Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5090: A misunderstanding

"Haha! Miss Chai doesn't know. Recently, there has been a news that someone is trying to assassinate me, so I have to guard against it!" Hu Yanle grinned.

"Are you suspicious of me? I'm here to assassinate you?" Chai Yuehuang got closer, but his face was mocking.

"Dare you dare! I'm just in case." Hu Yanle didn't drive away the guards because of Chai Yuehuang's words. He regretted his life and would never give anyone any chance.

Seeing this scene, Zhai Yunsheng couldn't help cursing secretly, this guy is too cautious!

It's been a few months, the other party still hasn't given up the slightest realm, how afraid of death.

But he has no choice. He can do it now, and in all likelihood, he will not be able to kill the opponent. Instead, he may be attacked by many powerful people, and he may end up losing here.

"Forget it, it's a big deal to give up this time, I have been waiting for a few months, no longer at this point!"

"Miss Chai, let's go to the city! We haven't seen each other for some years, and I have prepared a banquet to entertain the young lady!" Hu Yanle invited.

"I'm afraid of entering the city and being tricked by you! Why don't you put the banquet outside the city, how about we have a drink here?" Chai Yuehuang glanced at the guards of flames, with a scornful expression on the corner of his mouth.

"This..." Hu Yanle was not a fool, naturally seeing the contempt in the other's eyes, he couldn't help but began to struggle.

Is the performance awe-inspiring or timid?

This woman Chai Yuehuang is very bold and violent, and very bold, if I can keep her... Hu Yanle's heart is a little hot.

But at this moment, looking at the other party's eyes, it was full of disgust, and it was obvious that this painting of his own disappointed the other party.

It has been more than three months, that person hasn't moved, so he should have given up!

Kill me a little guy, that kind of genius shouldn't be so patient!

Moreover, the opponent is a genius, and a genius who is highly valued by the Battle Mother Palace shouldn't be photographed here to assassinate himself!

"Is it all a misunderstanding? Is someone trying to play with themselves?"

Hu Yanle kept calculating in his heart, and there was also a struggling expression on his face.

Forget it! Without danger, how can it be possible to reap the hearts of beautiful people!

Hu Yanle felt that he had figured out many questions at this time.

"You all go! I won't have any problems here!" Hu Yanle waved his hand slightly.

"My Lord, that killer..." a guard hurriedly said.

"It's okay! With Miss Chai, the assassin dare not show up, you can rest assured!" Hu Yanle shook his head.

"The killer? What are you doing? How could anyone want to kill you?" Chai Yuehuang was slightly different at this time.

No wonder so many people are guarding him, it turns out that there is a killer!

"Let's keep Miss Chai, I got the news some time ago that Zhai Yunsheng from the Battle Mother Palace received a mission to kill me and wanted to assassinate me, so..."

"Zhai Yunsheng? That genius boy in the War Mother's Palace? He has only cultivated for a few can he come to kill you?" Chai Yuehuang shook his head repeatedly, "You are not kidding me!"

"Miss Chai doesn't know yet! Zhai Yunsheng has cultivated to the realm of the Lord in just a few years. At this time, his cultivation is equivalent to ours, and he is definitely an enchanting character." Hu Yanle said.

"What! He... he has only cultivated for eight years before he has reached the master state? I have never heard of anyone practicing so fast... it's incredible..."

The two chatted, and it seemed that both of them were in shock.

"Miss, still don't get too close, if the other party is malicious..." Zhai Yunsheng whispered at this time.

"You are doing your duty, yes!" Chai Yuehuang nodded slightly and glanced at Zhai Yunsheng. "But it doesn't matter, Brother Hu Yan should not have the guts to do it with me, and he has no strength to threaten me."

"Miss, it's better to be careful, people's hearts are separated by their belly, no one knows what the other person thinks, don't be fooled." Zhai Yunsheng said again.

"Oh! Seeing you are loyal, it's better to be among us. Even if he takes the trouble first, you will stop him."

Chai Yuehuang's expression was slightly ugly, when did this guard become so unscrupulous, and even interrupted again and again.

"Yes! Miss safety comes first, and the subordinates are willing to block any danger for her." Zhai Yunsheng nodded at this time.

He really stood in front of Chai Yuehuang and faced Hu Yanle with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

"Hu Yanle, I know what you are thinking! If you want to get my lady, you have to pass my level first!" Zhai Yunsheng sneered with a mocking sneer at the corner of his mouth, secretly transmitting to the other party.

"Miss Chai, what is your intention to let such a servant humiliate me, when I Hu Yanle didn't..." Hu Yanle was angry at this time, and the probe slapped Zhai Yunsheng with a slap.

Zhai Yunsheng did not retreat but moved forward, so that the slap in the opponent's face was smashed into his face.


The slap was clear and loud, and everyone who listened couldn't help but change their complexions.

"Hu Yanle, this is my person, why are you hitting him!" Chai Yuehuang suddenly became angry.

She is a very shameless woman, and the other side gives herself face, so everything is easy to say.

The other party hit Zhai Yunsheng now, just hitting her in the face, how could she be willing.

"Miss Chai! Your subordinates humiliated me, so I started to beat him!" Hu Yanle sighed in his heart, he was really angry, which was also held back by the killer recently.

"The subordinates also ask the young lady to leave quickly! This person is obviously malicious to the young lady, otherwise how could he beat the subordinates!" Zhai Yunsheng hurriedly bowed at this time, "Miss, let's go!"

"Huh! What are you going to do? If I don't give this lady an explanation today, I will destroy this Huyanjie!" How could Chai Yuehuang give up, striding towards Huyanle.

"Chai Yuehuang, I don't want you to do anything, let's leave quickly!" Hu Yanle sneered.

"Bastard!" Chai Yuehuang yelled angrily, and a bright divine light shot out from his hand, directly at the center of Hu Yanle's eyebrows.

"You... actually... really dare to do something to me!" Hu Yanle had a fierce light in his eyes at this time.

He felt the dazzling divine light with a huge threat, if he was shot by it, he might die.

"Don't give me an explanation, I will kill you today!" Chai Yuehuang's body turned into a huge flaming phoenix, and the sky was full of terrifying rain of fire, which suddenly changed the color of the world.

"If this is the case, don't blame me, kill me! Kill all but Chai Yuehuang!" Hu Yanle was murderous at this time, with endless anger in his voice.

"Kill! As many as you can kill, it's best to destroy this star for me, I want the core of this star!" Chai Yuehuang's voice was even sharper.

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