Tang Yan'er has been eyeing the position of Tang Nuan's painting during this period of time, and went to the office more than once to find Lin Nanxiang to make trouble, saying that the position of Tang Nuan's painting should belong to her during the period when Tang Nuan's painting is absent. .

It's unreasonable to say that Lin Nanxiang is the dominant party, who is obviously just an outsider, but is running the company for Tang Nuan painting.

According to her, Tang Nuan painted as Tang Zhen's eldest daughter, and as her second daughter, she is naturally the best candidate to inherit the company.

Lin Nanxiang just wanted to laugh when he heard it, and said coldly on the spot, "But Tang Yan'er, don't forget that you are only a department manager in the company now. What qualifications do you have to take a position in Nuanhua?

And Nuanhua is just going to travel, and there are no accidents. Why are you talking about inheritance? "

"It's still a heartbreaker in your heart. I hope that Nuanhua will disappear as soon as possible, and then you can be in the upper position as it should be?" Lin Nanxiang sneered, and the disgust in his tone was silent. Yu.

"Lin Nanxiang, you! You dare to talk back to me!"

Tang Yan'er was angry, but she thought about it, and she didn't have a suitable excuse to refute Lin Nanxiang's words.

I had to swallow this breath alive, and squeezed out a gritted sneer, "Lin Nanxiang, if you have the ability, you will continue to be rampant for a while, but I want to see how long you can still stretch your teeth and claws!"

"You said that Tang Nuanhua went to travel, but I want to know, what is the reason for Tang Nuanhua to travel alone? And this tour lasted for a whole month.

Besides, even if he really went on a trip, Tang Nuanhua, as the president of a company, had been neglecting the company's affairs for a month. Isn't this too dereliction of duty? "

Speaking of this, Tang Yaner's heart is full of pride, her hands arrogantly folded in front of her, she looked at Lin Nanxiang in front of her proudly, "Moreover, I can tell you bluntly, Lin Nanxiang, do you know The company executives have already had a lot of opinions on Tang Nuan painting?

Hahahahaha, if Tang Nuan's painting does not come back, the position of Tang Nuan's painting can't be kept, and the person who will manage the company at that time, except me, can only be me. "

"As for you, Lin Nanxiang, huh, you are just being pulled together by the woman who Tang Nuan painted! As long as Tang Nuan's painting falls, what use will you stay in the company? Huh, I will let you You, get me the first one!"


After saying this, Tang Yan'er was completely intoxicated in her imagination.

She seemed to be able to foresee Tang Nuan painting's life without the company. By then, the female president of the Tang Group would completely become Tang Yan'er, and there would be no place for Tang Nuan painting.

Great, if that's the case, Tang Yan'er will definitely go crazy with joy.


After recalling all this, Lin Nanxiang felt more pressured, so she would never allow herself to relax.

She must guard the Tang Group well until Tang Nuan returns.

As for the outside world, in order to prevent the outside world from having too much suspicion, Lin Nanxiang and Li Jingyi have unified their calibre and said that Tang Nuan painting is going to travel.

And it's a long journey.

As for when to come back, no one knows. Lin Nanxiang can only hold on to the idea of ​​delaying one more day, so he slowly endured like this.

Her only wish now is to hope that Tang Nuan's painting can come back quickly and safely.

In this case, Lin Nanxiang would not face such a heavy pressure.

Thinking of this, Lin Nanxiang's attitude towards work has become more focused, and the whole person has turned from a weak girl to a mature urban woman.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a knock on the door suddenly.

Lin Nanxiang raised his head from work, and responded indifferently, "Go in."

Chu Chen gently opened the door of the office, then appeared in front of Lin Nanxiang and whispered, "Manager Lin, someone is looking outside."


"I don't know, it's a girl. She said she came to see Missy. I don't know if it's Miss Miss's friend..." Chu Chen hesitated.

Hearing this, Lin Nanxiang thought for a while and nodded, "Let that person in first."

"it is good."

Chu Chen went out and brought Jialian in.

This is the first time Jialian has seen the Tang Group. She didn't know what she was going crazy, so she suddenly wanted to come over and take a look at the woman that Tang Nuan painted.

I have to admit that Jialian felt pretty good in her heart when she entered the Tang Group.

Although it can't be compared with the male lead Li's group, as a typical pharmaceutical group, it is still extraordinarily bold in appearance.

Hey, the gimmicks about Tang Nuan's paintings on the Internet are all well-deserved.

Only in his early twenties, he could sit in such a big company, with a beautiful body and a good body. If he didn't disappear, Jialian felt that she might not be comparable to this woman.

However, fortunately, when God opens the skylight for others, he will definitely close a door for others.

No matter how beautiful her Tang Nuan paintings are, and no matter how knowledgeable she is, she still hasn't disappeared without a trace?

Hmph, maybe this is the opportunity God gave her.

Thinking of this, Jialian felt that she was quite lucky, a little smug.

"Miss, miss?" Chu Chen suddenly called twice.

Jialian suddenly recovered, with a dazed expression, "Ah, what's the matter?"

Chu Chen smiled helplessly, "Miss, I have called you several times. The office is here, so don't go wrong."

"Oh, sorry." Jialian hit haha ​​quickly.

Chu Chen didn't care too much, and then took Jialian to the door of Tang Nuan's painting office, and pushed the door in.

"Manager Lin, the person is here." After entering, Chu Chen said softly.

Hearing the sound, Lin Nanxiang raised his head from the busy work, and saw Jialian at a glance.

A strange expression rose in her eyes, "You are?"

Jialian also saw Lin Nanxiang at this moment, a little stunned, and then smiled, "Are you Lin Nanxiang?"

"how do you know?"

Lin Nanxiang looked at the girl in front of her suspiciously, she didn't even know this woman.

When Jialian saw Lin Nanxiang's doubts, her expression was a little triumphant, and she thought to herself, since I am going to this place, I must do some homework in advance.

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