Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5015: Nine Color Lotus

The fifth thousand and fifteenth chapter nine-color lotus

Only the bone ancestor was able to escape at this time, and he crawled and fleeed far away, seeming to want to avoid this disaster.

However, just when he ran out and there was no diversity, a figure appeared, and a huge statue fell from the sky, directly suppressing his head without hesitation.

"The third ancestor! You..." The bone ancestor knew the horror of this statue, and was shocked and angry in his heart, turning around and wanted to flee in other directions.

"You can't escape!" The third ancestor's voice was indifferent, and a huge treasure seal flew out in his hand, and appeared in front of the bone ancestor again.

"The third ancestor, I'm fighting with you!" The bone ancestor saw that he was repeatedly blocked, and the terror disaster gradually approached behind him. He knew that he might be in danger today.

Suddenly, blood in a pair of eyes had begun to congest, and the joints in his body burst out at this time, and thick bone spurs pierced out of his body.

Each of these bone spurs is crystal clear as jade, emitting a sharp light, like a terrifying sword

"Kill!" The third ancestor didn't care at all, using powerful methods one after another to bombard the bone ancestors wildly.

The bone ancestor was confronted with enemies before and after, and was unable to exert his strongest strength at all, so the defeated ancestors were retreating and threatened.

"What's the matter? Why did the calamity not come, but hang up? Is there anything hidden in this?" Zhao Yuande could not help but be surprised when he saw this scene.

"Yes! It must be so!" Zhao Yuande soon showed a smile on his face.

His body has disappeared in place.

At this time, the administration of the third ancestor was jumping wildly, he knew more than others.

These tree elves are like the daughters of the giant tree, not only can't move them, but also get along with them, and even help them at critical moments, the giant tree will definitely bring endless benefits.

The reason why the second ancestor surpassed the eternal realm back then was because he helped a tree spirit and got infinite benefits, and finally got the secret of transcendence.

But now that this opportunity is in front of her, she feels she must grasp it.

Thinking of this, her attack was even more frenzied, and the treasure seal and the statue sent out terrifying power, and forced the bone ancestor to almost no way out.

The bone ancestor's body had already been smashed by Bao Yin, and even those terrifying bone spurs could not withstand Bao Yin's suppression.

Seeing that the bone ancestor was about to fall in a pinch, a slender branch flew out of the void, directly wrapped the bone ancestor's neck, and dragged it into the void.

In the next moment, Zhao Yuande had already appeared in the distance with the bone ancestor. When he looked at the third ancestor, a smile appeared in his eyes.

"Thank you Xiongtai for your help, my bone ancestor..." The bone ancestor was still in crisis just now, and felt that he was going to die next moment.

But in the blink of an eye, he was out of danger.

He immediately looked at Zhao Yuande and was grateful for his words.

The third ancestor saw Zhao Yuande rescued the bone ancestor, and couldn't help showing anger, but soon there was sarcasm on his face.

"You saved him because you want to be the enemy of the sky-reaching giant tree. No matter how great you are, you can't compete with the sky-reaching giant tree. I am afraid that only death is waiting for you."

But at the next moment, the bone ancestor suddenly felt a horror.

Zhao Yuande, who was close at hand, shot a cold light in his eyebrows, and Seta rushed into his sea of ​​knowledge.

The bone ancestor didn't even hum, and the soul was directly beheaded by this light.

At this time, Zhao Yuande's soul had surpassed the eternal realm, and killing the bone ancestors at such a close distance could be said to be easy.

The third ancestor who was still sneer in his heart just now saw this scene, and his heart suddenly became cold.

She knew that her great chance was taken away.

At the time when Zhao Yuande killed the bone ancestor, the terrifying calamity, the black markings in the void suddenly disappeared.

The phantom of a nine-color lotus flower fell from the sky and fell towards the top of Zhao Yuande's head.

"This is..." Zhao Yuande felt that there seemed to be a strange power in this nine-color lotus, beyond what he could imagine.

Facing this kind of power, he seemed to have seen the clone of the ancestor of the Celestial God Race who had transcended the eternal realm.

He knew all of a sudden that this must contain the secret of transcending the eternal realm. As long as he could comprehend it, he would definitely transcend eternity to reach that unknown realm.

"This is mine!" Seeing this scene, the third ancestor suddenly filled his eyes with greed and hatred, and grabbed it directly at the Nine-Colored Lotus.

With her big hands, she can pick the stars and the moon, crush a big universe, not to mention a small nine-color lotus, as if she can grasp even the entire sky-reaching giant tree.

However, just as her palm was about to approach the nine-color lotus flower, Zhao Yuande was about to stop it, and a blue light and shadow flew out from the dense canopy of the sky-reaching giant tree.


No one could see exactly what happened, and the third ancestor flew out directly, and then fell to the ground severely, spurting blood from his mouth.

Zhao Yuande suddenly discovered that the third ancestor was in a tattered body at this time, lying on the ground like that, with a weak breath as if he could die at any time.

Zhao Yuande's mouth couldn't help showing a smile. He knew that this nine-color lotus could not be grabbed by anyone, because it was gifted by the giant tree, and here is the world of the giant tree.

It is as if the emperor wants to give a treasure to a minister, while another minister is going to rush to **** it at this time. One can imagine what the result of this minister will be.

The Nine-Colored Lotus slowly fell on top of his head, and Zhao Yuande immediately felt a strange power that had never been seen before poured into his body.

There is a lot of mystery in this kind of power, as if she was originally just an ordinary cultivator in the lower realm, and she was suddenly blessed by the immortal world. The powerful immortal power was poured down, and he immediately understood a lot of the truth of the immortal world.

In fact, this nine-color lotus does not have the power to promote, but contains the secret of transcending the eternal realm.

He slowly absorbed these powers, and his face suddenly appeared in a daze.

The original superficial understanding of the way of reincarnation of life and death seems to have suddenly become much deeper.

But in the blink of an eye, the nine-color lotus flower disappeared, completely integrated into his body.

Zhao Yuande only felt that half of his body entered a whole new world at this time, but he couldn't move forward any further.

He knows how much he needs to retreat, as long as he retreats now, he can directly transcend the eternal realm in a short time.

"Zhao Yuande! I'm fighting with you! You took my chance, and I will kill you! Kill you!"

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