Why on earth should she be locked in this place?

She is not a bird kept in a cage, she is a living person.

And she has the right to know what happened before!

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan's painting increased the strength of his hand, "Open the door, open the door quickly! I will open the door without opening it."

"Miss Tang, Miss Tang, don't be so impulsive." The servant on the side quickly stopped.

At this moment, Ming Ye in the room opened his eyes, lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, with deep helplessness in his heart.

This day has come.

She really wouldn't accept it honestly, what he had been instilling in her.

If she guessed correctly, she must have come to him to question, right? About what happened before.

But what should he tell her?

Could it be that Tang Nuan painting actually had a fiancé before, and her fiancé was Li Jingyi, and told her that they loved each other so much that Tang Nuan painting returned to Li Jingyi's side?

Do not.

If it was before, before Tang Nuan's paintings hadn't lost his memory, Ming Ye might have done it.

He has always been able to afford to let go, even if he can't let go, he will not interfere with others' lives because of his own selfish desires.

But now, Mingye can't do it.

He and Tang Nuan painting have been together for half a month. This time is the happiest time for Ming Ye. He even wants to occupy Tang Nuan painting forever and let her stay by his side forever.

Even though Tang Nuan's paintings may not have a feeling of love for him yet, so what?

Mingye believed that as long as the time passed, the two of them would always be in love.

However, he miscalculated.

Tang Nuan painting is obviously not so submissive, she will definitely keep exploring the past, she will definitely.

No, there was such a violent noise outside the door, which fully expressed Tang Nuan's anxiety in painting.

"Boom! Boom!"

Tang Nuan's hands were painful, and he still didn't give up, "Mingye, you open the door, you open..."

Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly got stuck in his throat.

Because the door clicked, it was already open.

Ming Ye appeared behind the door with a smile on his face, pretending to have a sleepy look, "What's the matter? Sleep doesn't make people sleep anymore."

Tang Nuan's painting was a bit speechless for a while.

Compared to Mingye's gentleness, she seemed to feel too impulsive.

However, the question is still to be asked.

Thinking of this, Tang Nuanhua swallowed his saliva, bit his scalp and raised his head and said, "Ming Ye, I have some questions I want to ask you."

"Then come in." Ming Ye had already prepared for it, and she just smiled.

In this way, Tang Nuan painting was invited in.

After entering, she found a chair to sit down uncomfortably, and her movements were a bit cramped.

I don't know why, even after staying in this place for half a month, when I saw Ming Ye alone, Tang Nuan's paintings always felt a little unnatural.

Even if Ming Ye told her more than once that they were a couple, Tang Nuan still felt unnatural in painting.

On the contrary, Mingye, seeing her nervous look, feels funny inexplicably.

He took a blue and white porcelain cup from the table next to him with his lanky fingers, then picked up the kettle beside him, poured some boiling water into it, and gave the steaming boiling water to Tang Nuan painting.

The tone was soft and gentle, like a gust of wind blowing from the sea, "What's wrong? Seeing your sweaty look, what happened?"

"I..." Tang Nuan's painting turned out to be inexplicable.

Although Ming Ye gave birth to a face of evildoer, the way he laughed was so gentle, even the light green eyes revealed soft light.

Tang Nuanhua suddenly felt that he was a bit narrow-minded?

Maybe, he really just wants to stay here and protect her well?

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan couldn't help but swallowed, and silently took a sip of the water in the cup. The facial features that were directly hot in the next second were transformed.

"Ah, it's hot!"

Tang Nuanhua felt as if fire was exploding in his mouth for an instant, and he was about to burn to death.

Ming Ye looked funny and nervous, and quickly brought him a glass of cold water, while drinking Tang Nuanhua while lightly accusing him, "You said you are always so impatient."


Tang Nuan's painting is again at a loss.

Just staring fixedly at Ming Ye in front of her, there was a word in her throat ready to come out.

She wanted to ask if Ming Ye was a bad person, if he wanted to imprison her for the rest of her life, and what he had hidden from her.

But in the end, Tang Nuanhua took a deep breath and pressed it back into his Hungarian cavity.

A series of heavy questions slowly turned into a fluttering sentence, "Mingye, did I really love you before?"

"Huh?" Ming Ye was taken aback.

He was ready for Tang Nuan's painting to question him, but he didn't expect Tang Nuan's painting to just ask such a question gently.

But for such a question, Ming Ye almost couldn't answer it.

In the end, I could only smile awkwardly, and said with a guilty conscience, "Nuanhua, we used to be lovers, if there is no love between lovers, how can we be considered as lovers?"

"is it?"

Tang Nuan painted a bleak smile, "But why do I feel I treat you..."

There is no need to say the rest, because Ming Ye already understands.

He knew that Tang Nuanhua wanted to say that she didn't love him.

At a certain moment, there was a small sting in the heart.

Ming Ye could always feel that Tang Nuan didn't like herself in painting, but he didn't want to admit it.

He thought that as long as two people were together for a long time, they would always be able to breed a little feeling, but now it seems that he thinks too much.

"Nuanhua, forget it, let's not entangle this issue anymore, let's change the topic, it's better than us..."

"Mingye, I'm tired." Tang Nuan said weakly.

She originally wanted to come in and question Ming Ye, but seeing Ming Ye's gentle attitude, she suddenly felt that she couldn't ask anything.

If I couldn't ask them out, I had to swallow these questions back into my stomach and digest them silently by myself.

Suddenly stood up, Tang Nuan painting was about to leave.

Ming Ye had to watch her back out of the room, but the self-blame in her heart got deeper and deeper.

Sorry, warm painting.

He said softly in his heart, I can't let you go back to your previous life, but I will never let you down.

"Ah! Miss Tang, Miss Tang, what's wrong with you!"

Just thinking about it, the servant suddenly screamed in panic outside the door, as if something terrible had happened.

Ming Ye suddenly recovered and rushed out.

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