Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5047: assimilation

There is definitely an inheritance hidden in the statue. Although he just used a little bit of power in his previous blow, he could feel that power rushed into the statue and seemed to be sucked away by a magical force.

He had never seen that kind of magical power, it was like a huge sea surface, and his little power was like a drop of water.

The result of a drop of water falling on the sponge will naturally be absorbed cleanly.

"This is a kind of magical power of heaven that I have never seen! A kind of magical power of heaven that hasn't appeared in this era! It can be called absorption or devouring!" Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up suddenly.

He had mastered the way against the sky before, and it was precisely because of this way that he successfully promoted to the transcendence and became the transcendence.

I don't know what kind of changes will happen to my cultivation level if I comprehend or master the second kind of way that this world doesn't have.

Is it to continue to wander in the first small realm, or to step into a new realm again?

According to the information he received before, the so-called Transcendence Realm is actually a realm of illusion.

This kind of realm shouldn't be called the transcendence realm. The name is only temporarily named because it transcends the eternal realm and got this name.

Zhao Yuande felt that this state should be called the creation state!

By creating a kind of heaven, you can be promoted to the creation realm. Let the heaven recognize the kind of heaven you created, and you will enter the second small realm of the creation realm.

As for the third realm, the legendary integration with Heavenly Dao, he felt that this realm was not correct.

Now that he has merged with the Dao of Heaven, there is no sense of his own, hasn't I become a walking dead, a puppet of the Dao of Heaven.

So he felt that the third realm in the legend should be to let Heavenly Dao surrender and let Heavenly Dao run for himself.

This is actually the highest level of cultivation in the mortal world, the **** emperor realm, has the same effect.

At that time, he had already cultivated to the pinnacle of the mortal realm, and the entire world was under control, and the movement of heaven in the mortal realm was within a single thought.

Now that he has entered a broader world, his cultivation has entered a cycle again, controlling this world again, and letting this world surrender.


At this moment, there was a burst of thunder in the void.

It seemed that his thoughts angered the world and wanted to destroy him.

"What! What happened? Why is there thunder coming!" The voice of the big tree outside is full of incredible, "The world has been broken for many years, and it has been completely abandoned by heaven! Why is there thunder coming? This is not right, not normal! Could it be...what did the heavens monitor...what did that person do?"

However, no matter how big the tree thought, Zhao Yuande's mind would have the idea of ​​controlling the world.

Because this world was originally the body of an unimaginable horror existence, and they all lived in this horror existence.

They are like dust or bacteria on ordinary people.

If there is a bit of dust, saying that you want to control your body, do you think it is absurd.

But now Zhao Yuande has such an idea. Although crazy, it is a completely new idea.

So Lei Tingxian wanted to kill him.

However, his cultivation is extremely powerful, and his physical body is unimaginably powerful.

When the thunder fell, not only could it not kill him, but it became his nourishment.

This is actually the tribulation experienced by the mortal world, your aptitude is too high, and God feels fear and jealousy, so the catastrophe comes down.

The explosion of thunder in the void one after another, Zhao Yuande's body was bathed under the thunder, his whole body exuding a bright brilliance.

The light of thunder covered this broken world, bombarding all the broken ruins in this world to pieces.

Only the statue stood upright, letting the infinite thunder bombard him.

Zhao Yuande's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. He felt a strong will in the statue seemed to be resurrecting, and an aura of horror that had never been seen emanated from it.

I only saw the infinite thunder red falling on the statue, as if it was absorbed by the statue all at once.

The entire statue suddenly turned into a thunder giant. At this moment, the statue seemed to suddenly become transparent. In it, you can clearly see the meridians, blood, and even cells...

So everything can be seen in front of Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande saw the entire body of the statue. At this time, the body was in a special form, like a huge void vortex, like a vast sea of ​​stars that was slowly turning, and like a huge black hole that could swallow everything.

The infinite thunder was swallowed by the center, and even these thunders were constantly assimilated and turned into a part of their body.

Correct! Not assimilation, but assimilation!

Absorption also requires energy conversion and a certain amount of time, but assimilation directly changes the structure of Thunder and makes it a part of one's body.

It's like working alone, constantly exchanging one's own labor for wealth. This exchange rate is naturally very slow and requires time accumulation.

The other person went directly to the robbery, and the rate of money coming was much faster than the previous person who worked.

If you change cities to practice, the first person will follow the steps, and the speed of cultivation will naturally be slow.

The second man’s plundering of the world turned everything into his own power.

This is naturally incredible.

"Curious! This kind of heaven should not be called devouring, but called plundering! The way of plundering! Although it sounds rude, but it is more practical." Zhao Yuande also tried to change his body with this statue at this time. Turned into a huge black hole.

There was a swallowing vortex in his body, and he had a deep understanding of this way of plunder.

He has now opened up a new world, allowing himself to enter a whole new field.


The thunder is more turbulent.

Almost the entire space was flooded by thunder, and the endless thunder light even destroyed all the ruins in this world, all the broken arms.

Only the statue stood, and Zhao Yuande stood opposite the statue with bright brilliance in his eyes.

At this moment, outside, the big tree made a panic sound.

"No, that world is going to be destroyed! What did he do in it!"

"It's going to be destroyed? Isn't it possible?" the silver wolf demon doubted.

"I don't know how, he caused the thunder, and caused the wrath of the sky! Now that the whole world is covered by the thunder, I am afraid that it will not last long, the world will collapse, and then..."

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