Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1215: Almost vomiting blood

Although these cars did not come to him, he faintly felt an ominous premonition.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Ming Ye sitting in the back row narrowed his eyes sharply.

Super vigilance and alertness to unknown dangers made Ming Ye feel like he can't go any further.

Without any hesitation, he directly ordered, "Blood Eagle, turn around."

"What? Boss, we are about to leave here soon. The highway junction is in front of you. As long as you pass, it will be fine." Blood Eagle was a little unhappy.

He thought that as long as he speeded up and passed the front gate, he could leave the city.

Ming Ye's expression became even more tense, "It's because the front is a pass, so we can't pass it!"

If you didn't guess wrong, the special police cars one after another should have received some kind of instruction and drove towards the gate deliberately.

It's impossible to say that all of this is just a deliberate obstruction by Li Jingyi behind his back!

He wanted to seal off the city so that Ming Ye would not have a chance to escape.

Damn it!

Suddenly, Ming Ye, who hadn’t been angry for a long time, an inexplicable anger surged in his heart, and without hesitation, he ordered the blood eagle again, “Turn around immediately. You can’t drive anymore. If you drive on, we’re afraid that I'm going to be caught by others."


The Blood Eagle probably understood what Ming Ye meant, so he had to find a relatively empty position, and then turned around and left.

What they didn't know was that the police had already seen everything they did, and reported the suspicious phenomenon to Li Jingyi.

After hearing this, Li Jingyi frowned fiercely, but still tried his best to stay calm, "Don't startle the snake and see where they are going."

"it is good."

The police did not follow Mingye anymore, but constantly monitored the movement of the black off-road vehicle.

Later, the black off-road vehicle drove into a high-end community.

This area is a classic villa area, where all the wealthy people live, each and every household is extravagant, and the atmosphere of luxury can be seen everywhere.

When the blood eagle drove the car here, he asked as he drove, "Boss, when did you buy a house here?"

To know that Mingye's permanent residence is not here, he can't figure out why Mingye wants to buy a villa here.

"This is not my room. To be precise, it belongs to an old friend before." Ming Ye explained lightly.

As for what old friend it was, Ming Ye didn't give any extra explanations, and the Blood Eagle didn't ask much. He didn't know him anyway.

Anyway, right now they have nowhere to go, no matter whose house is here, as long as there is a place to settle, it is already considered lucky.

Next, they settled down in this villa area.

The news quickly reached Li Jingyi's ears. Xu Mo expressed disdain as he said, "I didn't expect this Mingye to have a villa on our side. Huh, he deserves it too!"

Hearing that, Li Jingyi was not surprised at all.

Before Mingye, he was also a well-known arms tycoon in the country. After so many years in the arms business, he naturally knew a lot of people.

Nowadays, at such a critical juncture, it is normal for someone to be willing to help them.

But, does he really think that place is safe?


When Li Jingyi thought about this, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, and a scornful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

No one knows what he is thinking at the moment, only knows that after the meditation, he said coldly, "Assemble the manpower, set off immediately, and rescue the young lady."


Xu Mo shook his whole body when he heard this, and nodded in agreement immediately where he dared to delay.

I thought, a game of cat and mouse is about to end.

In the evening, the villa.

After finally finding a place to stay, Mingye was also relieved, thinking that he could more or less rest.

The blood eagle has been busy, since they moved into this villa, the blood eagle has been making plans continuously.

In the plan, it is written in extra detail that they will stay here for a few days, where they will go next, and an analysis of the outside situation, etc...

When it gets dark, the blood eagle has to wear an apron himself and start cooking... he almost feels that he is omnipotent.

Of course, if Tang Nuan's painting did not call him unpalatable and did not spoil the atmosphere, Blood Eagle would be quite confident.

It's a pity that Tang Nuan painting didn't give him any face. When he saw the food made by the blood eagle, Tang Nuan painting was almost fooled by the beautiful appearance, but when she picked up the chopsticks and clamped the dishes to her own In the mouth, Tang Nuan painting vomited out almost instantly.


Tang Nuan continued to pat his Hun’s mouth, letting his breath slow, and then began to relentlessly complain, “Blood Eagle, what kind of dishes do you cook? These dishes look okay. How can it taste like it was fished out of a cesspool?"

Of course, this description is a bit excessive.

But Tang Nuanhua felt that if she didn't say things so extreme, it would not be enough to describe how she almost vomited blood at this moment.

Blood Eagle still didn't believe that his cooking was unpalatable. Faced with Tang Nuan's spit, he snorted with disdain, and then took a little bit of food with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth.


In an instant, he was worse than Tang Nuan.

"Hahahahaha, haha, are you too funny?"

Tang Nuan painting saw that the blood eagle was so unpalatable that he could hardly open his eyes. He immediately held his belly and laughed. The long-lost bright girlishness reappeared on her pale and weak face.

Seeing this scene, Ming Ye couldn't help but smile.

For a moment, he actually felt that such a day had some little beauty.

But soon, this beauty was ruthlessly broken.

Just as they were enjoying each other, there was a loud noise outside the door.

It's like someone is holding a loudspeaker and shouting into the room, "Listen to me, you are already surrounded!"

This sound was like a gong and drum, violently waking up the person who was sleeping.

Tang Nuan painting frowned suddenly, "What's the matter? Is there something wrong outside."

After talking about Tang Nuan's painting, she had to get up and wanted to go outside to have a look.

Unexpectedly, Ming Ye suddenly grasped her hand tightly, as if she would lose Tang Nuan's painting as long as she let go.

He said softly and nervously, "Nuanhua, don't go out."

"Well, I just want to go out and watch the excitement." Tang Nuanhua explained.

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