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Chapter 4775th Provocation

"Brother Zhao, are you hitting me in the face?" Pan Heng smiled bitterly, "I admit that the last time was my eternal palace. Some people have a bad mentality, but now they are different. Those people know about Brother Zhao. Afterwards, they all regretted it."

"That's fine, I don't want to help myself but I still have to be remembered." Zhao Yuande said.

"I Panheng guarantees his life. If anyone dares to covet the real blood of Pan's body on Brother Zhao, I will not be spared." Pan Heng hurriedly said.

"Brother Pan does not have to be like this." Zhao Yuande heard Pan Heng said, and his heart was also safe.

"Father, Brother Zhao is here!" Pan Heng took Zhao Yuande into a majestic palace at this time.

At this time, there were a few people in the palace discussing something. The scene was a little nervous, and these people's faces were very unsightly.

The cultivation of these people is all eternal realm, especially the one in the middle is similar to Panhengpan. The breath of the person is the most powerful. It should be a strong man who has been promoted to the middle of eternal realm.

"Oh! Is that the friend of Zhao Yuande? Please, please, please!" Pan Heng's father looked like Pan Heng's brother, and his eyes lit up when he saw Zhao Yuande.

The remaining people heard Zhao Yuande's name, and they all set their eyes on him.

Most of these eyes are curious, and one of them has a touch of light, which seems to be slightly hostile to Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande captured this trace of hostility very keenly, and the appraisal technique swept at this person.

This person is the owner of the Dongling Palace, one of the three houses under the Eternal Palace. He had beheaded the son of the other party before. The other party was not hostile.

But he didn't break it, just nodded calmly to everyone.

"Seniors, the kid came to help the fist this time. If there is any need, please ask." Zhao Yuande arched his hand to Pan Heng's father, now the main palace of the Eternal Palace.

"Okay! That's it, then please ask us to discuss with us how to deal with the current situation..." The Eternal Palace Palace Master did not regard Zhao Yuande as an outsider at this time, and said the problems facing the Eternal Palace now.

Although some others felt that the palace owner was reckless and believed too much in Zhao Yuande, they could only obey orders as subordinates.

Zhao Yuande heard the narrative of the Eternal Palace, and he probably knew the strength of both the enemy and the enemy.

There are nine eternal realm strongmen on their side, two of them are in the middle of the eternal realm, the others are in the early stages.

The other party has eight eternal powerhouses.

Originally, they had only five eternal realms, and only the demon emperor of the Wannian Temple was in the middle of the eternal realm. They just dared to confront the Eternal Palace and did not dare to really do it.

But the addition of that group of mysterious people brought three eternal realm powerhouses, one of which is a mid-term powerhouse.

In this case, the two forces are basically the same, so fighting occurs frequently.

The other party is now trying to win the Xuanyuan family. If they can win it, it will be a great blow to the Eternal Palace.

"Seniors don't have to be too anxious. The Xuanyuan family is now divided into two factions, and they can't argue, so it's basically impossible to join the other's camp." Zhao Yuande said.

"How do you know?" The owner of Dongling Palace looked at Zhao Yuande.

"I have a friendship with the Xuanyuan San Niang of the Xuanyuan family. The information was obtained from her." Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay!" The Master of the Palace of Eternal Palace glanced at the Master of the Palace of Dongling Palace, said lightly, "I would all believe what Xiaoyou said, without him there would be no Eternal Palace today."

Everyone remembered the half drop of Pan's real blood brought back by Panheng. Without these half drops of Pan's real blood, the dark monsters suppressed under the ground could not recover their minds and return to Pan's, so that Pan's strength increased greatly. .

But they also remembered that Zhao Yuande actually had half a drop of Pan's real blood.

"Senior is serious, Pan Heng and I are friends!" Zhao Yuande smiled and shook his head.

Despite the fact that he felt it, the owner of Tangling Palace looked at his eyes still cold.

"Xiao Xiaoyou, first of all, we really want to thank you, but now it is the life and death of my eternal palace. I don’t know if Xiaoyou can cut the love and sell that half drop of Panshi’s real blood to our eternal palace. Our price will definitely make small Friends are satisfied!"

Sure enough, the lord of the Tangling Palace opened his mouth at this time, and the other powerful men of eternal realm breathed for a while, obviously a greed was born in his heart.

The attraction of the Pan's true blood to the powerful of the Pan's bloodline is simply irresistible.

Because Panheng is the young master of Panshi, many people have no way to fight his idea.

But Zhao Yuande is different, he is not a Panshi.

So no matter what he does, the greed in these people can't hide.

Even the owner of the Eternal Palace has some expectations in his eyes at this time.

"Father!" Pan Heng saw his father's eyes and couldn't help a moment of disappointment. He came to Zhao Yuande and grabbed Zhao Yuande, "Brother Zhao, I'm sorry for you, let's go!"

The Eternal Palace lord sighed when he saw his son like this, and just wanted to say something.

"Young Master, don't be self-willed, you have to focus on the big picture. Now is the time for my life and death in the Eternal Palace. If I can exchange that half drop of Pan's true blood, I am afraid that the Palace Master can be successfully promoted to the late stage of Eternal Realm." Master Gong Gong said seriously, "Young Master, think twice!"

"Fuck your mother's fart!" Pan Heng suddenly annoyed, "What are you, not my Pan's bloodline at all, but are here to provoke alienation, don't you think I don't know the dirty things in your heart?"

"Master Palace Master, everything is for the prosperity of our Eternal Palace!" The Dongling Palace Palace Lord paid a deep worship to the Eternal Palace Palace Lord, and he didn't care about the violent thunder.

"Little friend, can you cut the love? I'm willing to give everything to exchange with you." The eternal palace lord looked at Zhao Yuande with anticipation in his eyes.

"Father, do you know what would happen if you removed Pan's real blood?" Pan Heng shouted.

"The young master must not be excited. Our Eternal Palace does not know how many treasures and rare treasures, no matter what the consequences can be easily compensated, just to see if your friend is willing to!" Dongling Palace Palace said lightly.

"Yes, that's right! Our eternal palace has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years, and there are all kinds of treasures!" Several other strong men were also moved at this time, looking at Zhao Yuande's eyes with expectation.

"Jiao Dongling, if I get eternally promoted, I will kill you!" Pan Heng's eyes spit fire, and his teeth were almost clenched.

He heard Panheng’s words, but he was not worried that he just shook his head slightly, his face full of frustration.

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