Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1198: Just don't like me

The thin body slowly squatted down, Jialian smiled bitterly, while picking up the gift box from the ground that had just been overthrown by Li Jingyi and turned over on the ground.

The precious watch inside has been thrown out. Although it is not broken, the surface of the watch has been polished.

Jialian still remembered that he was in an international high-end watch shop and saw this watch at a glance, and thought that he must personally give this gift to Li Jingyi.

To this end, she also went online to check the meaning of a woman giving a man a watch.

According to the Internet, if a woman gives a man a watch, she hopes that she can be with this man all the time like a watch.

At that time, Galen was thinking excitedly, didn't this exactly correspond to what she thought of Li Jingyi?

She even secretly lied in her heart. During this period of time, she had made so many moths in the company, and Li Jingyi didn't care about her, and she didn't even say a word.

Does that mean that he has a certain tolerance and preference for her?

Is it that as long as she works harder to win Li Jingyi's heart, it will happen soon?

When she thought of this, Galen felt an indescribable excitement in her heart, almost jumping with excitement.

It was only just now that she soberly realized that all this was just her own imagination.

Now, all illusions are shattered.

It was the first time that Jialian saw Li Jingyi being so nervous because of a person, Li Jingyi, who was originally as cold as an iceberg, also had a passionate heart.

It's just that this heart is not on her body, and this heart is all painted by Tang Nuan.

"Miss Lian'er, what are you doing standing outside alone?" As he was thinking, a voice came from behind.

Looking back when Galen reacted, he saw Xu Mo was walking out of the restaurant. After seeing that there was only Galen outside, he asked with some doubts, "Has the president gone?"

Without waiting for Jialian's response, Xu Mo saw that the Maybach parked on the side of the road was gone, and muttered to himself with some dissatisfaction, "Really, don't notify me."

After that, she turned her head back to look at Galen, and his eyes fell on her hand subconsciously, and saw Galen's watch and the gift box still lying on the ground.

In an instant, Xu Mo's face paled slightly.

But he still managed to squeeze out a smile, "Ms. Lian'er, actually the president doesn't like these small gifts. You can try to send them off next time, maybe the president will..."

"No, it's no use sending anything."

Jialian interrupted Xu Mo's words with a frustrated expression, "It's not that Li Jingyi doesn't like the gifts I gave. He just doesn't like me, a person who doesn't like you, even if you give him something he likes. I just touched a piece of garbage in front of him."

"On the contrary, even if you really give a handful of garbage to someone else, as long as that person likes you, then in his heart, this garbage is fragrant, do you understand?"

"Miss Lian'er..." Xu Mo was slightly moved.

However, Galen bluntly pulled out a smile, pretended to be indifferent, waved his hand, "Oh, forget it, don't talk about these silly things, isn't it just a watch? He doesn't accept it. I don't want to send it yet."

When the words were over, Galen walked to the trash can on the side of the road and pointed her watch at the trash can on the side of the road.

I was about to throw it in, but I felt reluctant.

This is after all her careful selection...Do you really want to throw it away?

Oh, forget it.

After thinking about it, Jialian still reluctantly took the watch back, and while walking back, he stuffed the watch to Xu Mo, "A good brand-name watch, it didn’t break anything. It’s not too bad to just throw it away. It's a bargain, Xu Mo, here you are."

"Huh?" Xu Mo was startled, and Galen had already walked away in the opposite direction without looking back.

Reluctantly, Xu Mo had to look down at the watch in his hand, feeling a moment of discomfort in his heart.

Yes, he admitted that he did have such a good impression of Galen.

If this gift was specially prepared for him by Galen, then Xu Mo would be very happy.

But the key point is that after Jialian gave it to the president, he was disgusted by the president and was about to throw it away, but now it was given to Xu Mo. Does this treat him as a trash can?

Thinking of this, Xu Mo smiled bitterly.

But he put the watch away and put it in his pocket silently.


At the same time, in the car.

Tang Nuanhua felt as though she was numb all over after just looking at each other with Li Jingyi. She couldn't recover for a long time. She kept looking at the street view outside the window, and she felt that she was missing something in her heart.

"Nuanhua, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Ming Ye asked with concern, following Tang Nuan's gaze, only to see the very ordinary street scene on the side of the road.

"Nothing." Tang Nuanhua shook his head, not wanting people to see his loss.

But I wondered, why did he feel so nervous when he first saw that man?

There is a feeling of deja vu, and even feel that my heart is about to jump out.

But when you think about it, it's just a passerby.

If he has any characteristics, it is probably that he is more handsome, but the key is that Tang Nuan draws to his heart, he is not a foreign trade association, he will never fall in love with others at first sight, right?

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan's painting suddenly felt a little funny, and laughed at himself as if he was thinking too much.

"It's okay." Seeing that everything was normal in Tang Nuan's painting, Ming Ye stopped asking questions, but said with concern, "I'm going to the hospital soon, don't be afraid, I will always be with you."

"Yeah." Tang Nuanhua nodded gently.

But in my heart she thought that she was not afraid at all, she was more afraid of her own illness than in the hospital.

As soon as a headache started, Tang Nuanhua felt that her internal organs were trembling violently, and she was getting worse every time. So not only was she not afraid of the hospital, she also wished to go to the hospital to get her disease cured.

Then, what happens after the disease is cured?

Tang Nuanhua suddenly thought of this question again. After he was cured, where would she go?

Do you have to go back to that place like a cage? No, Tang Nuanhua never wanted to go back all his life.

She just wants to find a place to stay quietly, and maybe do some other things, but she really doesn't want to go back to the cherry blossom island.

Although the scenery there is beautiful, for Tang Nuan's paintings, she already feels the place dull.

This world is so big, she should go around.

"Nuanhua? Nuanhua?" As he was thinking, Mingye interrupted Tang Nuan's thoughts on painting.

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