Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4794: Don't come unharmed

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Chapter four thousand seven hundred and ninety-four don’t come unharmed

"Master Zu, what are you doing?" Zhao Yuande said, looking at Heaven Eater Taoist, withdrawing many memories from his mind, he couldn't help but said with some shock.

"I want to chop up all the memories with this broken dimension, and only you will know that place since then." Tian Chi Taoist solemnly said, "I always feel that this matter is too much, if I let others know that it may be In a disaster, in order to ensure that, all these memories are cut off!"

"Good! I must live up to the ancestors' trust." Zhao Yuande focused on it.

In fact, Zhao Yuande is also very surprised. Up to now, he hasn't figured out what is going on in the Dao inheritance. How can the appraisal technique be able to identify a lot of unknown information?

What kind of big secret is there?

Zhao Yuande walked alone with these secrets.

He quickly passed the dimension node and successfully entered the eternal dimension.

What he did not expect is that this time the guarding of the dimensional nodes is still Xuanyuan Sanniang and Xiao Yu'er.

"Brother Zhao!" Xiao Yuer saw Zhao Yuande, and her eyes lit up suddenly.

"Xiaoyou, you really opened my eyes!" Xuanyuan San Niang looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes full of shock.

At this time, Xuanyuan Sanniang had already sensed the dangerous breath from the boy opposite, and even felt herself hairy.

"Xiao Yu'er, why are you still here?" Zhao Yuande is also very happy. He didn't expect to meet them again so soon.

"Hey! The eternal dimension is very uneven, we don't want to get involved in it, so we are still guarding here." The old woman sighed.

"I don't know what's going on in the eternal dimension now?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Both forces are deadlocked, and no one will retreat..." The old lady told Zhao Yuande the situation of the eternal dimension in detail, sighing again and again.

"It turns out so." The information that the old lady told was similar to what Zhao Yuande knew.

But the old lady is a little more than he knows. For example, there is a mysterious team of strong men. Without these mysterious strong men, the Eternal Palace might have defeated the union of the three tribes.

Because the twelve suppressed dark monsters of the Eternal Palace have been completely unsealed.

After they were awake, three of them have successfully promoted to eternal realm, and the remaining nine are all half-step eternal peaks.

This force alone can directly destroy a major force.

The blood of Shangpan's blood is extremely powerful, and the body is far more than ordinary people. The fighting power of this saint exceeds that of ordinary practitioners.

Now the battle is in a state of stalemate, and both forces are constantly drawing the Xuanyuan family.

However, the Xuanyuan family did not agree to any party, but because of Zhao Yuande's relationship, it seemed to be closer to the Pan family.

"Senior, can you persuade the Xuanyuan family to deal with the three tribes together?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"This... I can't help myself either. There are two factions in the family who can't stand to pay tribute, so..." Xuanyuan San Niang smiled bitterly.

"I got it!" Zhao Yuande nodded his understanding.

The big family is not a monolithic one, it will fight openly.

He said goodbye to Xuanyuan Sanniang and Xiao Yu'er, and disappeared in the eternal dimension, and soon reached the Eternal Palace.

At this time, the Eternal Palace is very busy. Many strong men are actively preparing for war. They have no fear on their faces, only a desire for battle.

Everywhere you can see some teenagers of the Pan's bloodline are growing vigorously.

Outside the Eternal Palace, it is the old and the young who are guarding the gate. The old body is a little bit rickets talking about the cultivation experience to the teenager. The teenager listens very carefully and asks from time to time.

"Who are you? Why did you come to my eternal palace?" When the young man Huo Ran saw Zhao Yuande got up, a pair of eyes kept looking at Zhao Yuande.

"I'm here to find someone." Zhao Yuande nodded slightly to the teenager.

"Looking for someone? Our Eternal Palace is now preparing for war, so you don't have to look for someone first! You won't be late until we have defeated those rebels." The young man waved his hand.

"I'm here to find Panheng." Zhao Yuande said Panheng's name.

"What...why are you looking for our young master?" The old man's original ricket stood upright suddenly, his face showing a very dignified color.

"You go tell him that the old man is visiting, this old man is Zhao." Zhao Yuande looked at the boy.

"Uncle?" The teenager looked at the old ricket.

"Go!" The old Rickie waved his hand to the teenager, but his eyes were staring at Zhao Yuande without blinking. He kept looking up and down. " are Zhao..."

"Hush..." Zhao Yuande made a forbidden gesture to the old Rickets.

The old man seemed to know it and hurriedly kept silent.

"Senior, I don't know what the battle situation between the Eternal Palace and the three major forces is at this time?" Zhao Yuande secretly passed a message to the old Rickets.

"You should be the son of Zhao Yuande, who is often mentioned in the mouth of the young master!" asked the old Ricky Chuanyin.

"Good! I am Zhao Yuande." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Our Eternal Palace and the three families are facing each other in Shiraishihara. Both sides dare not really fight, and they are afraid that their own side will suffer heavy losses and be seized by those who have the intention." Rick said the old man.

"I heard that the other party has mysterious supporters participating in the battle. I don't know if this is true or not?" Zhao Yuande asked again.

"It's true, but those mysterious powerhouses hide their heads and tails, and we don't know who they are? Can't see the way, it seems to appear out of thin air." Rick Chen said.

"Uncle, I saw this gentleman mainly." The boy rushed out of the Eternal Palace at this time.

"Well, you can take it to see the young master!" The old man nodded to Zhao Yuande.

"Thank you seniors for solving the puzzles." Zhao Yuande bowed to the old man, and then followed the boy into the Eternal Palace.

"Brother Zhao...Brother Zhao!" Just entered the Eternal Palace, a figure came quickly, it was Pan Heng.

"Brother Pan, don't come unharmed!" Zhao Yuande smiled at Panheng when he saw it.

"Brother Zhao please quickly!" Pan Heng grabbed Zhao Yuande's arm with enthusiasm.

"Pan Xiu Xiuwei has reached the eternal peak of half a step, which is really gratifying!" Zhao Yuande felt the breath of Pan Heng and couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey! I have refined most of the Pan's real blood. I'm afraid it's a fool if I don't practice this step!" Pan Heng smiled bitterly, "Brother Zhao, your real Pan's real blood should have been refined for less than five. One in ten!"

"Indeed, I have been perceiving the power of eternity recently, and I am a little slack about the refining of real blood." Zhao Yuande said, "Yes, those who come to me this time will not be coveted by my Pan's real blood!"

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