At that time, the news was so heated that almost everyone believed that Tang Nuan's painting really fell off the cliff with Ming Ye and died.

If Li Jingyi hadn't come out in time to clarify that Tang Nuan's painting was just going out for a trip, maybe everyone really thought Tang Nuan's painting was dead.

Also last time, Xu Mo remembered that he and Li Jingyi found the Shura Alliance dungeon together, and ran into Xiaojun, the driver who had deliberately arranged for Tang Nuanhua to drive. Xiaojun also said at the time that Tang Nuan's painting was taken away by Ming Ye. Up.

Thinking about it now, this is a crucial clue!

How could they forget this important clue!

Thinking of this, Xu Mo hurriedly said, "President, the young lady must have been taken away by Ming Ye, that man is really hateful! Should we immediately start an investigation?"

"No need." Li Jingyi said solemnly.

Gu Yunzheng, Mu Wushuang and Xu Mo looked at each other once again.

Li Jingyi suddenly snorted and explained in a lightly manner in front of him, "Having this time for investigation is equivalent to giving them a chance to escape for the second time."

Suddenly, Li Jingyi looked at the assistant with a gaze that was close to stern, "Xu Mo, go and do something for me."

"Yes, please order from the president!"

Xu Mo immediately corrected his attitude, his voice was particularly sonorous and powerful.

Li Jingyi's tone was even colder, "Transfer my order and ask the police department to assist us and seal the city."


As soon as Li Jingyi said what he said, the hearts of the three people next to him were shocked at the same time.

Closing the city?

Isn't this a plot that only appears in movie novels!

However, Li Jingyi's expression was so indifferent, his tone was calm and determined, "Immediately notify the relevant departments to completely block the city and not allow anyone to leave the city."

"Also, we asked the transportation department to assist us in searching the whereabouts of sections of road that Tang Nuan painting might pass.

If they are right, the time after they leave the hospital is definitely not more than two hours. The area where the hospital is located is the city center. Drive the car from the city center to the suburbs, and then take the highway from the suburbs or leave through customs. It is impossible to do it within, so they can't run far. "

"In short, we must make every effort to investigate the whereabouts of Tang Nuan's paintings. If Tang Nuan's paintings are not found, I will not give up by Li Jingyi!"

Li Jingyi almost said the last words through gritted teeth.

No one noticed that besides his powerful aura, his hands and fists were already tightly squeezed together.

It seemed to hold tightly all the hope, all the anger, and the inner suffering these days, all kinds of things, all tightly clenched in that fist.

After waiting so long, waiting so long, finally there is a little trace of Tang Nuan's painting!

No matter what extreme methods are used, even if all the power is used to lift the city, he will definitely find Tang Nuan painting.

This time, he didn't want to miss it again.

"Yes, President I understand!"

Xu Mo knew that Li Jingyi was definitely not joking, because he had never seen Li Jingyi look so serious, more serious than ever before.

It seems that this time, we must do our best!


At the same time, on the streets near the suburbs.

A black off-road vehicle is galloping in the middle of the road. Inside the vehicle, the blood eagle is sitting in the main driver's seat while Ming Ye and Tang Nuanhua are sitting in the back row.

"Boss, we have been driving for an hour and a half now, and we will be able to leave the city in less than half an hour!"

The Blood Eagle sighed in relief.

Hearing this, Ming Ye also let out a sigh of relief, and his nervous expression slowly calmed down, "Okay, let's leave this place as soon as possible."

Tang Nuan was very puzzled when she listened. She stared blankly at the retreating street scene outside the window. She could clearly feel their journey. They were driving more and more remotely, and she couldn't help but question, "Ming Ye, we are Where are you going?"

"go with……"

Ming Ye was speechless for a while, but in fact he didn't know where to go, he only knew that he could never stay here again.

Just now in the hospital, Tang Nuan's painting was discovered by a friend who knew her before. Not surprisingly, Tang Nuan's painting will be found by Li Jingyi soon.

Therefore, Ming Ye could only quickly leave with Tang Nuan painting.

As for the destination, Mingye couldn't answer why.

Facing Tang Nuan's doubts, he felt a little guilty in his heart, so he could only bite the bullet and tugged at the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Of course, I will take you to a better place than here."

"Really...but I think this is good here."

Tang Nuan painted her mouth with a pity, looking at the inexplicably familiar street scene outside the window, her tone of dissatisfaction, "Furthermore, we were hospitalized in the hospital, why did we leave suddenly? And my surgery was just completed. Well, you are not afraid that if I do not rest well, I will have some sequelae."

Hearing this, Ming Ye couldn't help being a little stunned.

He turned his head and saw that Tang Nuan's painting disease hadn't been cured, he ran with him with a pale face, and he couldn't help feeling sad and self-blaming.

If he can, he also hopes that Tang Nuan's painting can settle down, heal his injuries, and heal those injuries completely.

It's just that he has no other choice...


In the end, Ming Ye could only sighed deeply, and then promised to Tang Nuan painting, "Nuanhua, I will definitely take you to a safer place, and then let you feel at ease, okay?"

"Otherwise, is there any other way besides doing this?" Tang Nuan shrugged boredly.

In fact, it doesn't matter to her where she goes, just like a person without roots, there is no feeling of going home wherever she goes.

It’s just that Tang Nuan’s painting feels a bit pity that she has an inexplicable affection for the city, and even feels that the city seems to have some kind of relationship with her, quite familiar.

But before I had time to understand, I had to run around and leave with Ming Ye.

"Hey...I am really like a duckweed, and my fate is so rough." Tang Nuan painted a little while sighing softly.

The car drove forward calmly.

The blood eagle held the steering wheel tightly with his powerful hands, mastering the direction skillfully, without noticing anything unusual.

Unexpectedly, a special police car suddenly chased up from behind, from far to near in the rearview mirror, and then directly passed the car where the blood eagle was.

The speed was extremely fast, as if something had happened.

Without waiting for the blood eagle to react, several more police cars rushed past in front of the blood eagle.

"Damn, what's the situation?"

Blood Eagle looked at the SWAT cars passing by one after another, and he felt flustered.

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