Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 1394: Pengcheng Wanli

The main body of the Jianshan gate disappeared, and the eyes of the people of Jianshan were cracked. They rushed towards Chen Mo with their killing swords. All kinds of upside-down swordsmanship piled up into a variety of attacks, converging into a vast ocean of offensive, seemingly Able to cut off the world and generally strangle Chen Mo.

The people of Hanlou, Danzong, and Lieyangzong are unwilling to be left behind. Their attacks are comparable to those of the people of Jianshan. The roaring thunderous energy overwhelms the sky and the waves, like singing and leaping forward, unstoppable, and instantly forming a scene of destruction. .

"Chen Mo, die!"

Wudao took a big handprint, the power of ice swept out, the space turned into flying frost flying all over the sky, it could freeze everything, the space quickly added an extended ice wall, coming to Chen Mo at a speed visible to the naked eye, Chen Mo His face was shocked.

Looking at the Wudao and the monks in all directions, the killing intent was determined, the Heaven Slashing Sword shuttled out of the sky, the arc of the shadows, and the sacred and inviolable sword aura.


Chen Mo fell, with a momentum like a mountain, and swayed out. The Heaven Slashing Sword instantly fell with mental fluctuations, blooming three hundred and sixty degrees of brilliance, blocking the attacks of many people.

But in the next instant, the Heaven Slashing Sword couldn't resist, the sword screamed, and the sword body finally returned to Chen Mo**.

Seeing this scene, Wudao looked overjoyed, "Everyone kills me, Chen Mo has no fighting capacity, don't kill at this time, but when will you wait."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was enthusiastic, killing intent, and the attack was even more fierce, which could destroy everything, directly leaving Chen Mo with nowhere to escape.

"The son...!"

"Chen Mo...!"

"Big Brother...!"


The people in Luofeng Town shouted frantically, but they could only watch Zhao Hao imprisoned and powerless, their expressions were mad at him, and their hearts were shocked and helpless.

"Hey, Chen Mo is going to die after all." The other big forces sighed, how terrible Chen Mo is. As a top figure in the cultivation world, this is a man of the wind.

Once, Chen Mo defeated the demons and defeated the Sect Master of Jianshan. Such a terrifying combat power was so extraordinary. Even today's Chen Mo is not to be shy, he is the most enchanting genius of the time.

But it is a pity that Chen Mo still finds it difficult to equalize the prestige.

At this time, Chen Mo watched the people kill, his face was as calm as water, and he didn't know what to think about. The power of Yin appeared outside his body, which filled all directions in silence.


With the power of Yin sweeping out, countless people felt as cold as the ice cellar, their bodies trembling, and Chen Mo looked a little shocked.

"It is worthy of being a man of the world. Even if he is seriously injured, he has such a terrible power. If it is the heyday, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to deal with him."

Everyone was a little scared when they saw Chen Mo so terrifying, but seeing that Chen Mo was already seriously injured, their attack was brewing again, even more powerful than before.

Chen Mo was in it, and there was no way to go, but Chen Mo's eyes had a strong fighting spirit, and his body suddenly rose, soaring up towards the sky.

The rest of the people stared with wide-open eyes, their eyes flashing with pride.

"Chen Mo has already escaped, let's chase him down." One after another, peerless figures chased Chen Mo at an extremely fast speed, like a short-lived one, beyond reach.

At this time, they already knew that Chen Mo was unable to return to heaven and would only run away.

Next, as long as he chased Chen Mo, he would naturally be able to kill.

"Chen Mo, come up soon." As soon as he reached mid-air, Yan Qingcheng's body turned into a phoenix that covered the sky and fell on top of Chen Mo. From this look, Chen Mo knew what Yan Qingcheng meant.

Therefore, on the back of Chen Mo's ** phoenix, with nine feathers spreading its wings, it flew like a journey of thousands of miles, faster than countless people, far away from the chasers.

"Damn, let him sit on the Phoenix and chase me." Wudao roared.

The people in the cold building immediately used various body techniques and went all out to hunt down Chen Mo.

For a moment, a phoenix appeared above the sky, with countless figures chasing desperately behind, forming an extraordinary and spectacular scene, but there was a large amount of killing intent quickly descending.

"Lu Bo, let's retreat right away." It was Wei Mu who was speaking. He saw Chen Mo fleeing where he was, his heart was slightly relaxed, but he still felt a little unsafe.

The ghost knew whether those people would take Wei Mu and others as hostages, and then threatened Chen Mo.

If this is the case, they can't shirk the blame.

"You can only leave first." Lu Bo smiled helplessly. He wanted to save Chen Mo from the fire, but he found out that Chen Mo's cumbersomeness was already considered. How to save Chen Mo, at best, could only wait and see. Out of that feeling of powerlessness.

Immediately, Lu Bo led people away.

The rest of the forces also chased Chen Mo, and the entire cultivation world was in shock at this time.

The Sect Master of Jianshan fell, Chen Mo was seriously injured, and he was hunted down. This incident was passed on from ten to ten in the realm of cultivation, and in the end, everyone knew it. Almost everyone discussed Chen Mo's affairs.

"Hey, do you know?" A teahouse in the mountains and wilds. People passing by are drinking tea in the teahouse. The atmosphere is very lively. Almost all the people who come here are blood lickers. They are shirtless and licking their hips. The sitting posture of the whole person seemed extremely domineering.

I saw one of them excitedly said: "Good news, the fighting power of Jianshan Sect Master and Chen Mo has turned out. Surrounded by countless people, Chen Mo went in and out seven times, killing countless people and falling into the water. The scene was simply spectacular. Feeling on the scene, passionate, really want to go and see how the battle is going."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me honestly, what happened?" A big man shouted angrily, his tone was full of disdain, and the man who had just said this immediately calmed down.

But his pair of eyes still has a fanaticism that can't be concealed.

"Chen Mo was strong in combat, and he was directly defeated by the master of Jianshan Sect. Later, Chen Mo was the winner, leaving hidden dangers in the master of Jianshan Sect. As a result, the master of Jianshan had to die and completely died there. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions were shocked.

"Unexpectedly! Stronger than the Sect Master of Jianshan, he actually died. Then Chen Mo was seriously injured, and the consequence must be death, but it is a pity that he will die before he can dominate the cultivation world."

"However, being able to live like him, even if he died, would die without regret."

When everyone talked about Chen Mo, they all felt sorry.

After all, Chen Mo is the person who really broke the pattern of the cultivation world, and is known as the man in the cultivation world.

Is the golden scale a thing in the pool, it becomes a dragon in the event of wind and rain.

The trapped dragon ascends to the sky, and the storm is rising again.

Inside the teahouse, the atmosphere fell silent, and everyone regretted Chen Mo's death.

For them, Chen Mo is unattainable, but it is also a role model they will pursue throughout their lives.

As a result, Chen Mo was besieged to death.

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