Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5014: Chaos Progenitor

The fifth thousand and fourteenth chapter chaos ancestor roots

The tree elves obviously have no malice. What do they want them to follow?

They did not hesitate, but followed behind the tree elves.

The cave didn't know how deep it was. When they walked for an hour, the front of them suddenly flickered.

The tree elf stopped for a while, looking forward seemed thoughtful.

Zhao Yuande and Long Qingkong had already seen it at this time. At the end of the cave, layers of white webs appeared. There were no rules like spider webs, exuding a strange fragrance.

The tree elves, the fingers moved quickly, and the white meshes seemed to be lit by plastic convenience bags, and they began to shrink gradually.

The fragrance was more intense, and both Zhao Yuande and Long Qingkong couldn't help but breathe deeply.

They immediately felt the fragrance between their mouths and noses, as if they were drinking honey.

The white mesh quickly shrank into a mass, exposing a white jade-like root hidden below.

This root beard is no more than three feet long, and the little finger is thick and thin. It looks crystal clear, but it exudes a frightening atmosphere.

Zhao Yuande and Long Qingkong couldn't help taking a few steps back, and they looked at the roots with horror in their eyes.

The tree elves didn't notice at this moment, and walked forward and gently grabbed the roots in his hands.

The roots are like mature ginseng fruit, and they fall directly into the hands of the tree elves.

When the roots fell, the horrible aura disappeared suddenly, replaced by a powerful original aura.

The tree elf turned around and handed the roots to Zhao Yuande.

"This is the ancestor root of Chaos, and it is the purpose of your coming here this time, take it away!" The tree elf had a simple smile on his face, as if he was an inexperienced child.

"Thank you!" Zhao Yuande took the roots and nodded to the tree elf.

"Goodbye!" The tree elf took a deep look at Zhao Yuande, and his body gradually began to blur and merge into the void.

"I hope there is another day of goodbye!" Zhao Yuande nodded, his eyes looked in the direction of the void.

He could feel the tree elf staring at him.

At this moment, Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a strong sense of hunger in his sea of ​​knowledge.

A thick root unexpectedly emerged from the center of his eyebrows and directly wrapped the roots in his hand.

"What!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but his expression changed.

He felt that the giant tree in the sea of ​​knowledge that he had been hungry for a few days at this time seemed to be a beggar who had been hungry for a few days. He pulled the root into the sea of ​​knowledge, and then opened a big mouth directly on the tree Swallowed that root.


At this time, the giant tree in the sea of ​​knowledge, like a balloon, suddenly began to bulge.

"Brother Long, I'll find a place to retreat, and go first!" Zhao Yuande's body disappeared into the cave in an instant.

The speed of the divine domain space teleportation is just rushing out in the blink of an eye, I don't know how many millions of miles.

When he stopped, the sky-reaching giant tree in the sea of ​​consciousness had expanded more than ten times. If he hadn't been for the cultivation base of the soul before, the sea of ​​consciousness had also been expanded, and now I am afraid that the sea of ​​consciousness will be lively burst .

Although he didn't know Long Qingkong for a long time, he could feel the behavior of the other party, which was good.

But even so, he dare not be

Long Qingkong was naturally able to understand Zhao Yuande's thoughts, so he could only nod his head and simply retreat in the depths of this cave to practice.

Don't know how long it took, Zhao Yuande opened his eyes suddenly.

The sky-reaching giant tree in the sea of ​​consciousness has expanded thousands of times at this time. The soul power absorbed by the golden giants in the sea of ​​consciousness cannot make his sea of ​​consciousness feel bulging at this time. There is no need to temper one's soul at any time, because the capacity of the sea of ​​consciousness is too large now.

His original sea of ​​consciousness is like a small pool, even if you turn on the faucet, it will quickly fill up with water, and it will continue to overflow.

But the sea of ​​consciousness now seems to be like a sea, a faucet in a small amount, it is impossible to fill it up.

Zhao Yuande was overjoyed. He knew that he had laid an unimaginable foundation.

At this time, his sea of ​​consciousness is probably not weaker than those powerful beings that transcend the eternal realm. Now he only needs to step by step and continuously temper to reach the height of transcending the eternal realm.

"It seems that there are few golden giants in the sea of ​​knowledge! Or those swallowing formations are a little weak." Void Gourd said at this time.

"If I continue to devour the soul power of those golden giants, I won't attract the attention of the giant trees! Don't let our bamboo basket be empty." Zhao Yuande said with some worry.

"This... is really possible!" Void Calabash said, "It would be nice if we could find other sources of spirit power."

"Don't worry, now my foundation has been laid, and the rest is the accumulation of time. Anyway, the universe has already been destroyed and reborn, and I have no fetters, and some are time to consume." Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes, don't be impatient or impatient, as it should be."


Zhao Yuande had finished talking with Void Calabash, and had left his retreat.

Here is also a relatively quiet tree hole, and the land is dry and cracked and very barren.

He walked out of the tree hole, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

There seemed to be waves of strong pressure coming from the surrounding void, the sky and the earth became pitch black, and the black hand could not be seen.

It seemed as if the might of heaven was coming, the promotion of a certain peerless powerhouse caused the jealousy of Heaven, and he was about to descend upon the heavenly calamity.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help being a little surprised.

He began to fly towards the center of the strong pressure, he wanted to see what happened.


From a distance, he saw that before a small lake very close to the giant tree, dozens of figures were looking at the sky tremblingly at this time.

Because at this time, huge black lines appeared on the sky above their heads, sending out shocking power from them.

"What the **** is going on?" Zhao Yuande's soul had already reached the opponent's face, and all of a sudden, he saw that these figures were the powerful bones.

In front of them, the corpse of a tree elf was completely unrecognizable.

"It turns out that the tree elves were killed! The sky-reaching giant tree was provoked, and the terrible disaster came down!" He couldn't help being surprised.

It seems that this group of tree elves should have been blessed by the sky-reaching giant tree, and they have benefited from helping them just now, and if they were to be killed, it would be a terrible disaster.


The strong in the bone world simply couldn't bear this terrifying power, and one by one was oppressed by the terrifying power on the ground.

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