Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1193: Must not be like that


Another sharp pain filled Tang Nuan's mind.

During this period of time, as long as she thinks, her head will cause such severe pain.

Moreover, it hurts every time!

I don't know why, Tang Nuan's paintings have an inexplicable feeling that his head is slowly decomposing.

It seemed that every time she touched her own brain cells, she couldn't get any energy, and her limbs were completely wilted.

I can’t help but feel scared for a while. If this continues in the future, will one day be so severe that she can’t think about it anymore? Will it become like a vegetable?

No, it must not be that way.

Thinking of this, Tang Nuanhua shouted loudly, "Medicine, medicine, give me medicine!"

The servant on one side heard Tang Nuan’s call, and quickly found Tang Nuan’s spare painkiller from the coffee table on the side. Then he brought a cup of warm water and slowly waited on Tang Nuan’s painting to give the medicine. Drink it down.

The warm water brought the pills, and gradually slipped down the intestines. Gradually, Tang Nuan painting felt that his condition was a little better.

The servant kept patting the back of Tang Nuan's painting, frowning his eyebrows with worry, "Miss Tang, your condition is getting more and more serious."

"Yes, I also feel that my body is getting worse and worse." Tang Nuan said weakly.

This conclusion is drawn because in the past, even though Tang Nuan painting would have headaches, they could not use painkillers at all.

But now if there is no pain medicine, Tang Nuan painting can't relieve the pain at all.

The most important thing is that this deterioration took only a short week.

If it is serious for another week, wouldn’t it be...

"Hey, I don't know what Mr. Ming thinks, why didn't you let you leave this place? The outside world is so beautiful. Although it is beautiful here, if people stay here for a long time, they will probably be abandoned. "

"Miss, you are still so young, you should go out to see more, and you have to get medical treatment, you should go out and receive the best treatment." The servant suddenly sighed sympathetically.

"What are you talking about?" Tang Nuan was taken aback.

The servant reacted, suddenly realizing that he had said something wrong, and quickly covered his mouth in a panic, and changed his words, "Oh, nothing, nothing."

"No, you just said clearly, Mingye will not let me leave this place!" Tang Nuan said sharply.

The servant was speechless this time.

In fact, this is a secret, the secret of Tang Nuan's painting being kept here.

In fact, everyone on this small island has the right to enter and exit, and as long as they need it, they can apply to the blood eagle for approval to leave.

Only Tang Nuan can't paint.

All the servants knew one rule here, and that was that Tang Nuan should never be allowed to commit suicide, and she would never be allowed to leave.

It is as if a bird was kept in captivity on this small island. This small island seems to be a beautiful place, but in fact it is just a cage in another sense.

Tang Nuan's paintings are single-celled animals that are tightly locked in this cage and still don't know it.

"You speak, why don't you speak anymore, what do you know?" Seeing the servant in front of him fell silent, Tang Nuan's painting was almost mad.

She vaguely felt that something was completely different from what Mingye had told her in her mind.

Ming Ye told Tang Nuan that the outside world was dangerous, so he let Tang Nuan stay here with peace of mind.

When the outside world is safe, Ming Ye will take her out of this place.

But, what kind of danger is there in the outside world?

Tang Nuan did indeed have amnesia, and he didn't remember anything about the outside world, but why didn't Mingye tell her anything?

If you really want her to recover, you should tell her what happened before, rather than blindly lock her in this place!

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan's painting felt more and more wrong.

She stared at the servant in front of her like a torch and asked, "Big sister, what happened? Could you please tell me all? Why did Mingye lock me in this place? Why on earth!"

"Oh, Miss Tang, don't embarrass me... I don't know anything except knowing that Mr. Ming won't let you leave here." The servant was very embarrassed.

She is just a servant, and at best she can't stand it anymore, just express her sympathy.

Regarding the series of forced questions from Tang Nuanhua, the servant could not answer, and could only tell Tang Nuanhua calmly, "All in all, it is indeed Mr. Ming that did not let you leave this place, but I don’t know what Mr. Ming thinks. Yes, your condition is obviously getting worse, he still...

Alas, anyway, Miss Tang, I think you should better communicate with Mr. Ming. I'm just worried that your illness is getting more and more serious, but that's not good. "

After speaking, the servant didn't dare to disclose any more, and hurriedly left with the painkillers that had not been used up.

The painting of Tang Nuan, who was unable to calm down for a while, took a deep breath.

No, all this is too wrong.

It's been half a month, why did Mingye lock herself in this place?

Every time Tang Nuan painting asked about Ming Ye, Ming Ye gently told Tang Nuan painting that it was because the outside world was too dangerous, and then touched Tang Nuan's head to make her feel at ease.

Tang Nuan's painting is indeed obedient, and she really feels very relieved, who doesn't know anything.

But this peace of mind aggravated the anxiety in her heart at this moment!

What is the danger of Waiman? Why not let her leave here! why!

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan couldn't help but squeezed his fist.

No, she must ask Ming Ye to ask.


So Tang Nuanhua directly raised his leg and ran to the door of Ming Ye's room in a stride, raised his hand and knocked on the door vigorously, "Ming Ye, open the door, open the door."

Hearing this sound, a maid guarding near Mingye’s room hurriedly came up to stop him, "Miss Tang, please don't be screaming, Miss Tang, Mr. Ming is sleeping!"

"Mr. Ming's least favorite is that someone is arguing about his nap time. If Miss Tang has something to do, she can wait two hours before coming."

"In two hours? Oh, I don't want it, what I want is now!" Tang Nuan painted regardless.

After speaking, she continued to pat the door vigorously, and in any case, she had to see Ming Ye, and she had to ask all the puzzles in her heart face to face.

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