Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1607: : Bai Chen and Wang Zhentian


In the square of Tianqi Academy, Bai Chen and Wang Zhentian stood tens of meters apart, and the students from the Freshman Class and the Dizi Class all ran out of the classroom and looked at each other eagerly outside the square.

Not only that, even Mentor Hao Jian and Mentor Zhang Lin stood on the top of the teaching building of Apocalypse College, appreciating the showdown with great interest.

New students were admitted to the hospital to challenge the old students in the Tianzi class. This kind of scene has never been seen again after Han Lingsha.

"Senior Sister Zhang, you said that if Bai Chen wins this battle, will Senior Brother Ye choose him directly into the Tianzi class?" Hao Jian squinted his arms and kept his eyes on Bai Chen's body.

Zhang Lin laughed helplessly when he heard it: "Who knows, the dean is not here, and the college is under the full authority of Senior Brother Ye. He was able to upgrade the Han Lingsha who defeated Wang Zhentian to the Tianzi class, and it is possible to make the same move today. ."

"Well, it seems that our Tianzi class in Apocalypse Academy will expand from three to four people~"


"Boy, you're just a freshman, don't be too crazy!" Wang Zhentian clasped his hands in front of him, squeezing out a crackling sound.

A cyan robe, Bai Chen standing proudly, smiled calmly when he heard it: "The word mad is born with me."

Cold and charming eyes, handsome outline, plain tone, and heroic posture.

Such Bai Chen uttered a word, causing the hearts of the girls in the freshman class and the dizi class to accelerate.

"So handsome!"

"Little brother, go for it!"

Soon, the girls in the Dizi class started screaming and cheering.

Bai Chen took a glimpse and found that Guo Fatzi and Zi Mo were standing in front of the Dizi squad. They raised their arms and shouted together. They couldn't help but laugh wryly. These two guys seemed to get along well.

It was just such a scene that made Wang Zhentian, who was already angry, even more jealous.

He stared stiffly, scanning across the women one by one, and finally found that even Qin Ling'er smiled and gave Bai Chen a thumbs up!

"I'm the protagonist—"

Wang Zhentian suddenly looked up to the sky and roared wildly.

His majestic breath instantly spread out and enveloped the entire college. Not to mention the students who were watching here were frightened, even behind the college, a student who was squatting in the latrine, The moment I was enveloped by this terrifying breath, my legs trembled in fright and almost fell...

Under Wang Zhentian's spiritual pressure, Bai Chen stood with his hands under his hands, with a handsome face and a warm smile like a spring breeze: "A star, so what?"

"I'm your uncle! I hate handsome people and cool people in my life. You guys occupy both of them, so let me quit school earlier!"

When Wang Zhentian's figure moved, he whispered a gust of wind, and the shadow of the fist that contained majestic power directly blasted to the center of Bai Chen's eyebrows.

Looking indifferently at the attack of the shadow of the boxing, Bai Chen smiled calmly, his body suddenly leaned back, and escaped the punch.

"What to hide!"

Wang Zhentian was prepared early on, raised his knees, and slammed into Bai Chen's chest.

But Bai Chen's body leaned back quickly, and in the end he almost lay on the ground. Wang Zhentian, who flew in the air, swept over him, turned back on the spot, and turned around, which was a whirling kick.

After successive attacks, Bai Chen still smiled, his body quickly rotated against the ground, and his last foot swept Wang Zhentian's ankle.


Wang Zhentian, who was swept down and fell straight down, glared at Bai Chen like a piece of floating paper, sticking to the ground with a few ups and downs, then floated to the distance and stood up. Wang Zhentian was stunned.

What is this style of play?

At the same time, Guo Fatty was almost dumbfounded: "Boss, what kind of body is this, why I haven't seen it before..."

Facing the horror of the crowd, Bai Chen's mouth was always smiling. He was in a daze in class these days, in fact, he was studying a new style of close-fitting, but how to develop it, he still needs to try it in practice.

And this Wang Zhentian happened to be his test product.

Wang Zhentian's anger was difficult to calm, especially when he saw Bai Chen's indifferent smile, his heart was like a volcano, and he could burst at any time.

"Bai Chen, dare you not to run!"

Angrily, Wang Zhentian yelled a very stupid word.

The two learn from each other, whether they advance or retreat, that is common sense.

Hearing this, Bai Chen couldn't help shrugging his shoulders helplessly: "Okay, as you wish."


The people in Zi Mo and the Di Ziban were all surprised at this moment.

He has no reason to agree to restrict what others are good at. Is this still called a discussion?

As an old student, Wang Zhentian did not allow the new student to take advantage of the new student. Such shameless behavior immediately caused a sigh.

Under the scene of hissing, Wang Zhentian didn’t care about embarrassment. He gritted his teeth and locked Bai Chen with his eyes like a beast. He knew that he would never lose today. Once he lost, he would be in front of Ling'er. Never look up!

"I...fight with you!"

Suddenly, Wang Zhentian's figure moved, and two clouds of thick black mist suddenly filled between his palms.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lin and Hao Jian converged their eyes.

"Watch me tear you apart!"

Almost crazy Wang Zhentian, when he was still less than three meters away from Bai Chen, suddenly raised his big hand, and a pitch-black iron chain flew out quickly, slamming at Bai Chen's body.

"Have you used your hole cards."

Feeling the extraordinary spiritual power fluctuations on the iron chain, Bai Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and suddenly took a deep breath, his hands dropped naturally, and at the same time he closed his eyes.

"What is he doing?!"

Did you actually close your eyes during the competition? Zi Mo couldn't help but half of her red lips, speechless.

Obviously, Bai Chen's actions shocked everyone.

But when all the teachers and students in the academy held their breath and watched, Bai Chen, who was standing with his eyes closed, suddenly moved his figure, swiftly like light and shadow, and easily hid the black iron chain.

"Move? No... he didn't move!"

Wang Zhentian frowned and found that Bai Chen's feet hadn't moved. What happened just now?

"Look at my Infinite Vortex Compass!"

Wang Zhentian didn't care about that much anymore, immediately his handprints danced quickly, and the iron chains that passed by suddenly changed shape, the chains broke, and finally turned into small rotating compasses.

These compasses hovered behind Bai Chen, with one word connecting their hearts, and in the end they suddenly came back like the sharp tail of a poisonous scorpion.

The attack of the iron chain just now is just a cover, the real ultimate move is this compass swinging tail hook!

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