Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5059: Problem with head

The world quieted down suddenly, and the roar under the earth gradually stopped, as if falling asleep again.

"It's that simple?" Zhao Yuande's eyes widened, with an incredible expression on his face.

"These two guys are definitely not small, if you can take them down, maybe you can know many things." Void Calabash urged.

"Do you think I can beat them?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help smiling.

"Their combat effectiveness is not necessarily strong. The abilities they possess are all targeted. I suspect that they may not be independent lives. They may be clones of a powerful existence." Void Gourd analyzed.

"Clone! Then you tell me to capture them, I'm afraid I will be captured by them!"

"This is not necessarily..."

"Look first..."

The two men cleared the obstacles of these tentacles without delay, and continued to move forward.

After passing through this area, they soon came to the dark space, and the monsters with huge fleshy wings in the sky were still flying.

"This place is as good as in the legend, there is such a magical life!" The middle-aged man's eyes shot out two red lights, suddenly illuminating the dark space, and turning a monster with huge fleshy wings. Direct penetration.

The two red lights didn't seem to have any attack power, but just restrained the monster.

The monster seemed to be pulled in front of the middle-aged man by an invisible force.


The monster kept roaring and struggling, but to no avail.

"Too dishonest!"

The middle-aged scholar put his finger on the monster's head, and the monster suddenly became quiet, but his eyes were staring at the middle-aged scholar, full of fear.

"What's the use of it?" the young man asked at this time.

"From its sea of ​​knowledge, I got a lot of information, such as...someone had broken into this place before us!"

"Someone has broken in? Is it the Domination Palace? Or the Immortal Vault? What are they doing here?" The youth's eyes burst with blood, and it seemed very excited.

Hearing these two names, Zhao Yuande, who was hiding in the dark, knew the origin of each other at once.

The opponent is definitely from the Shenguang Palace!

What do they know? Why are you here?

His curiosity has become heavier. These three palaces are competing against each other, and they have built the palace together. What does this mean?

"I don't know, what I broke in just now was just a trace of the soul, and there was no other discovery." The middle-aged scholar said.

"Where is that thread of Divine Soul? We may be able to find the owner of the Divine Soul through it." The young man glanced around.

"That's because the soul has been swallowed, and it has no value, but...that person is probably hiding in the dark, and maybe he is by our side..." The middle-aged scholar also hurriedly glanced around.

But how could Zhao Yuande's concealment method be so simple that it could be seen through, and the two of them had not investigated at all.

"Forget it, it may be that we are suspicious, we still move forward, completing the task is the most important thing!" said the middle-aged scholar.


I don't know whether the two of them intentionally or unintentionally gave up the search for Zhao Yuande, but directly leapt up and flew toward the depths of darkness.

"According to common sense, this place should have entered the mouth. I don't know if they will enter the brain or the stomach next?" Zhao Yuande followed the two of them, not too close, there was a certain distance between them. distance.

The two of them flew all the way in the dark space, they seemed to be familiar with the road, and they did not stop all the way.

Zhao Yuande soon saw scattered light spots flickering in front of him, like stars in the sky.

"It's almost here, be careful!" the middle-aged scholar said at this time.

"Don't worry, I've already been here once! I'm fairly familiar with the situation here," said the young man.

"Don't be careless, this place changes quickly and it is extremely dangerous, even if you have been here ten times." The middle-aged scholar's voice was somewhat severe.


Just as the two were talking, they saw a light spot in front of them, which seemed to start to approach them quickly.

"Not good, converge your breath!" Seeing the light spot approaching, the middle-aged scholar hurriedly stopped his figure, and his whole body aura converged.

Although the young man didn't seem to agree just now, but now his expression is a bit nervous.

Zhao Yuande followed them, and he couldn't help feeling strange when he saw this scene. What happened to them?

He clearly didn't feel the slightest danger.

At this moment, the spot of light gradually approached and began to grow larger and larger.

Zhao Yuande saw clearly what the light spot was, and couldn't help taking a breath.

It was a single-eyed monster, it was round, like a star.

The monster is just a face, and the white and sharp teeth are tightly closed. Although they are closed, they can swallow the world as long as they open it.

The monster single-eyed gleamed with terrifying brilliance, and constantly scanned the void.

However, it fell on the middle-aged scholars and young people and seemed to ignore them.

Zhao Yuande suddenly understood that this monster might treat these two guys as stones.

He also hurriedly followed suit, shielding all his breath and keeping himself motionless.


The monster scanned it alone for a long time, and found nothing, and could not help making strange noises.

Soon the monster moved away from here.

"Huh! Finally gone!" The young man couldn't help but let out a sigh as he looked at the behemoth that was going away.

"Although this thing is extremely powerful, it has a problem with your head. As long as you are careful about this area, it is still very safe!" said the middle-aged scholar.

"It's really safe, too safe..."

The two of them began to converge their auras, and their flight speed also slowed down. The current speed can be said to be turtle speed.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and they finally passed this area successfully.

Zhao Yuande followed, also a little depressed.

Can't control mana, can't leak breath, and walk like ordinary people for more than ten days.

"Finally passed! Let's take a rest here, the front area may usher in a big battle, be careful." The middle-aged scholar exhorted.

"I know that the front is the Thousand Fantasy Battlefield, in which there are endless illusions, as long as you enter it, you will meet infinite challenges! I am also fighting for this mission because of this Thousand Fantasy Battlefield!" There is a bit of excitement.

"Thousand Fantasy Battlefield?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but look forward to it.

The strength of the opponent's cultivation base is almost the same as that of him. If the opponent can benefit from the Thousand Illusion Battlefield, I am afraid it will be a worthwhile trip!

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