Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1187: The gods can't save

Generally speaking, this kind of neurological disorder will only occur if there is a lump in the brain, or if the congestion has not resolved.

This situation is quite dangerous. Many patients do not take the usual brain trauma in their hearts. After a long period of time, bleeding clots will gradually accumulate in the traumatic parts of the brain and continue to spread...

If the situation is good, go to the hospital for surgery in time, and the congestion in the brain can be completely removed, and there will be no major problem.

But if the situation is not good...

Maybe one day he didn't pay attention, a cerebral hemorrhage suddenly came up, and people just passed away.

"Sir, I suggest that you still need to pay attention to this lady's injury, it is best not to have a fluke. If you really want her to get better soon, you should take her to a regular hospital as soon as possible for a brain surgery. "

"This is not a big operation, and the risk rate is not high. There are basically no precedents of failed operations. You can go for treatment with confidence."

"If you continue to delay treatment, I am afraid that the situation will get worse and worse day by day. At that time, I am afraid that the gods will not be able to save this lady." The doctor said earnestly.

After he finished speaking, he looked through his pocket and found two small medicine jars and placed them on the table of Tang Nuan’s bedside. “Remember to take these two bottles of medicine in the morning and evening for this lady to take. It can be effective. The improvement of the body’s immunity should be enough to help this lady relieve some of the symptoms of body fever.

Of course, there will be a certain calming effect. But nothing else. Sir, if I can help you, that's it. "

After speaking, the doctor didn't procrastinate, and left with his medicine packet.

Mingye was left alone in the room, looking at Tang Nuan's closed eyes, unspeakable worry in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the situation is already so serious.

He thought that as long as Tang Nuan's paintings were given tonics and ample food, Tang Nuan's paintings could recover as soon as possible.

It now appears that he is too whimsical.

Also, the blood eagle has long said that the food for Tang Nuan painting is amnesia pills. That kind of thing does not sound like a good thing, and it is forcing people to lose memory. How can it really have no side effects on the human brain?

Ming Ye's heart is full of self-blame.

What the doctor said just now echoed in his ears: "Sir, I suggest that you still need to pay attention to this lady’s injury. It is best not to have a fluke. If you really want her to get better soon, you should take her to formal school as soon as possible. Let's have a brain surgery in a big hospital.

If you continue to delay the treatment, I am afraid the situation will get worse and worse day by day. By that time, I am afraid that the gods will not be able to save this lady. "

The gods can't be saved.

Ming Ye's thoughts were frozen on such a sentence, and a decision came out in a daze.

It seems that Tang Nuanhua must be brought back to China for treatment.


A week later.

"Miss Lian'er, Miss Lian'er, the president is really resting, you really can't go in!"

Xu Mo followed behind Jialian, who rushed forward in anger, and kept trying to grab Jialian's hand, but Jialian was like a lone lioness, and no one could stop her when she started a fire.

She saw her rushing through the office area all the way, causing consternation among countless employees, and then arrived at Li Jingyi's office, without even knocking the door, she rushed in.

"Li Jingyi, are you trying to embarrass me?" The first sentence after entering was angrily, Jialian looked angry with her hands on her hips.

Little did they know that at this moment, Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang were still sitting in the office.

Today is the first day after Gu Yunzheng fully recovered, and Mu Wushuang and two of them went to work. I didn't expect that they had just chatted with Li Jingyi for a while, and unexpectedly broke into such a coquettish woman.

At that moment, the two of them felt in a daze that the feeling on this woman seemed quite familiar.

The previous Tang Nuan paintings had such a temperament.

Careless and reckless, regardless of the three or seven twenty-one, although a bit savage, but it can be regarded as true temperament.

"Jing Yi, who is this?"

At this time, Gu Yunzheng touched the beard residue on his chin that had not been completely shaved, and asked teasingly, with a thoughtful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Li Jingyi gave him a cold glance, and said to his heart which pot should not be opened and which pot should be mentioned!

Then he looked at Jialian indifferently, Li Jingyi's attitude was obviously unhappy, "Get out!"

"What?" Galen was taken aback, his face full of anger.

"No knock?" Li Jingyi still didn't change his face.

This woman is really rude, does she use this place as a vegetable market? Come in if you want to come in, and go out if you want to go out. Are there any rules?

"You! Hmph, knock on the door."

Jialian gritted her teeth, so she walked up to the door angrily, patted the door vigorously, "Hey, can we come in now?"

Li Jingyi was too lazy to respond.

Galen was choked with anger, so she took a deep breath and forced her to correct her tone. He gritted his teeth and said, "President, I have something to discuss with you. May I come in."

"In." Li Jingyi finally responded.

Galian stepped forward in an unhappy manner, and went straight to Li Jingyi’s desk. She threw the documents in her hand onto Li Jingyi’s desk and asked sharply, "President, I want to know this plan. What's wrong, can you explain to me?"

Hearing the sound, Li Jingyi glanced at the scheme on the desktop.

It was handed in from the planning department in the morning, and Li Jingyi felt unsatisfied, so he was sent back to make a new copy.

Now it seems that this plan is probably from Galen's handwriting.

"Returning is just not doing well, why, you have a problem?" Li Jingyi responded coldly.

Galen was unconvinced and argued loudly, "I have a problem, of course there is a problem, Li Jingyi, do you know that this plan was made by me so you dismissed it?"

"Because of you? Huh." Li Jingyi let out a chuckle, his tone of disdain, "You don't have that much face yet."

"Then why did you return it to me? Do you know that I have prepared this plan for a long time, and I don't know what is wrong with it, and you can reject it, and you won't even give a proper explanation. It's not too bad to take the fruits of my labor seriously!"

In fact, Galen has been preparing for this plan for two weeks.

She knew that she had entered the company "through the back door", so she took her work very seriously and put almost all of her efforts into it.

As a result, he worked so hard to prepare for such a long-term plan. After showing him to Li Jingyi in the morning, he was returned in less than ten minutes.

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