Rao Ming! Rao Ming!" Xia An screamed fiercely. He naturally knew that he had betrayed the invincible sage, and what he would wait for next, but he really did not want to die, he could only beg for mercy.

"Xia'an! You're fine!" Zhao Yuande grabbed the void and held Xia'an directly.

"All killed! These people make me feel sick!" Zhao Yuande waved.

"No... don't kill us, we are still useful!" Bearded growled hard.

"Forgive us, we are willing to be cattle and horses..."


Qiu Rao sounded one after another, but Zhao Yuande was as hearty as steel.

At this time, there are less than one hundred cultivators left in the Holy City, and hundreds of thousands of cultivators are dead!

In the case of civil war, this kind of killing Zhao Yuande may not control you, or may leave them a way to live, or let them submit to the master world and become slaves.

But now they are slaughtering their own race with their own hands, the most important thing is to help the foreigners slaughter their own race!

This is the death of Mo Shu, Zhao Yuande looked at them and felt sick!

The monsters of the two eternal realm powerful forces released terror, pressing them alive to the ground and unable to move for half a minute.

Several powerful monsters rushed up and swallowed them directly into their belly.

This is a great supplement for them.

In a short time, Zhao Yuande wiped out all the powerful besieging the Holy City.

Seeing this scene, practitioners in various hoarding centers in the Holy City almost cried out.

They were so relieved that they all collapsed to the ground and wanted to lie on the ground and sleep for ten days and nights.

They are the last group of people. Many cultivators have been exhausted of all their strength, and they are now resting in their inner world.

It looks like there are hundreds of people on the surface, but with the rest of the world inside them, there are more than 3,000 people in the entire holy city.

"Okay! Everyone has worked hard! We have won! This time, it's all thanks to Zhao Yuande's return to bring us hope." At this time, the invincible saint regained some strength and began to appease those practitioners.

Let these practices be very excited, and some people have almost cried out.

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