"You got married twice before and after, but you didn’t succeed both times. Now the Nuanhua people have disappeared...Jing Yi, or you should listen to your mother and give up Nuanhua as soon as possible. There are so many good girls in this world. , You pick one at random, and mother promises that you will never interfere with your relationship in the future, okay?

Qiao Manxue was almost begging, "Mom assures you this time, as long as you are not looking for a dirty girl and will not spoil the style of our family, I have no problem with whoever you like, as long as you can cheer up. Get up, okay?"

"As for that Tang Nuan painting, son, it's not that mother is ruthless, you should forget her as soon as possible, don't delay your happiness for a woman who doesn't know whether it is dead or alive! Just treat it as mother begging you. You must also consider for yourself."

Qiao Manxue really has no choice.

She has worked so hard for so many years, and finally cultivated an excellent son like Li Jingyi. This son has always been her pride since childhood, and it is her heart.

Nowadays, for the sake of a mere woman, his precious son can't eat well and sleep well every day, so he has transformed himself into this haggard look. How can she be a mother?

Of course, if Tang Nuan's paintings can be found, Qiao Manxue will definitely not persuade Li Jingyi to choose another marriage.

But the point is that now, Tang Nuan's painting has disappeared for a whole month or so. No matter what methods have been exhausted, even if it is to lift the city, there is still no news about Tang Nuan's painting.

A big living person has not heard any news for so long, who knows whether it is life or death now?

In case, she meant in case, in case Tang Nuanhua died in an unknown corner, wouldn't her own son have to look for her for a lifetime?

How does this work!

Not to mention that the happiness of his son's life is ruined like this, at least the Li family can't just cut off the incense!

To put it harder, Li Jingyi is the only son in the family, how can he stay a widow for a woman?

Therefore, Qiao Manxue would rather let Li Jingyi be tempted by any other woman than to let his son suffer from this feeling anymore. In any case, he can't be so decadent anymore. He must quickly forget Tang Nuan's painting and go to meet a new life. !

Of course, this is just Qiao Manxue's wishful thinking.

Li Jingyi is such a stubborn person, he must do something to the end, and love someone is to love absoluteness. Therefore, he will never give up Tang Nuan's paintings.

Junlang's eyebrows were slightly raised, and Li Jingyi's tone became a little impatient, "Mom, don't worry about my business anymore."

"Jing Yi, do you really think mom likes to worry about your affairs? Isn't mom worried about you?"

Qiao Manxue said bitterly, she hoped that her precious son could more or less understand her intentions, although Qiao Manxue also knew that she was nagging, she would definitely not like it if she talked too much.

But there are some things, if she, a mother, doesn't come out to say it, I'm afraid no one can come out to say it.

So no matter what Li Jingyi's attitude is, Qiao Manxue still softened her tone and was pleased, "Jing Yi, don't always think that your mother is harming you. In fact, these words I told you are for your good..."

"You don't have to say this, I know it all!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Jingyi interrupted him coldly.

Qiao Manxue was taken aback, and she saw Li Jingyi look at her solemnly, with a calm tone, and every sentence full of organization, "Mom, I know what you say and do is for my good, but for my good, you shouldn't be An excuse to bind me."

"What?" Qiao Manxue was a little stupid.

Li Jingyi realized that his tone was a bit heavy, so he relaxed a little, "Mom, if you are really good for me, you should be more considerate of my mood. Now that Nuanhua has not found anyone, we don't know whether she is dead or not. Live, if that’s the case, then I’ll even look for Nuanhua to see if she is alive or dead! Tang Nuanhua, she is my woman in life, and my dead wife when she dies. Even if she is dead, I will live. See people, die to see corpses!"

"So I will never give up looking for a warm painting, no matter what you say, I will never give up, even if I use up the rest of my life, I will never give up. Also, you don't want to link me anymore It’s online now, except to find a warm painting, I am not interested in any other women."

"Mom, did I understand enough?"

After saying this in one breath, Li Jingyi's eyes were full of determination, only hoping that his mother would understand his meaning.


Now that everything has been said for this purpose, Qiao Manxue can say more besides sighing?

She knew that her advice had no effect on her stubborn son. Not only could she not let Li Jingyi retreat from then on, but she also helped Li Jingyi strengthen her determination to find Tang Nuan painting.

That's all, that's all.

On Qiao Manxue's well-maintained face, a wry smile suddenly appeared, "Jing Yi, my mother can only give you an opinion on emotional matters, and can't really make any decisions for you."

"But I can tell you in advance. If you really insist on going to Tang Nuan's painting, if you find it, it's okay. If you don't find it, you will suffer a lot in the future..."

"Not only the suffering of waiting, but also the disappointment of failing hope again and again. The most unbearable thing in this world is waiting indefinitely, do you understand?"

"Well, I know all about it." Li Jingyi nodded lightly.

When Qiao Manxue heard this, she probably understood Li Jingyi's determination, so what else could she say? It’s only time to sigh deeply, "Since you have all thoughts about it, then mom won't bother you, so please work hard."

After speaking, Qiao Manxue turned and left. When she left, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and quietly touched a tear, feeling extremely sad.

Which mother would want to watch her son suffer?

Li Jingyi clearly wanted to overcome difficulties and jump into the abyss by himself.

She is very distressed as a mother, but she has no ability to stop her. She can only watch Li Jingyi for a Tang Nuan painting. He doesn't think about tea or eating, and can't sleep well.

What can I do...

While thinking about it, Qiao Manxue wiped away her tears and walked to the office area, restoring her elegant and noble manner.

The surrounding employees nodded to Qiao Manxue again, "Mrs. Chairman, walk slowly."

Qiao Manxue smiled slightly, as a response.

"Auntie, go slowly." At this time, a clear voice sounded, and it was Galen.

She smiled silly, with a cute and playful face, "If you have time in the future, you can come and play often."

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