Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1196: Randomly draw marriage lines

Seeing this scene, Ming Ye didn't speak aside, but felt a sorrow in her heart.

The weakness of this girl is now all written on her face.

Pale lips, dry hair, facial features are still exquisite, but they have lost their previous air, only a pair of big dark eyes are still so bright, bright but empty.

Obviously, a lot of repairs have been made, but the bones of the body are still much thinner than before. The thin and slender hands that were originally thin and white are now thin and thin.

The long and thin hand bones tightly held the mineral water bottle and the painkiller. Obviously, Tang Nuan painting was already in pain.

"Warm painting."

Mingye felt very distressed and couldn't help but stretch out her hand, covering her ice-like hand with warm fingers, softly comforting, "Don't be afraid, I will be in the hospital soon."

"Hmm..." Tang Nuan's painted fingers shrank slightly, as if they were not used to such contact.

But Xiang Xiang Mingye also cared about her, so she still stiffened her fingers and stopped moving.

At the same time, in a five-star hotel along the roadside.

To celebrate Gu Yunzheng's discharge from the hospital, today Li Jingyi, Mu Wushuang, Xu Mo and others gathered in the restaurant to celebrate Gu Yunzheng.

There were countless sumptuous delicacies and drinks on the table. Everyone was very happy. When they toasted to celebrate, they all had smiling faces and the sound of toasting clinked.

The only unpleasant person is probably only Li Jingyi.

Li Jingyi was not in the mood to come to such a place, and felt that such gatherings were meaningless and boring.

But Gu Yunzheng was like a dogskin plaster, he had been haunting Li Jingyi from the beginning of work, and he had to let Li Jingyi come.

Helpless, Li Jingyi came.

When I arrived at the scene, I unexpectedly discovered that Jialian had also come and was drinking with Gu Yunzheng. The two were noisy and quarrelsome like two children.

When did these two become so familiar?

Li Jingyi was a little surprised, but didn't ask much about it.

Randomly found a place to sit down, Li Jingyi planned to wait until they were halfway through eating and drinking, and then find an excuse to leave.

Like now.

"I'm full, you can use it slowly." After speaking, Li Jingyi stood up regardless of the eyes of others.

"Jing Yi, are you leaving so soon?"

Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang both felt a bit regretful. It was really disappointing that Li Jingyi was about to leave before the meal started for half an hour.

However, he knew that Li Jingyi would not be able to stop him, so he didn't do much to keep him.

He continued to greet everyone laughing and joking, "Okay, no matter what, let's continue to eat ours."

Unexpectedly, Galen on the side also suddenly got up with a smile, "Um, I'm full, too, take a step first."


Gu Yunzheng frowned as soon as he heard it, and forced Jialian down without any explanation, "You can't go, we haven't finished the wine yet! Didn't you just say you want to drink better than me?"

Just now Gu Yunzheng knew that this Jialian was quite capable of drinking, and the two were getting ready to have a good discussion. As a result, Jialian was leaving. Gu Yunzheng was of course not happy.

Galen had no choice but to shirk, "Well, I have time to drink with you, okay? Mainly I have something to do today."

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Gu Yunzheng asked endlessly.

At this moment, Galen looked around with a flustered look. Several of the people present were from the company, and Galen couldn't speak straight.

So she winked at Mu Wushuang who was on the side, and then looked at Li Jingyi's seat.

Mu Wushuang, who is also a woman, understood Jialian's intentions at once, thinking that she should have left because of Li Jingyi, so she wanted to catch up.

Thinking of this, Mu Wushuang had to laugh, and winked at Gu Yunzheng, "Let her go."

Gu Yunzheng was taken aback for a moment, and then he probably understood Mu Wushuang's intentions, so he sighed softly, and then let go of Jialian.

"Let's go, let's go, I wish you success."

Abandoning her careless tone, Galen ran out like this.

Then Gu Yunzheng looked at Mu Wushuang with some concern, with hesitation in his eyes, "Wushuang, do you say that we matched Jing Yi and Jialian like this, isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

Mu Wushuang was silent for a while.

In fact, for today’s gathering, they deliberately called Galen over because they felt that the characters of Galen and Tang Nuan’s paintings are really similar. Perhaps as long as they get along for a long time, Li Jingyi will slowly try to accept Gal lotus.

As for Tang Nuan painting...

They don't want to just give up Tang Nuan's paintings, but Tang Nuan's paintings have disappeared for too long.

I don't know if it's half a month or almost a month, and still can't find any whereabouts. This life has wiped out the hope in people's hearts.

No one knows whether Tang Nuan's painting is dead or alive.

If you are alive, then everything is fine, but if Tang Nuan's painting has already died somewhere unconsciously...

Does Li Jingyi want to do this, guarding Tang Nuan's paintings without a trace for a lifetime?

No, no one is obligated to pay for his life for another person.

What's more, as a friend of Li Jingyi, they still hope that Li Jingyi can come out of sorrow and cheer up. This is more important than anything else.

Alas, brother, please forgive me for messing with you, but I'm all for your own good.

With that thought, Gu Yunzheng felt much more comfortable.

At this time, outside the restaurant.

"Li Jingyi, wait for me, wait for me!" Jialian chased after Li Jingyi and walked out.

Li Jingyi strode forward, not planning to stay behind for the noisy woman behind him.

What a shame, I will die soon!

Jialian looked at the back of Li Jingyi's striding meteor from behind, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. He said that this stinky Li Jingyi, could he be deaf?

But he had to speed up and catch up with Li Jingyi in strides, and then Jialian pulled Li Jingyi's sleeve directly from behind.

"Hey, Li Jingyi, why are you ignoring me?" She asked frankly.

Li Jingyi paused in place, raised his hand helplessly and softened his eyebrows. He did not look back, and his tone was extremely cold, "Are you doing anything?"

"Hey, what are you talking about, can't I talk to you if I'm okay?" Galian jumped up to Li Jingyi in two steps.

Her young face was full of collagen, her voice was coquettish and arrogant, like a spoiled princess.

Looking up at the tall Li Jingyi, there was a mischievous smile at the corner of Jialian's mouth. She thought it was good to be able to look at Li Jingyi like this, and wondered if this is the most adorable height difference?

In the next moment, Li Jingyi directly interrupted all her fantasies.

His tone was concise and indifferent, "Just leave it alone and don't waste my time."

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