Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 1320: Devil's Gate

"I don't see it, this is the human race, I can only watch with cold eyes." The Octopus Demon Fish's eyes flashed a touch of coldness. Since Huo Siyan and Huayangyue appeared, he of course saw clearly.

The intention of those people was to kill Chen Mo.

As for Chen Mo, dealing with the Octopus Demon Fish for the Human Race, this is chilling no matter how you look at it.

At this time, Chen Mo was indeed a bit chilly, and the human races could fight inwardly, but in this situation, they could not wait for Chen Mo and the Octopus Demon Fish to die in battle. This is really ridiculous.

His eyes flashed slightly, and Chen Moqiang said with a smile: "Octopus Demon Fish, there is a life-and-death battle between you and me. Other things can be put aside, no matter what, I am also a human race."

"Chen Mo, you really don't hit the south wall and don't look back. The human race hates you to death, but I want to fight my life and death. It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous." The Octopus Demon Fish sneered angrily.

Chen Mo shrugged and said, "Others can forget the identity of the human race, but Chen Mo will never forget my identity. If not, what is the difference between me and them?"

Hearing this, the Octopus Demon Fish was speechless, but he was a little awed to Chen Mo and sneered: "You, like Jian Wuchen hundreds of years ago, treat yourself as an adult, and the rest are It's a bunch of waste, only sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight."

"If I don't die today, maybe I will build a grave for you."

The voice of the octopus devil fish expresses a vow.

Chen Mo nodded unnaturally after listening.

But the words of him and the Octopus Demon Fish spread to other people's ears. For a time, the high-level staff of Hongxiuge's words flushed and had no self-confidence, and even a few people boiled with passion.

"Elder Huo, I think Chen Mo is right, or...!"

"Shut up."

Before an elder had finished speaking, Huo Siyan interrupted her, "Chen Mo is a well-deserved peerless evildoer. Once he is allowed to survive, it will be an unimaginable blow to the Hongxiu Pavilion. It will not be long before the realm of cultivation must be Chen Mo's. The world."

"Now, when he is fighting the Octopus Demon Fish, Hong Xiu Ge will definitely not be able to help."

Huo Siyan vowed to finish her words. Her words were like a plate of cold water, soaking the heads of the senior members of the Red Sleeve Pavilion. The elders who had originally wanted to take action were strangling their minds at this moment.

Hua Yangyue watched this scene, she shook her head, stepped out, and walked towards Chen Mo like a fairy descending to the earth. An Keyue standing on the ark was staring with beauty.

"This is really Chen Mo. When did he have such a strong fighting power?" An Keyue couldn't believe it. The guy not far away was really Chen Mo, and the fighting power was so terrifying.

Even the demon was not Chen Mo's opponent, and the strong of Hong Xiu Pavilion did not dare to step forward.

You know, how long Chen Mo has been in the realm of cultivation, probably only a few months.

But within a few months, Chen Mo's combat power was beyond the reach.

"I always thought I was a genius, but I was nothing compared to him."

An Keyue was disappointed and couldn't do anything to help Chen Mo.

Huayangyue came to Chen Mo, Ling Xuan and Yan Qingcheng looked at each other, and both approached Chen Mo as if they were enemies. The appearance of the three girls is rare in the realm of cultivation.

Suddenly, a beautiful landscape was formed.

"Chen Mo, you think you can kill me if there are too many people. Today, let you see where I am really scary."

The Octopus Demon Fish gritted his teeth. If it weren't for Chen Mo to be too strong, he wouldn't use this trick at all, because this trick kills 800 enemies and loses a thousand of its own.

In the next second, the body of the octopus devil fish volleyed into the sky, turning into a gloomy light and rushing towards the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a soaring brilliance, soaring into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Huo Siyan's expression changed, "No, the Octopus Demon Fish used to control a magical power thousands of years ago. I heard that it is the gate of the Demon Realm, which can summon the powerful of the Demon Realm."

"Then he displays it, isn't the world of comprehension very dangerous?" an elder asked.

Huo Siyan didn't speak, but her face already represented everything, the gate of the devil knew the horror just by hearing the name, plus something said by the Octopus Demon Fish.

Huo Siyan is very sure that it must be the gate of the demon world.

Chen Mo's pupils flickered and he sighed secretly. He looked up and saw that the body of the octopus demon fish was erupting magic energy, converging into a light curtain, and gradually turning into a black door.

"With my supreme magic power, open the door of the demon world." Following the words of the Octopus Demon Fish fell.

Between the heaven and the earth, two heavy doors suddenly appeared, and terrifying devilish energy descended from the sky.

"Damn Chen Mo, let the Octopus Demon Fish open the gate of the Demon Realm." In the distance, a sword light came from side to side. Upon closer inspection, it was the master of Jianshan. The gate of the devil can summon the demons from other worlds, Chen Mo, I asked you to chase and kill the octopus demon fish, but I did not let you force him to start the gate of the devil."

"You are like a scum for the human race." Jianshan directly detained Chen Mo as a scum for the human race.

It can be seen that how angry he is, he hates Chen Mo even more.

Chen Mo couldn't help lowering his head after hearing the words of the master of Jianshan Gate. Although he promised that Jianshan Gate would mainly deal with the Octopus Demon Fish, he did not know that the Octopus Demon Fish would open the gate of the devil world.

Otherwise, how could Chen Mo not stop it.

However, the master of Jianshan sect was the first to win, which made Chen Mo feel a little unhappy.

Immediately, Chen Mo said: "Sword Mountain Sect Master, Chen Mo, I have no obligation to kill the Octopus Demon Fish, but because I have the inheritance of Jian Wuchen and Wuchen Xinyue Sword, I promised you."

As soon as this statement came out, the master of Jianshan was speechless, but he still occupied the moral high point and said: "Chen Mo, you let the Octopus Demon Fish open the gate of the devil world. In any case, you are a sinner of the human race. In any way, we must stop the octopus demon fish, otherwise it will be charcoal and blood will flow into rivers."

The Jianshan Clan Master spoke with great dignity, and Huo Siyan in the distance walked over, her body faintly approaching the Jianshan Clan Master, which shows that Huo Siyan wants to deal with Chen Mo together.

Chen Mo didn't care about this.

There are too many people in the cultivation world who hate him.

However, the practice of the master of Jianshan really made Chen Mo feel uncomfortable.

So Chen Mo didn't care: "Jianshan Sect Master, there is no difference in command between you and me, and you can't command me, and I will never listen to your commands."

"Chen Mo, the Sect Master of Jianshan didn't order you. After all, your dignified man, dare to act, it's something you brought out, then you have to solve this matter."

Aside, Huo Siyan said coldly.

Facing Huo Siyan and the master of Jianshan, Chen Mo was fearless and fearless, but in the sky at this moment, the two doors that appeared, already showed a lot of gloomy light, filled with figures.

"Where is this?"

"The spiritual energy is mixed, the devil energy is insufficient, and at first glance is the **** cultivation world, that **** actually summons us to this barren land?"


The voice fell from the sky, and the figure gradually became substantial. They all seemed to be a big figure, with an incomparably terrifying demonic energy that could swallow all things in the world.

Just by looking at Chen Mo, he knew that these demons were not simple, they all had an aura that surpassed the Octopus Demon Fish.

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