At the corner when he left the house and turned right, Tang Nuanhua collapsed on the ground curled up, his whole body almost fainted in pain, and the servant yelled in fright.

In less than a second, Tang Nuan painting passed out directly.

"Warm painting! Warm painting!"

Ming Ye rushed forward almost madly, and quickly drew Tang Nuan in his arms, but his eyes suddenly widened.

Tang Nuan's painted face is full of blood!

"What the **** is going on!" Ming Ye asked the servant beside him in shock.

The servant shook his head helplessly, with a look of panic, "Mr. Ming, I, I don't know. Just after Miss Tang came out of the room, she started bleeding inexplicably, and then she fell down."

Just now, Tang Nuan painting walked out of Ming Ye's room door, feeling a warmth under his nose.

Tang Nuan painted strangely stretched out his hand to explore it, unexpectedly it was blood on one hand, and then a severe headache suddenly passed over. Before Tang Nuan could react, the whole person fell directly.

"Nuanhua, Nuanhua... go to the doctor! Hurry!"

Ming Ye held Tang Nuan's painting in his arms at this time, and his heart was full of pity.

At this moment, a slightly older maid walked forward, first wiped off the blood on Tang Nuanhua’s face with a clean handkerchief, and then sighed, “Mr. Ming, why are you saying this? What?"

The maid was the maid who cared about Tang Nuan's paintings just now.

"What do you want to say?" Ming Ye vaguely felt that there was something in the maid's words.

In fact, the maid did have something to say. She looked at the painting of Tang Nuan sympathetically, and only felt that the girl was too pitiful.

Tang Nuan's paintings were visually only in their early twenties. It was the time when she was flourishing. Her life should be the colorful world outside, not this small island like a cage.

And recently, Tang Nuanhua’s condition has become more and more serious.

She worries that if Tang Nuanhua is not allowed to leave this island and go to a regular hospital for treatment, the situation will be unimaginable in the future.

Thinking of this, the maid couldn't help but persuade the Ming Ye in front of her for a while, "Mr. Ming, I think if you are really doing well for Miss Tang, let her leave this island as soon as possible and go outside to receive formal treatment."

"Recently, Miss Tang's condition has become more and more serious, and she often suffers from inexplicable headaches. It is necessary to use painkillers to temporarily suppress the pain."

"Of course, Mr. Ming, I know you must cherish Miss Tang very much. You have also found a personal doctor for Miss Tang, waiting on this island anytime, anywhere to prevent accidents."

"But Mr. Ming, have you ever thought that under such a boring treatment environment, can Miss Tang's illness really get better?"

Mingye fell silent as soon as he said this.

The maid knew that she mentioned something that shouldn't be mentioned, but she worried that if she didn't say it, Tang Nuan's life like a flower might be ruined for nothing.

So she still said softly, "When Miss Tang was chatting with me today, she also revealed her wish to go out and see, Mr. Ming, how can you bear to keep her locked in this place?"

Ming Ye didn't know how to respond.

These words, every word bead heart.

Of course, Ming Ye knew that he was selfish. He really didn't want Tang Nuan painting to leave, and even wanted to keep her here for the rest of his life, staying here to accompany him.

But the servant was right. Tang Nuan's condition was getting worse every day.

In the previous Tang Nuan paintings, even if there was a headache occasionally, it was still not inexplicable.

After the doctor came for treatment at that time, he also said that Tang Nuan's painting would gradually get better, but after such a long period of observation, various signs showed that it could not be delayed any longer.

Last time the doctor's words were still in his ears, and the doctor said that if it is not treated, the consequences may be disastrous.

In serious cases, Tang Nuan's painting may even die as a result.

Thinking of this, Ming Ye couldn't help but feel sorry for it.

How could he want Tang Nuan painting to die? He wished she could be safe, healthy and happy all her life.


That's all, that's all.

Suddenly, Ming Ye sighed heavily, as if he had figured out something, he whispered to the servant on the side, "Send someone to contact Blood Eagle as soon as possible, let him come back, and arrange surgery on the mainland for Nuanhua."

"Yes." Hearing this, the servant on the side smiled instantly.

at last!

Ming Ye finally figured out that Tang Nuan's paintings should be released from here.

In fact, when he made this decision, Mingye felt as if he was relieved in his heart, with a different kind of relief.

Having kept Tang Nuan's painting by her side for a while, I have to admit that it was indeed a very beautiful and happy time.

But watching Tang Nuan painting's condition deteriorate day by day, Ming Ye felt very tormented in her heart at the same time.

Every day, he hesitated whether to let Tang Nuanhua leave here and return to China for medical treatment. He was talking about curing the disease first.

But he was very worried, worried that after the illness was cured, Tang Nuan painting would restore his memory and return to Li Jingyi's side.

If she really returned to Li Jingyi's side, then where would Mingye go? Do you want to give up from now on?

I thought a lot, but no one could give Ming Ye an answer.

In the end, Ming Ye made up his mind to take Tang Nuanhua back to China for treatment, thinking that no matter what, the disease should be cured first.


The clear sky on the day of returning home was a good sign.

Tang Nuan painted sickly lying in the back seat of the car, looking at the scenery outside the window, suddenly felt familiar.

Yes, this is the city where she has lived for twenty years, but she no longer remembers where it is.

"Mingye, where is this place? I can only feel that I have been here?" Tang Nuan, lying on the car window, looked at the scenery outside the window in a novel painting, only feeling familiar.

Ming Ye's nerves tightened inexplicably, as if he was afraid that Tang Nuan would think of everything in the past, his tone was tense, "Here, we have been here several times before, maybe you have some impressions in your heart."

"Really?" Tang Nuan thought dazedly.

She felt that she had not just been to this place, if she had only been, the familiar feeling could not be so strong.

However, without waiting for Tang Nuan painting to think, severe brain pain struck again.

Tang Nuan painting was so painful that he was almost out of breath. He quickly took out the painkiller from his bag and drank it with bottled mineral water.

After drinking the medicine, Tang Nuanhua finally felt that the headache eased a little, so he didn't bother to think about it any more, and sat down peacefully in the back seat.

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