The battle between the two parties started in an instant, and Zhai Yunsheng couldn't help but feel slightly surprised. It was so simple that it caused a huge confusion.

A flame guard rushed towards him. He pretended to be invincible. After a few rounds, he was beaten up and flew and fell to the ground.

And the place where he fell was very close to the battlefield of Hu Yanle and Chai Yuehuang.

At this time, Chai Yuehuang and Hu Yanle were fighting, and the two of them were of equal strength. They fought with great momentum, and there were so many treasures in their hands that it was dazzling to see them.

However, Chai Yuehuang's familiarity was retreating steadily at this time. They were obviously lost to the strong in Huyanjie, and they were being chased everywhere.

A strong man returned to the huge battleship and unceremoniously opened the terrorist weapons on the huge battleship.

Brilliant rays of light shot out from the battleship, bombarding the Huyanjie, and punching huge cracks in the earth.


Many flame creatures in Huyanjie let out a horrified roar at this time.

They feel that their world is about to be shattered, and they will lose their homes immediately.

"Stop! Stop it!" Hu Yanle saw this scene and couldn't help exclaiming, "Chai Yuehuang, if you really break my Huyan boundary, I'm afraid our two families will truly be immortal! This consequences you Can you afford it?"

"Huh! What if you don't stop dying? How can you Hu Yan family get our Chai family?" Chai Yuehuang is not a person who accepts threats, and at this time her side is taking the initiative, how can she easily give up.

Hu Yanle sighed in his heart at this time, he was still impulsive!

If Huyanjie were to be destroyed, how would the family view themselves, I am afraid they would be disappointed in themselves!

He even forged a death feud with the Chai family, and the family may give up directly.

Without the support of the family, I am afraid that he will be struggling in the future!

"Forget it, I'll leave it! Chai Yuehuang, don't hesitate to mention what conditions do you have! Don't shatter Huyanjie. There are endless creatures living here." Hu Yanle suddenly sighed, indicating that he was softened.

"Oh! Haha! Hu Yanle, you are such a trash! Looking forward and backward, you really deserve to be from Hu Yan's family!" Chai Yuehuang couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, laughing forward and backward, his face was full of complacency. .

"You just say it!" Hu Yanle seemed to admit his fate.

"Okay! That being the case, then I'll say it! Huyanjie will belong to me within a hundred years from now on, and I will cultivate here, and if you continue to want to stay, you need to help me do things!" Chai Yuehuang raised his head and said .

"Impossible!" Hu Yanle shook his head again and again after hearing it, "If you want to cultivate here, as long as you want! But Huyanjie must be mine, otherwise I would rather fight you! You and I have not yet separated Victory!"

"Okay! I will take a step back. I have been practicing here for a hundred years. I need to open up a world of flames, and no other creatures are allowed to enter." Chai Yuehuang smiled.

"Promise you!" Hu Yanle nodded, then looked at many entities on the ground, "What about your guards? They might still be saved."

"It takes too much time and financial resources to save them, forget it! You send these to me as compensation!" Chai Yuehuang glanced at the many corpses on the ground, and said indifferently, "If nothing else Question, so let’s start now!"

These cultivators who were attached to their Chai family had originally sold their lives to the Chai family. They used the Chai family's cultivation resources to die for her. That was the glory of these cultivators.

Hu Yanle took a breath, glanced at a few corpses on the ground, and sneered in his heart.

The Chai family is really vicious, so unreasonable, and will be destroyed one day.

"You guys burn these corpses to bury them." Hu Yanle waved and turned to leave.

Originally, Zhai Yunsheng felt a little embarrassed, and the battle that caused the two forces would be a disaster.

But I never thought that Chai Yuehuang would be so indifferent, such an attitude towards those who died in battle.

He felt much better in an instant, and he felt that what he had done this time was taken for granted.

The moment Hu Yanle turned around, Zhai Yunsheng, who was less than ten feet apart, moved suddenly.

His body suddenly disappeared in place.

"Master of the realm!" At this moment, the flame guard saw this scene and couldn't help exclaiming.

Hu Yanle just turned around, and when he heard the exclamation, he could not help turning around, and suddenly felt a chill.

A dazzling divine light did not know when it had appeared in front of him, directly piercing his forehead.

"Miss! I caught Hu Yanle!" At this time, Zhai Yunsheng reappeared, grabbed Hu Yanle's neck, took off his head and threw it towards Chai Yuehuang ahead.

Chai Yuehuang turned around and saw a **** head flying towards him.

She slapped the head with a wave of her hand.


His head exploded, and Hu Yanle was completely destroyed at this moment.

Chai Yuehuang just reacted naturally, and her expression changed when she saw this scene.

In fact, she didn't seem to kill Hu Yanle, she was only testing the opponent's bottom line before.

Just as Hu Yanle said, killing his family would result in death feud, even Chai Yuehuang couldn't bear this kind of result.

But now... Hu Yanle's head was slapped to pieces by himself.

The key is how his own guard could hit Hu Yanle hard.

"Miss! Hu Yanle was killed by you!" Zhai Yunsheng's voice was loud at this time, and almost everyone in Huyanjie could hear it.

"Asshole, you are not my guard!" Chai Yuehuang suddenly wanted to understand at this time that she was harmed by someone, " are Zhai Yunsheng!"

She had a whim at this moment, and suddenly thought of someone.

Zhai Yunsheng couldn't help but be a little surprised, the other party recognized him all at once.

This is impossible, he did not reveal a clue.

"She is guessing, don't let him grab the handle! Otherwise, you can only kill her." Zhao Yuande's voice reached Zhai Yunsheng's ears at this time.

Hearing Zhao Yuande's reminder, Zhai Yunsheng suddenly understood.

He showed no flaws, just grinned sneer.

"You guessed wrong! I actually came to kill you! But... I don't need my own hands to kill you, Hu Yan's family did it all for me!" Zhai Yunsheng sneered, his body gradually disappeared in place, only left. The next voice is constantly echoing.

"Damn it! Searching the entire Huyan Realm and finding him for me!" Chai Yuehuang screamed frantically.

But at this moment, infinitely in all directions, you flame guard, and flame creatures are killing in this direction.

"Vengeance for the lord, kill outsiders!"

"The landlord is dead, we are done! Only when the murderer is killed can we have a chance to survive!"

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