That is... the Saint Flame of Chaos? !

Fat Guo looked dumbfounded.

At such a distance, the heat waves that came with the wind still made him feel extremely dull.

This is definitely the boss's chaotic sacred flame, and it is also the source of chaos sacred flame!

Can Xiao You actually inherit the power of the boss?

What the hell!

Isn’t the power of blood inheritance not to be passed on to others!


Qi Mietian obviously did not expect that the girl in front of him, as a beast trainer, still had such a powerful energy. He flew upside down thousands of meters before barely letting go of this terrifying power, but he was ready to stop. In his body shape, Xiao You's figure unexpectedly appeared in front of him again ghostly.


With another explosion, Qi Mietian was beaten by Black Flame Fist and flew away again.


Xiao You deliberately hit Qi Mietian into the mountains ten thousand meters away, just to separate him from Zhuge Feng, otherwise, two against two, the **** of death cone will pose a great threat to the red flame turtle. , A slight misfortune, and lose all games.

Xiao Xiaoyou, who was unknown in a small sect of the Zixia Empire, can finally compete with the members of the Night of the Gods of Mingdong Continent, and he is still fighting one against two. All of this is dreamlike and amazing. .

When Xiao You started his hand, the Scarlet Tortoise was also staring at Zhuge Feng, who stood indifferently in the distance. From the beginning to the end, that guy did not show any killing intent, even as if he was waiting for something or someone. , Making the Scarlet Flame Turtle a little confused.

Anyway, Xiao You also explained that, as long as you deal with it.

Since the other party doesn't do it, it doesn't move, just staring at it with big eyes, who won't?

Zhuge Feng's actions made Qiu Luoxue and the others incomprehensible. As the powerhouse of the Eternal God Realm, wouldn't it be more beneficial to kill them at this time?

What kind of calculations are he making in his heart?



A burst of thunder came from above the Lu Family, and Bai Chen's second breakthrough was finally coming.

Seeing the mighty thunderclouds in the sky gradually condense together, the few people guarding the outside of this villa also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Suddenly, an unusually huge soul power, like the baptism of holy light, dispelled all the darkness, and shattered the clouds in the sky, exposing the vast starry sky and bright moon.

And the scene of thunder nets all over the sky has also become more dazzling under the starry sky.

Beast Emperor Realm!

Bai Chen opened his eyes suddenly, clenched his fists hard, and a touch of ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

Looking up at the thunderclouds gradually condensing into a second silver thunder dragon, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, the color of joy was beyond words.

"Brother! Watch out for thunder robbery!"

The terrifying energy emitted by this roaring Thunder Dragon hovering at an altitude of 10,000 meters made Bai Zhixue frightened.

Not to mention her, except for Bai Chen who also showed a calm face, the others were all startled in a cold sweat under the huge momentum of destruction.

The younger sister's concern, when the decisive battle came, was like a reassurance pill, instantly calming Bai Chen's mood.

In Bai Zhixue’s blurred vision, Bai Chen slowly raised one hand and grasped the Wind God Sword behind his back, while the other hand was placed on his face. With a strange black light.

"Don't worry, Thunder Tribulation is nothing more."

The plain voice, not arrogant or arrogant, is still as familiar as it was before.

This not generous back once again made everyone in Chenyao Jianzong feel extremely powerful. As long as they follow him, those present will never back down!

"and many more!"

Amidst another group of faint thunderclouds, a roar suddenly came.

Such a change made everyone tremble.

It's Xiao Liu!

How did Xiao Liu's voice become so thick?

Bai Chen kept the gesture of being about to transform into a soul, and Lei Jie was about to be distracted.

Suddenly, Xiao Liu directly rushed out of the thundercloud and came to the direction of Bai Chen's head. A pair of tiger eyes stared at the thunder dragon rolling in the sky. The terrifying aura of the tenth peak swept the entire sky in an instant, forming a A storm of energy spreading outward.

"Xiao Liu, you have just absorbed Thunder Tribulation, the skyrocketing realm is already high enough, and if you want to be promoted to the Eternal God Realm, it is far from enough to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, don't do stupid things!"

Upon seeing this, Bai Chen quickly stopped.

Hearing this, Xiao Liuhu's back was shocked, his eyes were extremely firm: "Bai Chen, I understand what you said, but even if you are promoted to the Eternal Sky Realm, the burden of soul transformation is still very large for you. Now you How long it will last is still unknown. Before you meet Luoxi, you must not use soul transformation, otherwise you have no chance of winning!"


Finally, after Xiao Liu finished speaking the last sentence, the silver thunder dragon hovering in the sky finally rotated and blasted towards this side.

Facing the silver lightning falling into the sky, Xiao Liu yelled to the sky and rushed directly.



Lei Jie and Xiao Liu collided violently at high altitude, and the thundercloud in the air condensed again.

This time, Xiao Liu did not choose to absorb Thunder Tribulation. It was also afraid of exploding and dying. Moreover, Bai Chen said that energy alone is not enough for the peak of the Eternal Sky Realm to be promoted to the Eternal God Realm. It did not understand this. So I dare not take risks.

In desperation, Xiao Liu chose to fight Lei Jie hard!

With a deafening sound, thousands of layers of thunderclouds were exploded. Xiao Liu relied on the purest thunder attribute spiritual power to block the thunder tribulation, and at the same time, he was like a broken kite, soaring into the sky.

"little six!"

Bai Chen flashed quickly and appeared in midair, clinging to Xiao Liu.

Raising his eyelids with difficulty, looking at Bai Chen with a worried look, Xiao Liu raised his chin triumphantly: "Hehe... Am I... handsome!"


Bai Chen was full of distress, looking at its scented fur, scarred, and couldn't help feeling heartache: "You go to my sea of ​​knowledge to rest, the next road, I will be alone, you help me block the thunder Jie, it can be considered a great help to me!"


"That's really a pity, you don't have the qualifications to break through alone."

Suddenly, a soft voice came from the side, making everyone's expressions drastically changed.

Bai Chen also quickly brought the unconscious Xiao Liu into the sea, and immediately turned around, only to see two men wearing deep sea blue heart robes standing side by side, one a little cold and the other gloomy.

These two people are the Black Moon and White Blade in the Haze of Haze!

"The breath of these two people is higher than that of brother!"

Feeling the pressure on the two of them, Bai Zhixue was so frightened that everyone in Chenyao Jianzong retreated behind Bai Chen.

Bai Chen stepped across and came to the crowd, raising his cold eyes, disdainfully humming, "Three-star Eternal Sky and Four-Star Eternal Sky, your level, are you here to die?"

"Oh drink! You deserve to be a famous killer, really crazy!" When Bai Ren heard this, he burst into laughter. After a long while, he leaned forward and back to hold back the mad laughter, showing a hideous expression: "I remember You have two friends named Jiang Xiaofan and Jiang Chen~ We still have one person in the Haze of Haze. They should have been rushed here by now. If you want those two to survive, you can take the black in your hand. How about throwing the sword to us?"

"Despicable villain! Bai Chen, don't listen to him! How could he find Jiang Xiaofan and the others!" Zi Mo hurriedly shouted.

Hearing that, the hand-to-hand spread out indifferently: "Okay, then you don't have to believe it and don't hand over the sword. Then we will drag the brother and sister to the funeral together~ hehehe!"

Seeing that the blade is inevitable, Han Lingsha couldn't help looking at Bai Chen, anxious in his heart.

Bai Chen is the most affectionate person... Now that his companion is held hostage, what should he do?

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