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Chapter 4780th Invasion

"It turns out that... our human race has encountered such a thing in the universe sea!" Invincible Shengjun clenched his fists.

"Why didn't they come to look for us? If the three tribes unite together, I am afraid that even the other big tribes would not dare to despise us!"

"That's so easy. They have been controlled by the gods, and most people can't wake up!" Zhao Yuande said helplessly.

"Hey! Celestial Clan... I didn't expect our ultimate enemy to be so powerful!" There was a certain amount of confusion in the eyes of the invincible Saint, he suddenly looked at Zhao Yuande and asked, "This time you went to the Eternal Land and realized several eternal powers. ?"

"Ten kinds!" Zhao Yuande said honestly.

"What... ten kinds!" Heaven-eating Taoist and invincible saint exclaimed at the same time.

"Yes, that's ten kinds! I almost did not escape because of this, in the end, I still eat the gods and rats..." Zhao Yuande once again said his experience over the past few years.

The two were dumbfounded in shock.

It took a long time for them to recover, and then looked at Zhao Yuande with ecstasy and excitement.

"Hahaha..." The two laughed loudly in excitement.

"Let's go, we'll go to the Saint Lotus God Territory first." The invincible sage has now gone to the end with a decadent despair, and his gaze towards Zhao Yuande has completely changed.

Zhao Yuande has become his hope, the hope of the entire origin dimension and the entire human race universe.


At this time in the Holy Lotus God Realm, Yunhai City!

At this time, the city owner of Yunhai City was rebuilding the city with tremendous sorrow.

"It's bad, Lord Lord, there is a void crack in the western sky again!" A heart rushed in with a rush, and his face was full of horror.

"What! Void crack again!" Yunhai City's main face changed a lot and rushed out directly.

Suddenly, I saw a huge crack in the distant sky that didn't know how many miles.

Among them the black light spewed out, and huge warships slowly exited from it.

"Not good! The Dark Dimension invaded again. Hurry up to pass the message through the transmission array!" The Lord of Yunhai City shouted hard.

It was also at this time that a golden light suddenly appeared in the sky, and a large hand came out of the golden light.

This is a big white hand like jade, smooth and round like a glass, and a big hand flick.

Suddenly, the void crack was smoothed out by half, and the huge warships also exploded directly, turning into a mass of flames.

"Hey! Shenglian, I've already guarded you against this trick!" There were sneers in the void.

The huge crack opened again, and a large black hand protruded out, colliding with the big white hand fiercely.

The two collided with the sky, the sun and moon were dark, the stars fell, and the earth was instantly dark.

The sea closest to it set off 10,000 high waves, as if the sea were directly overturned.

Innumerable sea monster races completely disappeared between the blows and destroyed.


The huge crack in the sky was torn open a wider mouth, revealing the void of the black hole inside.

Many people can see that in the depths of the black hole, there is a black dimension space in which thousands of huge warships are gathering.

And at this time, the aftermath of the battle turned into a huge magic ring, constantly cutting indefinitely in all directions.

"Not good! Hurry into the big formation!" The lord of Yunhai City shouted, rushed into the big formation, and began to frantically urge the defensive big formation, "Everyone came to help!"

Countless people were stunned by that scene. If it weren’t for the city master of Yunhai, they were still stunned.

"That's the dark dimension, they will attack our origin dimension regardless of the rules!" The Lord of the City of Yunhai was pale and trembling.

With his cultivation base under this level of war, I am afraid that it will instantly turn into powder.


The large array made a cracking sound, but fortunately, it was finally resisted by the full force of the strong men in the city.

But it was at this time that the waves of the sea were sweeping towards Yunhai City.

"My life is over!" the lord of Yunhai City exclaimed.

Cracks have appeared in the large array. I am afraid that they can no longer withstand the impact of this wave. Those who have almost consumed mana, I am afraid that they will be directly torn by this terror wave.

At this very moment, once again, the light was once again radiated in the void, and the big white hand like jade condensed again.

The big hand flicked at the huge waves, the waves receded, and the sea became calm again.

"Thank you Shengjun! Thank you Shengjun!" Everyone in Yunhai City felt a sigh of relief at the same time, and then bowed to the big hand in the sky.

"Haha! Holy lotus, you are too kind!" A figure flew out of the huge dark crack.

This figure was not originally tall, but after standing still, it turned into a horror shadow that didn't know how many miles.

Dark Shadow reached out his arm and swept gently towards the shore.

Suddenly a terrible hurricane formed. This hurricane raged across the world.

As long as the places blown by the hurricane were all torn apart by the force of terror and shattered.

Whether it is a mountain or a river, or a human city!

But in the blink of an eye, a human city was swept by a hurricane, and the entire city was shattered in an instant.

"Damn it!" came a cold female voice in the void.

That big white jade like a big hand appeared again, it was about to catch that horrible hurricane.

"Hey! Has the body come out? Then don't go back! Brothers all come out!" The black man sneered with pride.

Three figures suddenly flew out of that huge crack.

Each one is so high, and the breath on them is unimaginable.

"This is... the four eternal realm powerhouses of the Dark Dimension! It's over..." Seeing this scene, the Lord of Cloud City suddenly changed his face.

"You have broken the rules!" A figure of a woman wrapped in chaos all over the void.

This figure seemed to be the master of this world, and as soon as she appeared, the whole world became active.

The power of the infinite world is rippling around her, it seems that as long as she has a thought, the whole world will be born again and again.

"It's... so powerful!" Even the black figure couldn't help but slightly shocked when he saw this scene.

"This woman is so powerful, we must join forces!"

"Thanks to our launch in advance, the longer she waits, the stronger she will be!"

"Kill! Try not to leave a little strength!"


Four black shadow instant swords rushed to the woman wrapped in chaos.

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