"Then this fellow tree is also from the Immortal Vault..." Zhao Yuande looked at the big tree curiously.

"No, I was born to live in this outer world!" There is a trace of remembrance in the voice of the big tree, "I was planted by a super strong man, that is Taigu, Henggu...I I can't remember what era happened. At that time, there was still a grand kingdom of God. I witnessed the rise and fall of this kingdom of God, and witnessed the decline and destruction of the kingdom of God!"

The more the tree said, the lower the voice, and finally there was a trace of loneliness.

"Friends of Daoist don't need to be sad, aren't you with us now?" The silver demon wolf began to comfort him at this time.

"I know!" Dashu seemed to have been accustomed to this kind of loneliness, and soon eased, "Fathers of Daoist helped us, if we only verbally thank you, it would appear that we are not sincere. I don't know if fellow Daoists have anything. If you need help, if I can help you, I will do my best."

"I...I'm actually a cultivator who came here secretly from the seventh kingdom of God. I want to find a further cultivation technique. I don't know if Daoists have this kind of cultivation technique, or this kind of cultivation technique. News?" Zhao Yuande asked hopefully.

"Oh! That's the case. I have also heard of the seventh kingdom of God. It belongs to the lower world of the Domination Palace. You are basically controlled by the Domination Palace. There is basically no day when you are in the world. In fact, you are not as good as our heaven... There is no cultivation method to the next step, but I know that there is this kind of cultivation method." Said the tree here, "but what kind of race you are, I want to see if you are suitable for that kind of cultivation method."

"I am a human race!" Zhao Yuande did not hide it.

"Human race!" There was excitement in the voice of the big tree, "you turned out to be a human race, this is really God's will! The super strong man who planted me back then is a human being, the palace he left behind There are his cultivation experience and techniques in it, but..."

"But what!" When Zhao Yuande heard the other party say this, his eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked.

"But if you want that piece of palace, I am afraid it will take some effort, and you, the soul body, I am afraid you can't get in, you need the real body to come!" Dashu said.

"Okay! I'm here in my body!" Zhao Yuande gritted his teeth and made this decision.

But he was not unprepared at all.

He turned part of his blood and spirit into a clone of himself, still hiding behind the statue.

But his deity arrived in front of the tree in an instant.

"What a young body, I'm afraid you haven't practiced for more than a thousand years!" The silver wolf demon's strange eyes scanned Zhao Yuande, his voice couldn't help but be strange.

"Yes! I did not practice for more than a thousand years, or even... not more than five hundred years!" Zhao Yuande nodded, showing strong confidence.

"Okay! Since you are willing to come here for adventure, then I will open up that palace for you, and let you try if you can get his inheritance!" There was an inexplicable emotion in the voice of the tree, and it was very excited. ,Am looking forward to.

"Thank you fellow daoist!"

Zhao Yuande bowed slightly.

"let's start!"

The tree's body suddenly made a clicking sound.

Zhao Yuande saw that the opponent's body had started to split a huge gap in the middle, and a piece of broken space could be seen in it, and in the broken space, broken walls could be seen.

"That's..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but stared in a daze, because he seemed to see a statue in the ruined arm, and that statue seemed a bit familiar.

"Come on!" The tree's voice was filled with excitement.

Zhao Yuande stepped into the shattered space.

Suddenly he felt that he had entered a sealed world, where the heaven and the earth seemed to have a decadent smell.

In this world, there are broken walls and huge collapsed buildings everywhere.

"The architectural style here... seems to be familiar too!" Zhao Yuande could not help muttering while walking among the collapsed buildings.

Soon he saw a huge statue in the collapsed building.

Almost all of this building collapsed, and only this statue stood.

A thick layer of ashes fell on the statue, but even so, Zhao Yuande felt very familiar.


He opened his mouth and blew away all the ashes from the statue, revealing the true face of the statue.

"This... this is impossible... how could this statue appear here?" He could hardly believe everything he saw.

The statue in front of me is exactly the same as the statue of the idle Yuqing Palace in the Domination Palace.

"I know! I know why the architectural styles here are so familiar. It turns out that this is the dominating palace that has been expanded countless times!" Zhao Yuande suddenly realized.

He seemed to have discovered some great secret, and there was a strange brilliance in his eyes.

"Why are the two statues so similar? Will they be the same person?" Zhao Yuande observed the statue and felt that the inheritance that the tree said was probably on the statue.

"But I heard from the big tree that this ruin should be earlier than the dominating palace. I don't know how long. Is this statue already inherited and passed to the dominating palace?"

Zhao Yuande thought hard, but the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

There is clearly some connection with the Immortal Palace, how can it be connected with the Domination Palace.

This statue...

Zhao Yuande circled the statue a few times, inspected all parts of it in detail, and found nothing strange.

"Isn't the inheritance above the statue?"

He reluctantly left the statue and continued searching among the ruins.

This piece of ruins is extremely huge, and there are not many broken palaces in it.

It can also be seen from this aspect how prosperous it was at that time.

However, Zhao Yuande turned several times, but still couldn't see any traces of inheritance here.

It's like a dead place here, it's broken everywhere, and there isn't even a trace of aura at all.

"Why is this? The tree can't lie to me." Zhao Yuande wandered for a long time and returned to before the statue.

"Is the secret in the statue's body?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help being cruel and pressed his palm on the statue.

He wanted to shatter the statue to see if the inheritance was hidden in the statue.


The palm of his hand throbbed with strength.

The power that can easily destroy the starry sky, but at this time it seems to be a mud cow entering the sea, causing no harm to the statue at all.

"Sure enough! Sure enough, the secret is here!" There was light in Zhao Yuande's eyes.

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