Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4779: Hard times

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Chapter 4775th Chapter Two Difficulties

After many days of perseverance, I finally saw the sun rising and the hope.

"The sage is really a person under the individual shirt!" Zhao Yuande looked at all that the invincible sage did and couldn't help smiling.

"Hey! It's his temperament that gives Xian an opportunity to take advantage of it!" Tianci Taoist said so.

"It's hard to accomplish both, this is also helpless!" Zhao Yuande said.

Watching the invincible prince return to his side, Zhao Yuande threw Xia An directly from the inner world, and fell hard in front of the invincible prince.

"Holy King, this person is your disposal!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Holy monarch forgiveness, I was blinded for a time, but for my life I must bow to the holy monarch and die!" Xia An, who looked like a scholar, knelt in front of the invincible monarch at this time Liankou banged.

"I really don't understand, how can this kind of person cultivate to such a degree?" Zhao Yuande looked at Xia An, who kowtowed like garlic, and felt contempt in his heart.

"They are people who are the purest and most persistent!" The Heaven Eater Tao said at this time, "They are only for eternity, as long as they are in front of them, they will be destroyed, as long as they are in their favor, they will They do whatever they can to fight for, as long as they can be promoted to eternity they can do anything, including betrayal!"

"Sure enough, it is purely incomparable, which is also a manifestation of a state of mind and a will." Zhao Yuande nodded slightly, feeling that the ancestor said very reasonable.

"They are not fettered by feelings, so they are even easier to promote than us." Heaven eats humanely.

This is a bit weird to say, but it makes perfect sense to think about it!

A person can abandon all courtesy, honesty and shame, and only know that moving forward all the way to eternity is actually a kind of great determination and perseverance, which is also recognized by the will of heaven and earth.

But as long as such a person fails, they will fall into the abyss forever, and they can no longer turn over.


A slap that the invincible monarch hated shattered Xia'an's head.

"Holy King, what is the current situation?" Zhao Yuande looked at the invincible King.

"Since I was successfully attacked, Invincible God Territory has been captured! Almost all of them who have not trusted them have been slaughtered, and some have fled to the Destruction and Holy Lotus." The Invincible Saint was sad.

"How about we take advantage of this opportunity to kill the Huntian Saint King?" Zhao Yuande looked at the invincible Saint King. "Now the news has not been spread, we still have a chance."

"But my injury is incapable of fighting now." The invincible saint smiled bitterly.

"How is the fighting power of the Heavenly King? What level has Xiuwei reached?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"It should be in the middle of the eternal realm, to understand the four eternal forces. We are weaker than me, and we can't tell the difference in a short period of time." Invincible Saint Road.

"Mid-phase of eternal realm..." Zhao Yuande frowned.

Although he can now defeat the strong in the early stages of Eternal Realm, he is not an opponent in the middle.

However, he joined forces with two other eternal realm powerhouses, and with the restoration of the invincible sage, he should be able to kill the sage lord.

What is needed now is the restoration of the invincible sage.

"How long will the sage king be able to resume cultivation?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Ten days! At least ten days are needed." Invincible Saint said.

"Then we have to wait another ten days, it is better to abandon this city directly, we hide in the dark." Zhao Yuande said, "Let Hun Tian Shengjun not know what happened, although he will be alert, but he should be suspicious. Is the destruction of the sage or chaos holy lotus shot, we hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity to kill it with one blow!"

"Okay! As you said!" The invincible Saint nodded.

The invincible saint put all the people in the city into his own inner world, hiding them from Zhao Yuande and Tianchi Daoren.

One day later, Huntian Shengjun got the report of the mysterious disappearance of the entire team.

Suddenly there was a warning sign in his heart.

Being able to kill so many powerful men, it must be the powerful men of the eternal realm.

At this time, he has occupied the two realms of the Huntian God Realm and the Invincible God Realm, and personally monitors the two eternal realm powers of Destruction and Shenglian.

They didn't seem to have any major movements, nor did they leave their palaces.

"Does any external force intervene?" Huntian Shengjun frowned, "Maybe it may be the strong of the eternal dimension! But why do they want to shoot? What is their purpose?"

"Huntian, perhaps the strongest of the Eternal Palace!" At this time there was another person beside the Juntian, who was wearing dark armor all over his body.

This person was not at all restrained when talking to the Huntian Shengjun, indicating that this person's identity seemed very high.

"Eternal Palace... Our people haven't heard such news. Are they monitoring the Eternal Palace very tightly?" Huntian Shengjun said.

"They are fighting for our merits at this time, wishing that we would die early, how could we tell us the real intelligence." The black armoured sneers sneered.

"How can they be so insignificant? This is a big event for our family. If we can really control this large universe, we can move in a whole group, and we no longer have to be angry with the gods!" Huntian Shengjun said.

"We don't know about the situation in the universe sea, but the family should tend to cooperate with the gods at this time." The dark armor said.

"Don't say this first, what should we do now? Is it to be indifferent or to send people to inquire?" Huntian Shengjun said.

"According to the soldiers, waiting for the completion of the strong forces of the Dark Dimension. When our coalition forces are 10%, no one can stop our offensive." The dark armor said.

"Then do as you say." Huntian Shengjun seems to trust this person very much and heeds his words.

Ten days later, the invincible monarch's injuries recovered as before.

Most of the 3,000 surviving strongmen have recovered, but no one still appears.

"Let's go over there first! Shenglian has very strong control over it, and the Heavenly King should not attack her first." Invincible Saint Road said.

"I don't think it's necessary, because the Saint Lotus Divinity is actually at the boundary with the Dark Dimension. As long as the Dark Dimension sends troops, it will definitely attack the Saint Lotus Divinity first." Zhao Yuande said this.

"Dark Dimension!" Invincible Shengjun frowned.

"I suspect that the dimension of darkness is the puppet of the Shadow Clan, while the dimension of light is the puppet of the Celestial Clan. These two groups continue to infiltrate our large universe. The Celestial Clan wants to completely destroy us, and the Shadow Clan wants to To occupy our big universe and enslave us." Zhao Yuande said, "I got a lot of information from the universe sea..."

At this time, Zhao Yuande said all he saw and heard in the universe.

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