But who can she blame?

No one can blame, but she herself.

These days, Galen really wanted to make Li Jingyi change her view.

She knew that if she stayed in the Li Group like this, she would be criticized more or less. After all, she didn't come in through a proper application, she opened the "back door".

Therefore, Galen hopes that she can do something worthwhile and make some achievements so that she will not be chewed behind her back.

It was precisely because of this idea that Galen stayed up all night writing plans for a week.

In order to be able to exhale in front of Li Jingyi.

But now it seems that she thought everything too simple.

She did use a lot of hard work on this plan, and when it was written, she felt very confident. It is estimated that Li Jingyi can change her opinion more or less. At least she would not think that she came to this company to eat and drink. of.

To put it bluntly, Galen wanted to prove the value of staying here.

In the end, the value that Galen thinks of herself is nothing more than her own passion.

In Li Jingyi's eyes, the value she created is nothing but something that can be eliminated directly in ten minutes.

"Hey, Xu Mo, do you think I'm really funny?"

Galen suddenly laughed a little self-deprecatingly, and her tone slowly became frustrated, "In the office just now, I guess they were mocking me in their hearts."

"Yes, like I didn't major in finance. My family used to run a farm. Where did I learn this kind of business model management?"

Galen suddenly felt that she was so ridiculous, that she was ridiculous at home.

Shaking his head at Xu Mo, Galian waved his hand indifferently, "Forget Xu Mo, you don't use it to comfort me, I'm fine."

"Miss Lian'er..." Seeing Jia Lian's appearance, Xu Mo didn't feel uncomfortable.

But he couldn't help it. After all, the President has always been very strict, and he is notoriously harsh in his work, and he does not allow the slightest error.

And this time it was originally that Galen's plan was not perfect, and it was reasonable to be eliminated.

Just in order not to make Galen sad, Xu Mo still tried his best to persuade him, "Miss Lian'er, you really don't have to think about that much, it's really okay."

"Isn't it just a plan that was killed? What's the big deal. Our company has a lot of plans that are killed every day. Which one is not the result of everyone's efforts?"

"After all, in such a large company, the pressure of competition is inherently great, and the president is not invisible to everyone's hard work, but he is a businessman after all, and the most important thing for a businessman is profit, right?"

Xu Mo lowered his voice as he said, "So Miss Lian'er, you should put your mentality a little better, after all, I don't know how many things will happen in the future..."

He really didn't want to deceive Galen, so every word of Xu Mo was seeking truth from facts.

Those who can stay in the Li Group are all elites. Which one is not highly educated but works under tremendous pressure?

If you encounter such a difficulty, you will be afraid, and that kind of person is definitely not suitable for staying here.

"Xu Mo, you don't need to say, I know all about it." Suddenly, Galen sighed slightly.

She is not ignorant of the work intensity of the Li Group, but it is precisely because of this work intensity that she will be more strict with herself.

It's just that Li Jingyi's cold and sharp attitude in the office today is really sad.

Even though he always knew what kind of person Li Jingyi was, but being treated so mercilessly by him would actually feel a little uncomfortable.

Oh, forget it, Galen suddenly figured it out.

Hasn't Li Jingyi always been like that? It was as cold as if the whole world owed him money, and he was cold to death.

But I am different. Since I have stayed in this place, I can't just because I was looked down upon by Li Jingyi once, I have to completely dispel my confidence, right?

No, Galen is not such a person.

She was like a Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten, didn't Li Jingyi just look down on her? Then she will work harder.

Until Li Jingyi can totally respect her!

Thinking of this, Galen also wanted to understand, she decided that she would not go on like this anymore, anyway, if she blamed the heavens and others like this, it would not be possible to improve her ability.

In this case, she might as well settle down and keep working hard.

And Xu Mo was right. In a large company like the Li Group, I don't know how many plots will be killed in one day.

Although her plan was prepared for about a week, it was just the first plan she had just started.

In the future, there will be many plans that cannot be included in Li Jingyi, can she just give up like this.

Thinking of this, Galen suddenly felt that there was more power in her heart.

Lifting her head, she smiled at Xu Mo, "Thank you Xu Mo, I feel much better when I hear you."

"Really? It's great that you can figure it out." Xu Mo was happy to see the smile finally appeared on Jialian's face.

"But Xu Mo, why do you care about me so much?" Suddenly, Galen asked with great interest.

Xu Mo's concern is so appropriate, how could she not feel it?

Every time when she was unhappy, Xu Mo would stand up and say good things for her to relieve her, even going against Li Jingyi.

Is it possible, is it possible that Xu Mo likes her?

"Hey, Xu Mo, you, isn't it interesting to me?" Jialian asked with a smile on his face.


Xu Moguang was panicked when he heard this question, saying that he was uncomfortable, "No, no, Miss Lian'er, I just, I just..."

"Puff haha, Xu Mo, I just made a joke with you, you don't need to be so serious."

Seeing Xu Mo's stammering look, Galen had a prank-like pleasure and couldn't help but joking, "But why are you so shy, aren't you still a young boy with unsettled love?"

I didn't expect Xu Mo to be so shy, probably because he hadn't experienced much emotionally.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Xu Mo is completely a newborn calf in terms of feelings. Except for the two people holding hands when he was in college, his relationship life will be blank after graduation.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I didn't expect that there are still boys like you now." Galen looked at Xu Mo with a grin.

After that, I didn’t bother to tease him anymore, and waved his hand heartily, “It’s alright, I just teased you just now, not serious.”

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