Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2150: : Famous teachers make high apprentices


Is she the little girl Bai Chen mentioned before?

Han Lingsha stared at the tender Bai Ni woman, not only secretly sighing, but the two brothers and sisters are really talented and envious.

And at this moment, what made Bai Chen more concerned about was the familiar breath in the suburbs.

That breath not only made him familiar, but also amazed him.


Full of relief!


In the land of rocky ruins, Fatty Guo was covered in blood, lying on the ground miserably like a blood gourd.

Seeing that Qi Mietian was about to come in front of him, a roar suddenly came from the sky, a wave of energy that was not inferior to Qi Mietian, directly hit the sky and landed.

This extremely large figure shocked everyone in the room.

It was a tortoise, a giant tortoise with flaming red scales on its body. It was as large as a hundred meters. It stepped through the clouds like a mountain and appeared above the sky of a thousand meters.

"What is this? Great Emperor Xuanwu, his younger brother, Xiaodi Xuanwu?"

Seeing the red scale turtle floating in the air, Qi Mietian couldn't help but joked.

And just as the red tortoise appeared in the air, a woman wearing sky blue clues and white shorts also flashed in front of the red giant tortoise like an instant movement.

At that time, an extremely majestic soul storm will spread, and the strength of this soul storm is no less than that of the red tortoise!

The beast trainer at the peak of the Beast Emperor Realm...?


She seems to be a heavenly emperor! !

"Who are you, dare to take care of my night of the gods!"

Qi Mietian raised his eyes coldly, and he couldn't help but lift the name of the night of the gods in order to shock others.

Night of the Gods, this name is enough to make any super-class power in Xinglan Continent fear.

Because they are so strong and invincible, they have always been self-willed. They can hit whoever they want, even if it is Star Pavilion, they dare not fight with them.

But after hearing these four words, the woman dismissed it.

The cold eyes are like sculptures that have been frozen for a long time, revealing the endless cold, and their eyes firmly lock Qi Mietian.

"Brother Guo who hurt you?"

The woman bit her red lips and clenched a fist.

Hearing this, Qi Mietian was startled: "Little girl, I recognize you in this costume. Only women from the Western Regions wear shorts, and you are a beast trainer, I am afraid you are from the Sanctuary, right? I heard that it is gone, but you know that the predecessor of your sanctuary, Baili Nasha, is still..."

"I asked if you hurt Brother Guo!"

The woman's face was as cold as an ice lotus, and she didn't listen to Qi Mietian's words.

Her tone was already obvious, because Qi Mietian injured Guo Fatty, they would be enemies.

"That person seems to be Guo Sankuo's friend..." Lin Yi sighed lightly.

"Yes, this girl is so strong!" Qiu Luoxue also looked envious.

At this moment, Fatty Guo, lying in the ruins, finally opened his eyes with difficulty.

When he saw the young girl standing in the air, he couldn't help but ecstatic, and shouted to the sky: "Haha! Xiaoyou!"

"Brother Guo!"

Xiao You heard the change, and looked at Fat Guo distressedly: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you teach him!"

"Okay! You are the second disciple of the boss, you must be fine!"

As he spoke, Fat Guo deliberately raised his head, pretending to be deep.

Hearing the meaning of what he said, Xiao You also understood. It seems that in Beichen's battle, Bai Chen is about to meet Luo Xi.


Xiao Youling bit her teeth angrily, thinking of this name, her heart burned with anger.

Clearing the door was her main goal when she came to Beichen this time.

She also wanted to take this opportunity to prove that the second choice of the master is far better than the first!

Yu Guang glanced at Zhuge Feng's direction faintly, and Xiao You said with a solemn expression: "Old cute, that guy will be handed over to you, as long as you contain him, I will go after I solve the old thing in front of me. help you."

"it is good!"

The Red Flame Divine Tortoise slammed its feet on the void twice, and a raging fire immediately spread from its feet, filling the entire sky like a sea of ​​fire.

Hearing Xiao You's words, everyone was startled, Qi Mietian couldn't help but frowned, "So, are you going to fight one against two?"

"is it not OK?"

Xiao You raised her small hand and waved in the air, a gentle wind and waves instantly dragged Fatty Guo, causing him to leave this area.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Luoxue and Lin Yi also hurriedly followed Fatty Guo to withdraw from the battle circle. They didn’t know how sacred Xiao You was. They actually dared to say that they would fight Qi Mietian and Zhuge Feng on their own. Gave them a chance to escape.

"Haha, little girl, you are very confident, but you don't know the situation well. Let's not talk about Zhuge Feng, the old man alone is an existence that you absolutely can't afford." Qi Mietian's sleeve robe fell off two goddess extinguishing cones again. , Was held in his hand.

Upon seeing this, Guo Fatty quickly shouted: "Xiao You! Do not touch that iron rod, it will erode your soul!"


Xiao You nodded faintly, feeling the master's breath in the distance, her eyes changed instantly.

Looking at her posture, Qi Mietian made it clear that she wanted to hit two. Qi Mietian really felt a little ridiculous: "You are Xiaoyou, right? The old man advises you, don't be nosy, and leave the pet, animal trainer. But it's just a clown who can only dodge, how can you beat me?"

The energy fluctuations at the peak of the Eternal Sky Realm surging up in Qi Mietian's body again, and the Liuyun black robe hummed under the vigorous energy fluctuations.

However, his aura has not stabilized yet, and Xiao You's figure flickers, unexpectedly appearing directly in front of him.

As an animal trainer, the deity actually came in front of the enemy. What kind of attack power can she have?

All those present were blank.

However, when facing the Deity Deity Cone stabbed by Qi Mietian, Xiao You peeked with her little hand and grabbed the Dee Deity Cone directly.

"Little You!"

The words have already been said very clearly, God Desperate Cone can't be touched, but Xiao You hits like this, Guo Fatty is shocked to see.

Just at the moment when Xiao You's palm is about to hold the God Destruction Cone...

I saw a black flame suddenly appeared on her little white hand like Ningxue, and finally the flame was condensed and formed, turning into a black flame giant fist, and it slammed on the cone of death. .

"this is!"

Qi Mietian's eyes trembled, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

With a loud roar, the entire sky exploded more violently black fire vortex, and the surrounding temperature reached a suffocating situation.

Within the black fire vortex, Qi Mietian's figure flew away miserably, and all the space along the way shattered. It seemed that Xiaoyou had just punched and the power was extremely amazing!

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