Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 1319: Huo Siyan's mind

Hongxiu Pavilion, Huayangyue and Huo Siyan are in the main hall of the pavilion. At this time, many senior members of the Hongxiu Pavilion have a tendency to be faintly neutral, but there are still many people who support Huo Siyan.

Therefore, Hua Yangyue can only pin her hopes on Chen Mo.


A voice broke the atmosphere and walked outside to a female monk, who was an intelligence officer in the Hongxiu Pavilion. She looked at Huayangyue and Huo Siyan, and walked in front of them step by step.

"Pavilion Master Hua, Elder Huo, according to news, the prefect of Xuancheng of Longyang City has fallen, and Longyang City suffered heavy casualties. Chen Mo and the Octopus Demon Fish are fighting each other."

"What happened?" Huo Siyan asked first.

The intelligence personnel heard the words and continued: "Chen Mo is unparalleled in strength and possesses the five-element physique. It is no longer necessary to deal with the octopus demon fish. It will not be long before there are results."


Huo Siyan heard the words of the intelligence personnel, her face was a little weird, she had never thought that Chen Mo could kill the octopus demon fish, after all, the octopus demon fish was famous.

Chen Mo is at most a newly emerging evildoer, but his strength is still insufficient to deal with the Octopus Demon Fish.

Now, Zhan Guo leans towards Chen Mo, which makes Huo Siyan upset.

She was already thinking about how to sit in the position of the Red Sleeve Pavilion.

The appearance of Chen Mo completely broke this pattern.

For Chen Mo, Huo Siyan can't wait to kill.

Looking at the intelligence officer below, Huo Siyan said angrily: "How long has it been since Chen Mo and the Octopus Demon Fish fought?"

"Elder Qizhi, a long time has passed." The intelligence personnel arrived truthfully.

"Half a day, just right." Huo Siyan smiled sullenly, and then raised his head to look down at the upper level of Hong Xiu Pavilion, "Everyone, Chen Mo and the Octopus Demon Fish are at war, how can we stand by and stand by? If anyone is willing to go to Longyang City with me, please immediately. Very good."

After saying this, Huo Siyan took out Yukong Feizhou and glanced at everyone.

When Huo Siyan looked at it this way, many senior members of the Red Sleeve Pavilion had some intentions.

But they know what Huo Siyan meant. Going to Longyang City is definitely not as simple as watching the battle. It is very possible that Huo Siyan wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then wait for Chen Mo and the Octopus Demon Fish to decide the victory or defeat, and they are doing the fisherman’s profit. thing.

However, even if many senior executives knew what Huo Siyan meant, they all started to take a step together. They wanted to know who Chen Mo or Octopus Demon fish was stronger.

"Elder Huo, you must not be like this." Hua Yangyue was anxious, and took a step forward and said: "Chen Mo is unparalleled, once you deal with him, if you don't give him a fatal blow, I am afraid that the red sleeve pavilion will bring unimaginable results. Please think twice about the consequences."

"Pavilion Master Hua, don't worry about it, this elder has his own decision."

Huo Siyan waved his big hand, and the Yukong Feizhou turned into a streamer, flew out of the main hall door, and turned into a giant, capable of carrying everything, which looked very majestic.

Whoosh whoosh!

More than a dozen figures turned into brilliance, landed on the ark, and then left.

Hua Yangyue looked at this scene, her face changed drastically, and she stomped her feet and said: "If Chen Mo is really so good at killing, he is not Chen Mo. Elder Huo will definitely have trouble with him."

"I must stop her."

Huayangyue also took out the Yukong Feizhou, and looked at the other senior members of the Hongxiu Pavilion who remained in place. These people were neutral personnel and would not obey anyone's instructions.

Therefore, they turned a blind eye to Hua Yangyue's gaze.

Huayangyue had no choice but to go to Longyang City alone.

"Wait...!" But at this moment, a figure ran in from outside. She was wearing a goose-yellow shirt, her small face set off with joy, "Deputy Pavilion Master, I also want to go to Longyang City with you."

"Are you?" Hua Yangyue didn't know the woman in front of her, but she had seen it a few days ago.

It was An Keyue who had just returned to Hongxiu Pavilion.

After hearing Hua Yangyue’s question, An Keyue smiled and said, “I know Chen Mo. He is my old friend from a certain planet, but I don’t know if it is him.”

When Chen Mo came to Hongxiu Pavilion, An Keyue practiced in retreat. After he came out, he heard Chen Mo came to Hongxiu Pavilion. He was very regretful at the time, and then asked others about Chen Mo's body and appearance.

The information she got was almost the same as the Chen Mo she knew.

Therefore, Encore came to see Huayangyue.

Seeing An Keyue's excitement, Hua Yangyue frowned, but she still shot Yukong Feizhou above the sky, and then waved her big hand, and An Keyue's body fell on the Feizhou.

"go with."

Huayangyue had just stabilized his footsteps, and immediately mobilized his spiritual power. The flying speed of Yukong Feizhou could be described as traveling thousands of miles a day. Wherever he went, there was a surging wind in space.

Having nothing to do, Hua Yangyue said: "An Keyue, how do you know Chen Mo?"

Hearing this, An Keyue was speechless. She knew Chen Mo, but the journey was very bumpy. Chen Mo, whom she once looked down upon, changed and became a great figure above the nine heavens.

How unparalleled Chen Mo was when he was on earth.

When he came to the world of comprehension, Chen Mo became famous all over the world.

This makes Encore feel incredible.

You know, how terrible it is to transform a **** into a strong person, but the entire Hongxiu Pavilion cultivator is afraid of Chen Mo, and respects him as a god, so he has to build a statue. No one like Chen Mo like this can compare.

"Why didn't I ask him where he came from when I was counting the stars?" An Keyue said those ridiculous things when she thought of the separation between herself and Chen Mo. If Chen Mo is really allowed to join the weak, I am afraid it will laugh generously. After all, Chen Mo is too strong. Strong.

Seeing An Keyue fell into deep thought, Hua Yangyue did not ask much, but she realized that An Keyue really had something to do with Chen Mo, otherwise, there would be no such behavior.

Yukong Feizhou was extremely fast. After half an hour, he could see Longyang City's demonic energy from far away, but there was sword light blooming, bursting out completely different waves of air.

Huo Siyan took a large number of elders and watched. Chen Mo was holding the dust-free heart and moon sword and fighting the octopus demon fish in an incomparable battle, back and forth, with equal strength.

But Huo Siyan could see that Chen Mo had the five elements physique and could continue to explode terrible attacks. Although the Octopus Demon Fish could absorb the energy of heaven and earth, he was still weaker than Chen Mo.

"Elder Huo, do we want to take action?" a senior member of the Red Sleeve Pavilion asked Huo Siyan.

Huo Siyan shook his head and said, "No, let's take a look first. If the octopus demon fish can't hold on, let's use the formation method to kill Chen Mo in one fell swoop."

As soon as this remark came out, some other senior members of the Hongxiu Pavilion took a deep breath, and their breathing became a little unpleasant. Huo Siyan was about to go to war and had to admire her courage.

In the next second, Huo Siyan took out the transmission spar and sent a message to the other major forces.

The content is nothing more than discovering Chen Mo and the Octopus Demon Fish, asking them to send strong men to help.

Suddenly, the world of cultivation was completely turbulent, and the big forces that had enemies with Chen Mo were all sent out for the sole purpose of killing Chen Mo. As for the Octopus Demon Fish, put it aside.

Of course, if Chen Mo killed the Octopus Demon Fish, some effort would be saved.

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