Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1199: The ghost gate is closed

The car stopped slowly at the entrance of the hospital, and Ming Ye said softly, "At the hospital, get off the car."

"Good." Tang Nuanhua nodded lightly and got out of the car.

After that, they went straight all the way to the brain department.

There is a professional doctor whom Blood Eagle knows, and he sent to the island to treat Tang Nuan painting a while ago. It was also from this hospital.

"Hello, Mr. Ming." At this moment, the doctor in a white coat saw Tang Nuanhua and Mingye and the others, first nodded slightly and said hello.

Then he looked at Tang Nuan's painting with a weak complexion, and the doctor didn't say much nonsense, "Let's go, do a brain examination first."

Tang Nuanhua nodded slightly, and Mingye helped her to go.

At the moment when she was lying on the cold machine, Tang Nuanhua felt as if she was sinking into an ice cellar. After that, she was pushed under an instrument that could be used for brain examination.

A blue light suddenly shone, and Tang Nuanhua closed his eyes tightly.

Ming Ye was also a little nervous on the side, as if Tang Nuan's painting was really going to Guimenguan.

In contrast, Blood Eagle is very calm, so calm that people can't see his emotions at all.

At this time, the doctor was sitting behind the instrument on the side, watching the video checked out on the computer screen, and vaguely felt something was wrong.

He didn't say exactly what was wrong, just frowning all the time, the whole person's complexion was not very good.

"Doctor, what's going on with Nuanhua?" Mingye noticed the doctor's expression here and hurriedly asked.

The doctor shook his head questioningly, "It's strange, this lady's brain cell structure is not very normal. Look at this one, and this one, according to numerical analysis...

Wait, Mr. Ming, have you taken any violent drugs to Miss Tang? "

If it hadn't been for taking any illegitimate drugs, the brain cells painted by Tang Nuan would not show such a state, as if they had been deliberately destroyed.

At this time, the surrounding quieted strangely.

Ming Ye glanced coldly at the blood eagle standing nearby, the blood eagle didn't know how to react, so he lowered his head and fell silent.

"Mr. Ming?"

At this time, the doctor urged to ask again, "Please answer my question, has Miss Tang ever taken any stimulating drugs?"

"It's amnesia pills." Suddenly, Ming Ye said coldly.

The blood eagle raised his hand abruptly and heard Ming Ye's blunt explanation, "There is a drug that can make people lose their memory after taking it. If you don't remember what happened before, it will damage people's mental cells. The name is Amnesia Pill. "

"Amnesia pills?"

When the doctor heard the name, his brows frowned tightly, and then he woke up as if he suddenly remembered something, "Could it be the regret medicine sold in the market before?"

Amnesia pills, also known as regret medicine.

On the black market a while ago, this drug was sold very hotly, but it was banned by relevant authorities in less than two days because there are many harmful ingredients in this drug.

"Blood Eagle, did you buy regret medicine?" Ming Ye suddenly contracted her pupils and looked back nervously at Blood Eagle.

The blood eagle was stared at his heart, and gently lowered his head to explain, "I, where I bought it from an acquaintance, he only told me that eating this thing can make people lose memory, and said that there are no side effects..."

"Oh, how can I regret that the medicine has no side effects!"

Before the blood eagle could finish the words, the doctor on the side said with grief, "The reason why this regret medicine has become a banned drug is because it was later checked by the doctor and found that the medicine contained serious toxic substances. !"

As soon as these words came out, Ming Ye and Blood Eagle's hearts shook at the same time.

The doctor continued to explain, "Yes, in the beginning, this drug can indeed damage human brain cells and cause people to achieve "amnesia" effects, but do you know what comes with this effect? ​​Can it cause people A virus that directly paralyzes the brain!"

"The brains of normal people can't be loaded with such great medicinal properties at all. If the time is long, this kind of drug will be 100% dead! You, you dare to give this to good people, do you have a conscience!"

The doctor felt frustrated.

There are too many ingredients in the regret medicine that damage the human brain. As long as people take that medicine and don't get treatment in time, they will undoubtedly die.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Suddenly, when the three were discussing, Tang Nuan painting lying on the instrument coughed violently.

You don't need to guess that she must have had a headache again. Mingye quickly told the blood eagle on the side, "Medicine, blood eagle, take the painkiller to Nuanhua."

"Yes." The blood eagle hurriedly opened the bag that Tang Nuanhua carried with him, then found some painkillers and mineral water from it and sent it over.

Tang Nuanhua was still in the examination equipment, and Mingye hurriedly told the doctor, "Doctor, please transfer Nuanhua out first. We will give her painkillers."

"and many more!"

Before he finished speaking, the doctor in a white coat suddenly stretched out his hand with a serious face, and the expression on his face gradually changed.

His pupils slowly widened, and he became more and more alarmed, more and more surprised!

"What's the matter?" Mingye stepped forward to look, but saw the doctor stood up suddenly, hurriedly pointing to a pool of unidentified juice spreading on the screen, "No, the patient has symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage. Quickly put her on the hospital bed and prepare for surgery!"


Everything came so suddenly, Ming Ye and Blood Eagle almost didn't react.


The painting of Tang Nuan lying on the detector, her cough became more and more violent, her voice became very faint, but she could still hear her mouth whispering, "Medicine, medicine..."

"Medicine! Blood eagle, medicine!" Ming Ye was impatient and took the medicine directly from the blood eagle.

I don’t want the doctor to rush up in the next second and knock off the painkillers in their hands. “It’s still there anytime. This painkiller cures the symptoms but not the root cause. Hurry up and push people into the operating room without surgery. It's too late!"

Hearing this, Ming Ye's heart was about to jump out.

Where did he dare to delay for a minute and a second, he quickly helped Tang Nuanhua from the instrument and put it on the stretcher. Then a few nurses wearing masks rushed in, lifted the four corners of the stretcher, Nuanhua hurriedly carried into the emergency room.

In the emergency room, the lights are deserted.

Tang Nuanhua was already in pain and was about to faint. Looking at the white lamp tube above her head, she felt that her consciousness was completely blurred.

Only the voices of doctors and nurses kept passing through, "Hold on for a while, hold on for a while!"

"Can't hold on..." Tang Nuan's paintings really hurt too much, too hurt too much.

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