Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1200: Even if it's life for life

"No, you have to hold on! Think about the person you love the most, the most precious thing! Your relatives, friends and lovers, remember everything you care about, even for them, you have to hold on!" This is what nurses say most often.

Every time they encounter a patient who is unable to persist, they will use what the patient cares most to deepen the patient's willpower, so that they will have a desire and hope to live, so as to win time for rescue.

This method is very effective most of the time.

However, at this moment, Tang Nuanhua looked at the light above his head, in a trance, and his heart was even more empty.

favorite person?



Did she ever own those?

Maybe it was, but she really couldn't remember it.

"Ah--" Suddenly, a sharp pain rose from Tang Nuan's mind again.

The nurses around Tang Nuanhua hurriedly shouted, "Can't drag on any longer! The operation must be done quickly!"

The attending physician put on the last absolute dust glove, and made a decisive voice under the mask, "Start the operation!"

After that, Tang Nuan could not remember the painting clearly.

She seemed to have been given anesthetics all over, and she fainted directly.

At this time, outside the emergency room.

Ming Ye waited at the door anxiously, her two fists tightly pinched together due to tension.

He has never been so worried.

He was worried that Tang Nuan would not be able to get out after painting in, and even began to hate himself in his heart, why! Why not take her out for treatment sooner!

If they started treatment earlier, perhaps Tang Nuanhua didn't need to suffer such a crime at all.

When he thought of this, Ming Ye felt a deep hatred for himself. He hated his selfishness. He only wanted to leave Tang Nuan's painting on the cherry blossom island to accompany him, but he almost killed this girl.

If possible, he was even willing to take his own life in exchange for Tang Nuan's life.

As long as she can wake up peacefully, Ming Ye will be completely relieved.

"Boss, take a drink first." At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Seeing Ming Ye's sweating profusely, the blood eagle went to the nurse to help him pick up a glass of boiling water, hoping to relieve Ming Ye's anxiety.

I don’t want Mingye to suddenly turn his head, and heavily overturned the boiling water in his hand. The boiling water instantly splashed on the blood eagle’s arm, and the firm skin was burned with red, and the hot pain spread immediately. .

The blood eagle took a deep breath, but he managed to endure it.

When he raised his head to meet Ming Ye's pupils, the blood eagle discovered that Ming Ye's pupils at this time were all blazing flames.

He almost gritted his teeth and stared at the blood eagle, "Didn't you tell me that there are no side effects after taking that medicine, and it can be made up as long as it is nourished!"

"Yeah, boss, but I don't know that the side effects of that medicine can be so big...I, uh!"

Before he finished speaking, a strong fist waved towards the blood eagle.

The thick dull pain instantly spread across the blood eagle's face, and then a stream of heat ran down the blood eagle's nose, and onto his lips.

You don't need to reach out to find out that this is a nosebleed.

Feeling the warm blood on his lips, the blood eagle's whole body's reaction was much slower, as if he had never expected Ming Ye to do anything to him.

But thinking about it, it was indeed because of his lack of consideration that brought Tang Nuan painting into a dangerous situation. Blood Eagle had to bow his head and apologize, "I'm sorry, boss, I was too impulsive about this matter, and I didn't consider it well at the time. ,I……"

"No need to say." Blood Eagle continued to say patiently, but Ming Ye didn't have the patience to continue listening.

What he wants now is not an apology, because an apology can't solve the problem, and even if the blood eagle wants to apologize, he should apologize to Tang Nuanhua.


In this case, Blood Eagle has nothing to say, so he can only add in a low voice, "Boss, then I will go to prepare a private ward for Miss Tang first."

After speaking, quietly withdrew.

There was only Ming Ye left at the door of the emergency room. He was still extremely anxious, and he only muttered a word in his heart, hoping that this girl would come back safe and sound.

As long as this girl is safe and sound, he can give anything, even if he changes his life.

Fortunately, this operation was a success.

Ming Ye didn't wait for a long time at the door, the doctor opened the door of the emergency room and smiled comfortingly at Ming Ye, "Congratulations, Mr. Ming, Miss Tang came to the rescue."

"Really." Mingye's pale face suddenly recovered a little blood when he heard the news.

God knows how worried he was when Tang Nuan painted the operation just now. Now that he heard that Tang Nuan was fine, he naturally felt relieved.


After a pause, the doctor told him again, "Ms. Tang is now in a stable period. Although she is out of danger, since this is a brain surgery, our doctors are limited in what we can do. If you are able to recover, you have to Look at the later cultivation."

When Ming Ye heard this, a big rock in his heart finally fell.

He nodded with confidence, "Please don't worry about this. I will definitely do my best to give Nuanhua the most considerate care and let her get better as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I'll go first." After speaking, the doctor bypassed the Ming Ye in front of him and left with the nurse behind him.

Ming Ye stood there, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

It's fine, it's fine. After all, if something really happened to Tang Nuan's painting, he would probably be guilty for a lifetime.

After that, Tang Nuan's painting was placed in a private ward.

This was specially arranged by Blood Eagle to ensure that Tang Nuanhua’s information about living here is not disclosed. It is also because of the special nature of this private ward that ordinary people and nurses are not allowed to enter, except for Blood Eagle Mingye. Apart from the attending physician of Tang Nuan's painting, no one knows the true identity of Tang Nuan's painting.

The blood eagle also vowed to promise, "Boss, don't worry, I have taken care of this ward specially. Even if Miss Tang has returned, no one will know that she is in this place."

Hearing this, Ming Ye was more or less relieved.

Li Group.

It was late, and Li Jingyi had been dealing with work since returning from the restaurant at noon. Xu Mo returned when he closed his cap after finishing the work.

It seemed that Xu Mo's entire face was slightly red after drinking some wine, but his head was still sober.

"President." Seeing Li Jingyi, he respectfully shouted, "You are looking for me."

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