"Everyone, don't you think that Chen Mo is dead?" When everyone was silent, Xiao Er suddenly said something inexplicable, but it made everyone's eyes flashed, looking at Xiao Er, someone Asked directly: "Xiao Er, are you trying to say that Chen Mo is not dead yet?"

When the words fell, everyone was engrossed at the little second.

And Xiao Er smiled, pretending to be mysterious and said: "Everyone, if you want to know the result, you have to buy the daughter red of this store. This is the price of my revealing the news for you. By the way, I hope you drink the daughter red and embrace the beauty. , I see red everywhere in the middle of the night, happy like a fairy."

"Xiao Er, am I such a person?" Hearing Xiao Er utter such a mess of things, a big guy couldn't help but change slightly, and suddenly he said in awe, "Beauty is not important. What is important is that I want to know. What are the consequences of Chen Mo."

"Give me three bottles of daughter red first, please tell me well."

"Hehe... wait a minute!" Xiao Er's expression froze, and then she kept moving out her daughter Hong who had been prepared. The others were also shouting for wine at this time, in order to know how Chen Mo turned out.

Almost everyone gave a bottle of daughter red, Xiao Er's gaze glanced at the audience, and then said: "Chen Mo killed the Sect Master of Jianshan, and he was seriously injured, which completely angered the Wudao and Jianshan people, so those people They all launched strong attacks on Chen Mo. At that time, the scene was earth-shaking, and he could die at any time. Even Chen Mo had to hide from his sharp edge, so his body soared into the sky and escaped."


Everyone heard the news of Chen Mo's escape. Although they had expected it, they were still a little shocked. Chen Mo was still able to escape when surrounded by many people. With this ability, countless people took a high look, and Chen Mo might escape successfully.

At that time, if the emperor returns, who will be Chen Mo's opponent.


Suddenly, the sound of shooting the case came out, and everyone couldn't help but follow the sound.

I saw a man in black sitting on a chair, and the table in front of him was torn apart.

He seemed to feel that everyone looked at him, raising his eyes slightly, and a gloomy light suddenly appeared in the depths.

"Not good... it's the Demon Race." Someone has a unique vision and directly sees that the black-clothed man is the Demon Race.

As soon as he wanted to escape, his body stopped moving, and his eyes lost their brilliance.

Obviously, the soul has dissipated.

The rest of the people were stunned and could smash the soul in an instant. This man in black was not a top-notch powerhouse of the Demon Race. He possessed the cultivation of the gods, so he could kill that man.

At this moment, the body of the black-clothed man stood up, and every step he took was like a leisurely stroll in the garden, coming without a shadow, accompanied by the quiet wind mat, and appeared in front of the people in the next second.


For a while, everyone recovered and fled everywhere. The power of the demons penetrated into the body and mind, not to mention the mysterious and unpredictable of the demons in front of them. The momentum on his body alone is unbearable. If you stay in place, you will undoubtedly die. So everyone fled like a frightened bird.

However, the black-clothed man slapped his hands, and the entire teahouse collapsed. Countless people buried it. Hell-like screams and screams were heard, and the air was full of blood.

"Chen Mo, you are finally seriously injured, and it's time for my evil spirits to take revenge."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the black-clothed man disappeared, but all the staff in the teahouse died on the spot, and none of them survived. Like hell, a lot of **** smell emerged.



The phoenix spreads its wings and flies high, carrying Chen Mo's body across many hills, behind countless powerful men chasing after them, Wu Dao and the Fire King are going all out. Their speed is extremely fast, and it directly makes Yan Qingcheng's heart full A little anxious.

"Chen Mo, you are seriously injured, don't move, as long as I am here, they will never let them hurt you."

Yan Qingcheng was very firm when she spoke. As Ling Yu moved, Chen Mo felt the wind on her body. After passing through countless mountains and rivers, the flames of the phoenix were almost exhausted, and the light from the fire seemed extremely weak and lost. The sacredness of the flame.

Chen Mo's face was pale, and the injury on his chest made him unable to provide extra power to deal with the chasing soldiers. With his eyes fixed, Chen Mo said in his heart: "There is no doubt that I will die if I flee like this, but if I don't escape, I will die. Think of a compromise."

"Chen Mo, do you want to catch if you don't have your hands?" At this moment, an innocent voice sounded from behind, "As long as you get away with your hands, I can consider letting you be a trash. It's better than death, not to mention that you have no choice. ."

Wudao seemed to be determined by Chen Mo, and his tone was extremely arrogant.

Chen Mo turned his head to take a look, and saw the Wudao figure getting closer and closer to Yan Qingcheng.

The opponent is a strong god, and the speed is naturally not lower than Yan Qingcheng, and even Yan Qingcheng takes Chen Mo to escape in the form of a phoenix, which is equivalent to expending spiritual power every moment.

As a result, she was even more innocent.

Knowing the importance of things, Chen Mo felt weak, but he didn't want to be caught.

Looking at Wudao coldly, Chen Mo said: "Wudao, there is no blood and blood between you and me. I also give you two choices, either leave or continue to chase me, but I can't guarantee that as long as I am not dead, It will be your bad news."

"is it?"

Wudao said in a cold voice: "Chen Mo, you have a hard duck mouth. No matter how stupid you are, you can't leave. The choice you gave me is really ridiculous. If you don't kill you, how can I feel at ease, so you die for me. Come."

When the words were over, Wudao slapped his hand, and the infinitely powerful big mudra carried the power of ice to kill Chen Mo.

The endless stream of ice is extremely cold and can seal everything with ice. When the Phoenix Holy Fire meets the ice, it is almost like a nemesis, and the Phoenix Holy Fire continues to extinguish.


The phoenix screamed, and the phoenix chanted for nine days, resounding through the sky, and the nine feathers continued to stretch, the flames remade, rushed down, the earth was burned, and the body of the phoenix was also swooping down, and the voice of Yan Qingcheng was heard," Chen Mo, I can't hold on anymore. I will block their attacks with the fire of life. You must escape in time."

The fire of life is the fire of the phoenix.

This kind of flame comes from Phoenix's Nirvana. For the Phoenix, the natal fire is above everything else, comparable to life, but for Chen Mo, Yan Qingcheng has no choice.

Seeing that the flames of the phoenix were not enough to support the flight, a hint of anger appeared on Chen Mo's brows.

Hu Luo Pingyang was deceived by a dog. He had known that he should smash the innocent corpse for a long time, but Chen Mo did not have the ability at all.

"Time does not wait for me, the sky is against me, but I still have a chance, even if there is only a chance, I have to change the current situation."

Chen Mo roared and tried to summon the power of the five elements. However, he found that his injury was too serious to summon the power of the five elements, and even his spiritual power was scarce.

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