"Chen Mo, give me the antidote as soon as possible. If not, even if I fight this life, you will have to pay the price."

Knowing that he had two minutes to die, the Sect Master of Jianshan was angry, staring fiercely at Chen Mo, his heart was in a state of madness, and he couldn't face death calmly.

Because, falling after two minutes is equivalent to everything gone.

The rest of the people are all looking at the master of Jianshan. Perhaps everyone did not expect Chen Mo to have this method, deliberately leaving the power of the five elements in the master of Jianshan. If Chen Mo hadn’t said it, I’m afraid everyone would still be in the dark. At that time, the Sect Master of Jianshan died violently. Thinking about it, it makes people feel terrible. Chen Mo is too vicious!

"The Sect Master of Jianshan, you can't live by committing iniquity. I give you a chance to survive, but you give me the option to kill you. If it weren't for you, how could I be seriously injured."

It was impossible to release the Sect Master of Jianshan.

Moreover, Chen Mo was seriously injured, and he really wanted to release the master of Jianshan, maybe he turned his head to deal with Chen Mo.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, the master of Jianshan's face became even more angry. He stared at Chen Mo with a gloomy gaze, stepped out, detonating a sea of ​​anger, and wanted to die with Chen Mo.

"Chen Mo, since you won't let me live, I won't make you feel better. If you want to die, let's die together."

In words, the master of Jianshan had already arrived in front of Chen Mo, and his aura was frantically exposed.

In an instant, the world has the power of violent rolling.

"No, the master of Jianshan sect blew himself up. The power is equivalent to the late stage of God Transformation, and it is even worse. If we stay here, we will definitely die." The person who spoke was innocent. Seeing the master of Jianshan blasted his qi sea, He immediately left with his men.

The rest of the people, like frightened birds, ran away frantically at this time, and the exposed figures were all embarrassed.

Lu Bo glanced at Chen Mo and waved his big hand, "Quickly retreat, everyone don't stay here."

Upon receiving the instruction, the people of Luofeng Town ran away at an extremely fast speed, but Lu Bo did not run away. Looking at Chen Mo, his eyes were firm and said: "My son, I am Lu Bo trained by you. If you die here, I live. It doesn't make sense either."

Lu Bo walked towards Chen Mo with a heavy and powerful body. What he said was awe-inspiring, but at this moment, escape was important, and everyone fled in panic.

Chen Mo watched this scene and said with a smile: "Don't panic, the god-transforming strong blew up and can't escape at all. After all, this star is too small to withstand the self-destructive of the transformed **** strong, so let's sit down and have a good talk. Talk about the last words before dying."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who heard it understood a little bit.

Indeed, the power to blew himself up with the power of God, even if he escaped, it was only psychological comfort.

It's better to stay in place with Chen Mo and talk about the last words before dying.

However, everyone's eyes were a little weird when he thought of Chen Mo being so calm.

They looked at Chen Mo and didn't know what they were thinking.

However, at this moment, the Sect Master of Jianshan laughed frantically: "Chen Mo, you are so calm. My self-detonation is extremely terrible. It will be useless for you to escape, but I did not expect that you would not run away. It depends on your character. It deserves my respect."

"However, I must kill you today and die together. If there is a chance in the next life, maybe we can still talk and laugh and become friends."

After saying this, Jianshan Clan Master's aura was extremely violent, and his eyes were ruining heaven and earth. With the eruption, he looked at Chen Mo as if he could calm down his soul.

But Chen Mo was fearless and fearless, looking at the Jianshan gate master: "I knew you would have this kind of thought, so I left a hand on you, and I forgot to tell you that the five elements transform yin and yang, and your self-destruction can be advanced. ended."

"What do you mean?" Jianshan Sect Master asked. However, he soon felt that the power of the five elements was shrinking, imprisoning him, and gradually devouring his life force.

With this phenomenon, the face of Jianshan Sect Master burst into blue veins, revealing an expression of pain.

"Chen Mo, spare my life, as long as you let me go, you can say anything."

By now, the Sect Master of Jianshan knew that he could no longer turn over and his life would be in danger.

Therefore, he looked at Chen Mo begging for mercy.

However, Chen Mo turned a blind eye, even turning around to reveal a back.

"The sky is vast, who has ever thought about himself?"

"Jianshan Sect Master, you have done a lot of evil and are unforgivable. Although I, Chen Mo, is not a villain, you have hurt me repeatedly and committed a capital crime. For the sake of Jianshan's kindness to me, I can treat Jianshan. Forget the past."

Hearing this, the master of Jianshan's heart was as cold as gray. He knew that Chen Mo would not let him go. He felt the power of life madly passing by, and the master of Jianshan's heart was extremely unwilling.

Looking at Chen Mo, the Sect Master of Jianshan said: "But I, the Sect Master of Jianshan is a hero in the realm of cultivation, with a self-righteous personality and unparalleled tyrant, but I did not expect you to have such a terrible side. Chen Mo, my Sect Master of Jianshan died at you In my hand, it is worthy of the sorrow of an era, but I hope that when I am dying, I will disappear and leave nothing."

"I promise you." Chen Mo said lightly.

The Sect Master of Jianshan is the hero, how arrogant he is, how could he be willing to leave a corpse and be spurned by others, so that he would choose to die and return his soul to the underground palace.

With Chen Mo's consent, the sword mountain master coughed up blood from the corner of his mouth, and his body turned into radiance in the air, spreading in all directions, wherever he went, there was originally an endless desert with more green fields, and the vitality of the earth exudes vitality .

This scene made everyone's complexion slightly changed.

"This Jianshan sect master can die in this way, is this still him?"

The impression of the master of Jianshan is deeply rooted in the realm of cultivation, and he is a hypocritical person.

Ordinarily, such a person should not do things that others can't imagine when they are dying.

But the current scene directly refreshes everyone's cognition.

"Hey, the Sect Master of Jianshan is dead, let's not attack Chen Mo yet?" He said innocently.

He followed the master of Jianshan to chase and kill Chen Mo.

As a result, the main body of Jianshan Sect disappeared, greatly attacking Wudao's will.

Even if he has no confidence anymore, he knows that Chen Mo is difficult to deal with.

The others were also thinking at this time, but Dan Qingge affirmed: "Chen Mo has been seriously injured. If you don't kill him, he will kill you too, so we have no choice but to wait for death or fight Chen Mo's death. ."

Dan Qingge's words directly shocked everyone's expressions.

They ignore this problem, otherwise it would not be the case.

After thinking about it, Wudao immediately rushed towards Chen Mo with an army.

"Everyone will kill me. Today, either Chen Mo will die or we will die. There is no choice."

At the time of innocent speech, the whole body bloomed with aura, making the people behind him angrily pull Xiong, with an invincible aura, instantly erupting a terrible fighting intent.

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