Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1192: What are you worried about?

But on the surface she still waved her hand, "You don't need to care how I know, I just came here to have a look, it's nothing."

"?" Lin Nanxiang was surprised.

This woman said she came here to look for Tang Nuan's paintings, but after she came, she said she just came to see something wrong, right?

She treats this as a vegetable market, so come in if she wants to?

Lin Nanxiang's tone couldn't help being unhappy, "This lady, if you have nothing to do in your spare time, please find something meaningful to do. Don't come here to disturb our work. We are very busy, sorry."

After speaking, Chu Chen looked to the side, "Chu Chen, see off the guests."

"Also, in the future, don't let any stranger come into our company. If there is a situation like today, you tell that person to report his name in advance. If he doesn't report his name, he will not be seen."

Lin Nanxiang's tone was particularly refreshing and neat when he said this, obviously he had deliberately told the woman in front of him.

After all, the Tang Group is also a group anyhow, it is not a place for people to visit casually, and it does not have the time to deal with these busy people.

"Yes." Chu Chen answered.

Then he nodded directly to Jialian, "I'm sorry miss, you know what our manager means, please don't hinder us here, please go back."

"Huh?" Galen was surprised.

I didn't expect that I would be kicked out in less than five minutes.

She quickly raised her hand to stop Chu Chen, "Wait, wait, what's the hurry, I have nothing to say."

Upon hearing this, Lin Nanxiang gave Chu Chen a look, meaning to listen to what else the woman had to say.

Chu Chen had no choice but to pause his hand movements, and looked at Jialian helplessly, "Miss, just say what you want to say."

"Say, of course I have to." Galen smiled.

Then she walked around Chu Chen and Lin Nanxiang and took a look inside the office. At a glance, she saw the main position in the office, and probably guessed that it should be the position of Tang Nuan's painting.

"You female president has been missing since she disappeared. It should have been half a month since she disappeared, right?" Galen suddenly smiled at the place where Tang Nuan painted.

Lin Nanxiang felt inexplicably that this woman was revealing a bad breath, and her eyes narrowed slightly. "Miss, our boss is just going out for a trip. Don't talk nonsense."

"Really? But as far as I know, the nonsense person is obviously you. If you don't travel, it's just you deceiving yourself." Galen smiled scornfully.

Lin Nanxiang's eyes tightened instantly, "Miss! What are you trying to express."

Galen smiled brilliantly, "Hey hey hey, I haven't said anything yet. What are you nervous about? Why, is it possible that I am afraid that I will go out and expose your lies?"

"Hahaha, sorry, I don't like to take care of other people's nostalgia, and if I do this, Jing Yi will definitely hate me. I don't want him to hate me."

"Do you know Young Master Li?" Lin Nanxiang frowned sharply.

Galen nodded, "Of course we know each other, and we are still very familiar."

"So what is your purpose in coming here?"

"Intention? In fact, there is no intention. I just want to see how sacred my disappearing rival is." Galen laughed.

Lin Nanxiang became acute in an instant, she knew where the unkind aura came from this woman.

If you guessed correctly, this woman likes Li Jingyi!

But when she came here, she simply came to see the situation of Nuan Painting and compare it with her.


What a boring woman.

Lin Nanxiang couldn't help but snorted coldly, "Miss, if you guessed correctly, you came here today to see our warm painting, what kind of capital do you have?"

"You, how do you know?" Galen was pierced by thoughts.

She came here because she really wanted to see what Tang Nuan's painting came from, so she could compare it with herself and see where she was worse than others.

Unexpectedly, Lin Nanxiang could see through her thoughts at a glance, hum, it's really damning.

Lin Nanxiang laughed instead, "If this is the case, miss, I advise you to wait until our president comes back to compare, then you will know what is unattainable."

After speaking, Lin Nanxiang never gave the woman a chance to speak again, and directly gave Chu Chen a look.

Chu Chen was very aware, and stepped forward to stop Jialian, "Let's go, miss, there is something waiting for our boss to really come back, it's not too late for you to say it."

After that, regardless of Jialian's struggle, Chu Chen directly invited people out.

The office was cleaned up again.

Quiet is quiet, but Lin Nanxiang feels even more annoying.

My heart says Nuanhua, Nuanhua, how long have you been away since then, there are so many people who are eyeing everything you have.

First, Tang Yan'er had an attempt at the Tang Group, and then there was a woman's idea of ​​being tough, Nuanhua, if you knew all this, you would definitely come back angrily to clean up them.

Yes, you have such a flamboyant personality, you have always been so bold.

But where are you now?

Nuanhua, will you come back soon, OK? I am really worried that during your absence, I might not be able to hold onto the Tang Group.

Although Tang Yaner has no ability, she is the second daughter of the chairman after all. If you don't come back for too long, it seems impossible for this company to fall into Tang Yaner's hands.

There is also Young Master Li, although he has been waiting for you and looking for you, but people's hearts will be tired.

If one day Young Li gets tired, waits annoying, and stops waiting for you, people in the company will also stand on Tang Yaner's side, and then you will lose everything.

So Nuanhua, please come back soon, if you don't come back, time won't wait for anyone.


At the same time, the island of cherry blossoms.

"Ah cut!" Tang Nuanhua was watching a movie in the living room, and suddenly he sneezed while covering his nose and mouth.

The strange thing is that at the moment after sneezing, she felt inexplicable, as if there was a bout of pain and an inexplicable anxiety in her heart.

It seems to be worried about something.

But what are you worried about?

Tang Nuan didn't know that her delicate face was full of anxiety, but her consciousness was very vague.

These days, she felt more and more hollow in her heart.

A deep emptiness came from her heart, as if she was always reminding Tang Nuan to paint what she had lost.

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