Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1208: Don't like to be cheap

The result is now poured, and a good intention can only be poured into the toilet.

"Girl, in fact, we Jing Yi didn't like sweets since we were young, maybe you don't know?" At this moment, Qiao Manxue smiled gently and walked to the two of them.

Glancing at the cake on the table, Qiao Manxue's eyes are full of appreciation, and his tone is soft, "Are you making these yourself?"

"Yes auntie." Galen nodded like a baby.

Qiao Manxue's affection for this girl became stronger, "Not bad, this cake is made with ingenuity, but it is very beautiful."

"It's a pity that Jing Yi didn't like to eat sweets since he was a child. As long as he saw sweets, he would instinctively feel nauseated. This is nothing to do." As he said, Qiao Manxue clearly saw the unhappiness on Jialian's face.

Yes, after all, it was something that I had prepared hard, just to let people taste it, but it happened that her son just didn't like sweets and couldn't help it.

However, in order to comfort the girl, Qiao Manxue still smiled softly and comforted, "Although Jing Yi doesn't like it, I like it. How about you give me this cake?"

"Huh?" Galen was taken aback.

Qiao Manxue quickly added, "Of course, I will pay you. I don't like people who are greedy for other people's petty pets."

"No, no, no, no aunt, I didn't mean to ask you for money, I mean..."

Galen looked at Li Jingyi hesitantly. She meant that her cake was actually prepared for Li Jingyi.

After all, it’s something to give to others. Wouldn’t it be a bit bad if it was given to auntie?

Unexpectedly, Li Jingyi urged impatiently, "Mom, you go with this cake. I will directly add the money for the cake to this woman's salary, so don't delay here."

Li Jingyi simply didn't want to see Jialian. As for cakes, cakes, and money, it didn't matter.

"Well, all right, little girl, your cake, aunt, I just laughed, are you okay?" Qiao Manxue asked with a smile.

"No, no objection, of course there is no objection." Galen must have no objection. After all, this lady is Li Jingyi's mother. If the cake can fall into the hands of aunt, it is definitely better than pouring into the toilet.

She just felt that it was a little pity, after all, Galen had spent a lot of hard work to make this cake, and she had specially found a five-star pastry chef to learn it.

After having several failed works, it was hard to make such a finished product. I thought it would make Li Jingyi happy, but it was no use.

Thinking of this, Galenwu sighed in his heart and said, "That auntie, Jing Yi, I'll go out to work first, and I won't bother you."

Just as he walked, Galen said reluctantly, "By the way, Auntie, if you think the cake is delicious, I can make it next time. Also, I don’t need money. This is just my heart. If you give me money, , That's tacky."

After the words fell, Galen smiled brightly, and the thin figure walked out of the office directly.

Qiao Manxue looked at the back of her leaving, unknowingly it was a motherly smile.

After that, she suddenly looked at Li Jingyi with a wicked look, and smiled, "Son, I didn't expect it. Mom always thought that you didn't know your mind. Now it seems that you still have a hand for yourself. "

"What?" Li Jingyi frowned, somewhat incomprehensible.

Qiao Manxue laughed even more teasingly, "Tsk tusk, don't you think mom can't tell, this girl was yelling and unceremonious in front of you just now. Obviously, it's interesting to you. She can't help it."

"If you want me to see, I guess you can become a happy couple."

Thinking of this, Qiao Manxue felt a little bit happy.

She has been worried about her son's brains, and Tang Nuan has to paint, but based on the current situation, it is obvious that she is alone.

"Mom, are you thinking too much?" Li Jingyi frowned at this moment, very speechless.

What is he thinking in his mother's head?

Najialian brought a piece of cake over, what does it have to do with Li Jingyi?

In the end, in the eyes of his mother, it turned out to be an ambiguity between him and Galen?

Sure enough, women are born with gossip physique!

"Oh, it's okay, isn't mom also making a joke with you? Why are you still angry?" Qiao Manxue saw that Li Jingyi was a little unhappy, and quickly weakened her tone.

"However, the character of the girl just now looks like a warm painting." Suddenly added.

Hearing this, Li Jingyi paused.

In fact, not only his mother said this alone. From Gu Yunzheng to Mu Wushuang to Xu Mo, everyone around Li Jingyi said that Jialian's personality resembled Tang Nuan's paintings.

Even Li Jingyi himself admits that Jialian's nonsense personality and lively smile are indeed somewhat similar to those of Tang Nuan.

However, the two of Jialian and Tang Nuan are not comparable in Li Jingyi's mind.

Perhaps Jialian is just a cheerful personality that makes people feel like Tang Nuan's paintings. After all, Tang Nuan's paintings are also a little silly.

However, apart from mischief, Tang Nuan's paintings have many, many beautiful qualities. She is smart and kind, strong and courageous, self-esteem and self-love, and she will never chase behind a man. She has been rejected many times, and she still sticks like a dog skin plaster. .

In Li Jingyi's heart, she is a priceless treasure.

As for Galen, it might be the reason why he didn't like her in his heart. Li Jingyi didn't even want to think about it or understand Galen's personality.

Just do what you love, anyway, as long as you don't overdo it, Li Jingyi doesn't bother to care about it.

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi's tone was inexplicably impatient, "Mom, if you are okay, go home quickly, don't worry about me."

Then he shouted outside the door, "Xu Mo!"

"Wait!" Qiao Manxue was dissatisfied seeing his son rushing to drive him away in such a hurry. There was a hint of a drop in his tone.

"Mom knows, you may not like to hear what I say, but am I not all for your own good?"

"Look at yourself for yourself. Since Nuanhua left, have you not settled down? The news bulletin flies around the world every day, isn't it to find Nuanhua?"

"But now, don't you still have no news from her?"

Qiao Manxue sighed, her tone also a little helpless, "Actually, from the perspective of mother, you and Nuanhua have nothing to do with each other..."

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