Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5060: Thousand Pages Mountain

He quickly saw a vast white space, which was shrouded in mist, and he felt the extraordinary in it before he got close to Zhao Yuande.

A powerful breath came out from the mist, and some of it made his heart tremble slightly.

"Finally here! Do you want to go in and try it together?" The young man was eager to try, and looked at the middle-aged scholar with some expectation.

"I won't try, I've been here many times!" The middle-aged scholar shook his head slightly, "I'm going to Qianye Mountain to find what the palace lord needs."

"Okay! Then I'm not welcome!" The young man nodded and strode towards the white misty space.


As soon as the young man entered the white mist, he heard a violent fighting sound from it.

The middle-aged scholar glanced at the white mist before turning and heading in the other direction.

Zhao Yuande hesitated a little, and did not enter the white misty space, but continued to follow the middle-aged scholar.

The middle-aged scholar flew all the way, never encountered any danger again, Zhongyou came to a mountain with a strange shape.

This mountain is like slices of sliced ​​bread placed together, so it's no wonder that it is the Thousand Pages Mountain.

When the middle-aged scholar arrived at the foot of the mountain, he did not directly go forward but bowed to Qianye Mountain, with a strange language in his mouth.

This language seems very old, and it has a special effect of calming and concentrating in the ear.

"Could it be a kind of scripture!" Zhao Yuande heard this strange language and felt his mind peaceful.

His heart moved, and he started to write down all these tones one by one following the other's thoughts.

This middle-aged scholar seemed to be afraid that Zhao Yuande would not remember him, so he chanted nine times here, and even Zhao Yuande was quite familiar at this time.

"Finally! Every time I come here, I have to read the Lenga Heart Sutra nine times, which is simply a waste of my efforts!" The middle-aged scholar seemed helpless.

Zhao Yuande could see that the light in his eyes had been dimmed, and it seemed to consume a lot.

The middle-aged scholar rested for a while, and then slowly walked towards the Thousand Pages Mountain.

Thousand Pages Mountain looks strange in shape, but there are countless strange creatures hidden in it.

The middle-aged scholar on the first floor collected a peculiar spirit grass with nine leaves and three flowers.

This first page is like a medicine garden, in which all kinds of peculiar plants have grown, but the nine-leaf and three-flowered spirit grass has not grown up.

There were obvious traces of picking in the pharmacy, and it seemed that someone had come to pick it before the middle-aged scholar.

Could it be that the strong from the other two houses came here to collect it?

However, no one answered this question. The middle-aged scholar carefully walked through the drug garden and entered the second page.

In the second page, there are a group of Tibetan-sized creatures crawling on the ground. Their bodies are colorful and seem to be sleeping.

The middle-aged scholar seems to be picking piglets, carefully walking through the group of creatures, observing the situation of each one.

In the end, the middle-aged scholar carefully put a little monkey-like creature into a jade box.

"What the **** is this?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel a little strange at this time. These creatures didn't seem to have any strong vitality or vitality, even they were weak and pitiful.

However, no one answered him. The middle-aged scholar still moved forward, passed the second page, and entered the third page.

On the third page, Zhao Yuande saw that there was a small milky white lake in which a silver fish lived.

These fish are also completely frozen at this time, as if time has stopped, they are motionless.

The middle-aged scholar still looked left and right, and caught the largest of these silver swimming fish.

The fourth page is a world of flames, in which there are countless flame birds flying, but these birds are still still.

The fifth page...the sixth page...

A total of ninety-nine pages, the middle-aged scholar took ninety-nine different things on these ninety-nine pages.

When he walked down the Thousand Pages Mountain, he was already covered with cold sweat.

Zhao Yuande felt a bit inexplicable at this time. The middle-aged scholar did not seem to be able to contribute much. Why is this so.

But just after the middle-aged scholar walked down Qianpage Mountain, Zhao Yuande saw Qianpage Mountain and seemed to move.

Then began to tremble violently.


A low roar came from the first page, and a thick mountain-like vine rose from the first page and slapped it down towards the mountain.

But the vine was halfway through, and there seemed to be an invisible barrier blocking it.

Even so, the entire space was trembling violently, and there seemed to be web-like cracks on the invisible barrier, which seemed to be about to collapse.


A hideous behemoth with colorful light wings revealed a huge figure from the second page, and its mouth was spouting with colorful brilliance, and the second page was suddenly enveloped by a terrifying air current.

Even if Zhao Yuande was so far apart, he felt that the terrifying power was enough to shred him directly.

In the third page, a wave of blood rose to the sky, and one of the fat silver monster fish opened a hideous mouth...

On the fourth page, countless horrible birds turned across, and the entire void was ignited by flames...

The fifth page...the sixth page...

The middle-aged scholar was trembling, and he seemed to have lingering fears.

Zhao Yuande finally understood the actions of the middle-aged scholar.

The previous nine scriptures should be able to make this terrifying Thousand Pages Mountain sleep, and make all the horrible existences in the mountain sleep.

But even if those terrifying monsters were asleep, they still gave the middle-aged scholars unspeakable terrifying pressure, so the other side would be cautious.

It's like ordinary people walking among a group of tigers. These tigers are all asleep, but their legs and feet are still trembling.

After a long period of violent violence on Qianye Mountain, it gradually became quiet.

The medicinal garden is still restored to its original appearance, colorful creatures are still crawling slowly, the silver light rain swimming in the milky white lake, the flame bird flying gently like a butterfly...

Everything became as quiet and peaceful as before.

Zhao Yuande knew that if he didn't read the scriptures, I'm afraid these quiet and peaceful scenes would instantly go violently when someone entered.

He also began to rejoice and wrote down those verses himself.

But he still doesn't know what use the other party wants these ninety-nine things?

The scholar rested for a long time under the thousand-page mountain, and then slowly took a breath, and walked towards the white mist-shrouded space.

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