Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1608: : Instructor of Tianzi Class

One after another, the compasses that tore through the void came to face each other. Bai Chen twisted his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly put his hands behind him, his straight and slightly thin body trembled slightly. When those compasses flew in front of him, they suddenly speeded up. Slowed down, shifted the path, and flew directly along the sides of his body. When he left near his body, the speed suddenly increased, and finally turned into two rows of light and shadow, and flew directly into the sky without a trace.

? !

"Did you just see it!" Hao Jian was shocked when he saw this weird scene.

Hearing this, Zhang Lin's eyes were full of horror, with half-opened red lips, unable to close for a long time: "Ah..."

At the same time, Fatty Guo and Zi Mo also rubbed their eyes at the same time, wondering why those compasses suddenly slowed down when they approached Bai Chen and then changed their paths.

This feeling is like Bai Chen's body has an invisible power. The compass flies into that area and completely loses control.

Wang Zhentian's eyes widened in disbelief, and after a while, he was suddenly furious.

"Smelly boy, I'm going to make mysteries here!"

Under the roar of anger, Wang Zhentian's tiger arm shook, and he directly hit Bai Chen with a fist.

But at this time, the fast fist that seemed fierce like lightning suddenly slowed down within less than a foot of Bai Chen, just like slow motion, causing Wang Zhentian to numb his scalp.

He clearly felt that his fist was as if it had been smashed into cotton, and all his strength was immediately removed.

Bai Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and faced Wang Zhentian's horrified eyes, with a faint smile: "This ability has not been fully developed, and it consumes a lot of spiritual energy, it is still not practical."

As Bai Chen's words fell, he slowly raised his palm, and then patted Wang Zhentian, who was slow-moving, with his palms. Wang Zhentian suddenly raised his eyes and flew out directly.

Wang Zhentian, who flew out, slipped a long distance on the ground, and finally fell to the ground, completely losing consciousness.

With such a scene, the audience was stunned. A freshman actually defeated one of the three people in the Tianzi class of Tianqi Academy in such an understatement?

"Boss is mighty!" Guo Fatty jumped up directly, exclaiming.

With his roar, even the people in the freshman class and the dizi class became excited.

Bai Chen is undoubtedly the strongest new born after Han Lingsha!

And the most important point, he is a man... This is the most exciting point for the teachers and students of the college.

A faint glance at Wang Zhentian who could not afford to fall down, Bai Chen waved his sleeves, and an invisible force dragged him up.

Wang Zhentian half-opened his eyelids, staring sadly at the vague figure, unwilling, but powerless.

"Hey, if you want to talk to me in the future, you can do it at any time, but don't wear a high hat for me, Qin Ling'er, I am not interested at all."

When Bai Chen said this, Wang Zhentian was stunned.

At this moment, Bai Chen could obviously feel that the hostility of this guy had dissipated a lot.

Sure enough, it's for women...

Bai Chen smiled helplessly and turned around. When he was about to walk towards Fatty Guo, the space in front of him suddenly twisted, and a middle-aged man in a green robe suddenly stopped in front of him.

At this moment, an invisible pressure hit his face instantly, making Bai Chen's face suddenly violent: "Are you...?!"

The appearance of this person caused the excited students to calm down immediately, and almost everyone had a deep respect in their eyes.

Facing Bai Chen's question, the middle-aged man raised his face with a plain expression: "My name is Ye Luo, and I am a tutor in the Tianzi class."

Tianzi class...Tutor? !

Bai Chen's eyes changed slightly, and the look in Ye Luo's eyes became thick and solemn.

In the absence of the dean of the Tianqi Academy, the instructor of the Tianzi Class is fully responsible for the management of the college. To a certain extent, the tutor of the Tianzi Class can be regarded as the acting dean!

and many more!

Ye Luo?


Bai Chen suddenly thought of the words of Old Man Xiao Yi inexplicably, in this Beichen Empire, in addition to the fifteen great powers, there are three major families Ye, Ji, and Lu, no one dares to provoke them.

He naturally knew who was supporting the Ji Family and the Lu Family, and this so-called Ye Family could be as famous as it, presumably Ye Family also had an extremely tyrannical existence!

Ye Luo, is that Ye family member?

"You think it's right, it's the Ye family."

Ye Luo suddenly spoke, and what he said made Bai Chen's face suddenly darkened again.

Telepathy? !


While the storm surged in Bai Chen's heart, Ye Luo held his hand indifferently: "Fuck, this kind of crude language is not suitable for students of my Apocalypse Academy, but since you even know telepathy, I believe you are not only in martial arts. He is very knowledgeable, even in terms of knowledge. Our Apocalypse Academy has always been called a Women’s Academy because there are no strong men. Today I will make an exception to admit you into my Tianzi class. I hope you can change The trend of yin and decay in our college, for those male students, breathe a sigh of relief."

Women's College?

Bai Chen was not surprised by entering the Tianzi class. On the contrary, he was very curious about what happened to this women's college.

"Before you came, the strongest student in the freshman class of my Apocalypse College was Qin Ling'er, the strongest in the Dizi class was Zimo, and the strongest in the Tianzi class was Han Lingsha. Therefore, people from outside jokingly called me Apocalypse Academy. It’s a women’s college, understand?"

Ye Luo read through Bai Chen's mind again, which made Bai Chen intentionally feel a kind of horror.

Telepathy, this is a magical power of blood succession, and it was passed down from the very ancient time.

If you want to be an enemy of such a strong one, you must first have an extremely powerful soul, so that you can use the power of the soul to suppress its telepathy.

Bai Chen has a dragon soul, but his dragon soul is too weak at present, it is impossible to be an enemy of Ye Luo.

Turning his eyes, Bai Chen suddenly smiled calmly: "Teacher Ye, it's not good for you to probe other people's moods like this?"

Hearing that, Ye Luo was still indifferent: "I just want to see what you think when you face me."

"Oh, this way~"

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, and suddenly a strange arc formed at the corner of his mouth. He immediately began to imagine that between the mountains, there was a hot spring hidden in the mist. At this time, a woman of extremely perfect figure suddenly disappeared from the hot spring. Came out.


Ye Luo's old face couldn't help but flushed, he almost spewed a nosebleed on the spot, and quickly withdrew his telepathy from Bai Chen.

The students around, seeing that Ye Luo, the strongest tutor under the dean, could show such an expression in front of Bai Chen. They all looked silly, and they didn't know what happened between them.

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