Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1188: Typical persecuted delusion

At that time, Galen was dumbfounded.

In order to prepare this plan, she spent a whole week!

But Li Jingyi only watched it for ten minutes.

What does this mean!

Could it be that the plan she prepared was too rubbish?

Impossible, for this plan, Galen has already used twelve points of his strength.

Thinking of this, Galen suddenly thought.

It must be Li Jingyi! It must be him!

Galen seriously suspected that Li Jingyi must have known that this plan was planned by her, so she did not want to let Galen's plan officially pass.

After all, when she first joined the company, Li Jingyi was not very happy to let her into the company. Now that she comes in, Li Jingyi will retreat because of her difficulties.

Therefore, he did it on purpose!

Thinking of this, Jialian felt that Li Jingyi in front of him was a bit disgusting, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and asked, "At any rate, he is also the president of the dignified Li Group. He actually targeted an employee, Li Jingyi, do you only have this measure?"


Hearing this, Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang found it funny and outrageous, and Li Jingyi's soft and soft temples were helpless, speechless.

Although he did not have any feelings for Galen, he still wouldn't deliberately target her.

But this woman, a typical persecuted delusion.

It seemed that if she didn't give this Galen an explanation, she wouldn't stop.

In desperation, Li Jingyi had no choice but to speak coldly, "Miss Jialian, I suggest you carefully check your own plan before you come to me for questioning, can you?"

"I, of course I did a good check, but I am clearly no problem! If you think there is a problem, please trouble you to point it out to me."

Not only did Galen feel that there was no problem, but he also felt that her plan was killed inexplicably.

Finally, Li Jingyi completely lost his patience, "You can't even see this problem, and you want me to give you advice? Why, are you here to work or come to visit a teacher!"

The sudden soft drink shocked the hearts of the people present.

Galen also trembled slightly, unexpectedly Li Jingyi would increase his tone.


Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang on the side became embarrassed, and they had no choice but to come out to resolve the embarrassment, "Miss, do you not quite understand the rules of this place?"

"Yes, maybe you have tried your best, but in our Li Group, as long as the plan is sent to Jing Yi, it is invalidated without Li Jingyi's consent."

"Attention, it is your plan that is invalidated, not against you. The president of our Li Group does not have the little belly chicken sausage you think." Gu Yunzheng laughed.

"Yes, you should go back and take a good look at where the plan needs to be revised." Mu Wushuang also nodded.

"Me, revise? I..." Galen was completely speechless by several people.

She really didn't know where her problem was, and for a while, she was a little confused.

Upon seeing this, Gu Yunzheng couldn't help but smiled and shouted, "Xu Mo."


Xu Mo was waiting at the door. He immediately walked in after hearing Gu Yunzheng's summons, and nodded respectfully, "Gu Manager, you are looking for me."

"I ask you, after this girl came to our company, didn't you teach her the rules?" Gu Yunzheng asked with a smile.

Xu Mo couldn't stop shaking, "Manager Gu, what happened?"

Gu Yunzheng chuckled lightly. There was no blaming in his tone, but he just thought it was a little funny, "Nothing, I just think this lady seems to have just come to our company, and she doesn't understand the rules here.

Just now, she actually brought over the plan that had been killed, and said that our president deliberately denied her face, and then killed her manuscript. Xu Mo, I think you should explain to the girl yourself. Okay, is our president such a small belly? "

"Um... of course not." Xu Mo felt a little embarrassed instantly.

Looking up, she saw Galen standing in front of Li Jingyi's desk with an angry expression, with a document on the desk.

Li Jingyi's face was solemn right now, revealing a bit of anxiety.

Seeing this, Xu Mo hurriedly lowered his head, "I'm sorry, the president, I didn't tell Ms. Jialian clearly in advance. I'm really sorry for the trouble."

When the words fell, Xu Mo looked at Galen again, "Miss Lian'er, sorry, our president has always been a very fair person, and he cherishes his talents so much that he will never deliberately target you."

"As for your plan, it may not be very mature yet. Why go back and change it?" Xu Mo asked tentatively.

Galen's face turned pale as soon as she brushed it, and she felt very embarrassed.

What does this mean?

Several people on the scene said that it was not that Li Jingyi was deliberately targeting her, but the implication was that Jialian's plan was indeed eliminated because it was unqualified?


Galen thinks that his plan is very well written. Regardless of the project's start-up funds or the intermediate procedures, Galen has been well thought out and can be said to be perfect.

However, in Li Jingyi's view, her elaborate plan is actually unqualified...

"I see." Galen felt a little sad for a moment.

Thinking that what I have worked so hard to do is not in the eyes of others, a sense of frustration inevitably strikes.

But after thinking about it, I think, too, this is the Li Group, the leading financial industry in the world, how could it be casually using her plan as a newcomer in the workplace?

Maybe she really did not do well.

"Forget it, I am here to show my ugliness, I, I will make a good change of my plan when I go back, sorry."

After that, Galen left with a little embarrassment, obviously a bit lonely in her back.

The office door was closed again.

"President, do you have any more orders..."

Xu Mo asked at this time, "If I don't order, I will retreat first."

Li Jingyi nodded slightly before Xu Mo withdrew first.

At this moment, Galen had already walked out of the office and returned to her post in the planning department. After throwing the killed document on the desktop, her mood was unspeakably depressed.

Sure enough, do you still overestimate your abilities?

At this moment, Xu Mo chased after her, "Miss Lian'er."

"Miss Lian'er, are you okay?" Seeing her lonely look, Xu Mo quickly stepped forward to comfort her.

"I'm fine." Galen shook her head, propped her head with her hands, just feeling a little depressed.

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