Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1207: Prescribe the right medicine

Li Jingyi looked calm, and his tone was light, "Mom, I'm fine."

"It's all right, it's all right." That's what Qiao Manxue said, but Qiao Manxue still felt distressed in her heart.

How could she not know that her son became like this because of Tang Nuan's paintings?

So Manxue Qiao decided to prescribe the right medicine.

She smiled awkwardly, and then asked tentatively, "Son, didn't Nuanhua go on a trip? Did she tell you when you will be back?"

There was silence.

Li Jingyi had tried his best to avoid thinking of Tang Nuan's paintings so as not to be distracted again. As a result, his mother pulled Li Jingyi back with a word.

"Son, son?" Qiao Manxue saw that Li Jingyi hadn't responded for a long time, and suddenly sighed boringly, "Well, mother actually knows it."

"Nuanhua, she is not going to travel at all, right? If you go to travel, you won't even have no flight information, no friends, or even phone calls."

"Mom..." Li Jingyi raised his head to look at his mother.

Qiao Manxue smiled softly, "Child, mom is the person who understands you best in the world, you are worried about Nuanhua, I know, but you can't hurt your body because of this."

"I heard that you have been eating irregularly for a long time. It seemed that you had a stomach problem at the company last time?"

Hearing this, Li Jingyi frowned, and he didn't need to think to know that Xu Mo must have reported the news.

Qiao Manxue continued, "Oh, why don't you know how to take good care of yourself? If you really want to wait for Nuanhua to come back, you should also maintain a good condition, right? When you come back, but you see that you are sick and sick, do you think she is more worried about you?"

Qiao Manxue's tone slowly felt distressed, and she said that this was undoubtedly for the sake of her son.

Li Jingyi was speechless for a while, but he didn't know how to respond.

In the end, in order not to worry his mother, he had to say something perfunctorily, "Mom, I will take care of myself, you don't have to worry about me."

"Well, of course I am happy that you have this kind of mentality." Qiao Manxue nodded in satisfaction, and said again, "But if you can do it, it doesn't necessarily matter. In short, you should never make yourself sick. , Otherwise Mom would really worry about it."

"Okay, I see." Li Jingyi nodded.

Probably mothers are habitually chattering, Qiao Manxue has clearly felt his son's perfunctory, but still hopes that his broken thoughts can make Li Jingyi remember.

After that, Qiao Manxue didn't plan to stay long.

She said peacefully, "Since you are still busy, then mother, I won't bother you, and leave first."

"Okay." Li Jingyi nodded and shouted again, "Xu Mo, send Madam downstairs."

"Yes." Xu Mo responded at the door.

Unexpectedly, suddenly a reckless figure rushed in and rushed in without knocking the door.

While running to her, she exclaimed happily, "Jing Yi, look at what good things I have prepared for you!"

When the words were over, Galen's figure floated directly into the office.

Before Qiao Manxue had time to react, she saw a young girl with bright eyes and white teeth standing happily in front of Li Jingyi, her smile on her face extremely pure, as if she was holding a small cake in her hand, very delicate. .

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Jingyi saw Jialian, he couldn't help frowning fiercely and holding his forehead with his hand, his tone was cold and obviously unhappy, "Why are you here again?"

"I, I've prepared something delicious for you." Galen was aggrieved, her mouth slumped, "Why do you dislike me so much? I didn't do anything wrong."

Li Jingyi was even more speechless in an instant.

"Jing Yi, who is this?" At this time, Qiao Manxue, who had not left the office, frowned, vaguely feeling that the relationship between the girl in front of him and Li Jingyi seemed unusual.

"Hey, this aunt is so beautiful." Galen suddenly turned around and smiled brightly when she saw Qiao Manxue.

"Oh, this little girl can really speak." Qiao Manxue smiled at Jialian's praise.

Perhaps it is the reason why women like to be praised. As soon as she saw Galen, she had an inexplicable affection for Galen, so she didn't leave at all and stayed in the office and asked a few more questions.

"Son, who is this little girl? Why haven't you mentioned it to me before." Qiao Manxue smiled gently.

However, before Li Jingyi responded, Galen in front of him was astonished, covering his mouth, and said incredulously, "What, you, are you aunt? I thought it was a sister who was a few years older than me. ."

"Huh?" Qiao Manxue was stunned when she heard this compliment.

Even Xu Mo, who was standing outside the office, couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

What kind of description does this mean? It is too exaggerated.

Yes, although Qiao Manxue is indeed well maintained and looks younger than the average person of the same age, it is impossible to be only how old Jialian is. After all, this little man looks like Jialian is 18 years old. Little girl.

Qiao Manxue laughed afterwards. Although Galen's praise was really exaggerated, Qiao Manxue was still happy to be praised by such a clever girl.

Some people are happy, of course some people are unhappy.

Li Jingyi's brows tightened at this time, "Galian, take your things away! Don't forget that it's working time."

"is it?"

Galen looked disdainful. She raised her watch and glanced at the time. "I remember that our company has regulations. As long as it's about three hours after work, you can take a 10-minute break."

"Just now, I have been working diligently for three hours. I have prepared this cake a long time ago. I will wait for it to be delivered to you in these ten minutes. Why, so I never violated the company's regulations. Got it." Galen said with reason.

Li Jingyi felt his brain hurt after hearing these fallacies, but he couldn't say that what Galen said was unreasonable.

Simply put your hand down and pushed the cake on the table farther, "I don't like sweets, please take things away."


Galen was taken aback, looking at Li Jingyi a little strangely, "You, don't you like sweets? I also specially put a few spoonfuls of sugar for you, just because you don't think it is sweet enough."

In fact, Jialian didn't know where he heard the news, saying that Li Jingyi likes to eat sweets, so he specially prepared cakes.

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