What kind of feeling is that? Tang Nuan's paintings can't be said.

But it just feels very familiar, very familiar, very familiar.

So, who is this man?


Without waiting for Tang Nuanhua to think carefully, suddenly, Li Jingyi's slender and tall figure came forward and gave her a firm hug.

The intensity of the hug was very heavy, as if wishing to soften Tang Nuan's painting completely into his body, Tang Nuan's painting almost couldn't breathe.

"Ah, who are you! Indecent!" After struggling hard for several times, Tang Nuan could not break away from Li Jingyi's embrace.

Li Jingyi closed his eyes deeply, feeling every second of holding this girl in his arms.

God knows how long he waited for this moment.

For more than a month, in order to find Tang Nuan's painting, Li Jingyi didn't know how many times he had hoped, and how many times he was disappointed in the end.

Now with great difficulty, he finally found this girl, and the joy of her loss filled Li Jingyi's Hungarian accent. He wished to freeze this moment, forever.

"Um...you, you let me go, you let me go!" Tang Nuan painting was almost out of breath.

With her face pressed against Li Jingyi's Huns, she wondered if this man was crazy?

Is it possible that you can treat a girl in public with your own good looks?

This is obviously a rogue!

No, no, she can't let this man eat her tofu for nothing!

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan's painting suddenly had an idea, she opened her mouth and gave Li Jingyi's arm a hard bite.


Li Jingyi was bitten into a whisper, and instinctively let go of Tang Nuan's painting.

At that moment, Tang Nuanhua immediately pulled up his little feet and ran behind Mingye in two steps.

"Look at Mingye, someone is bullying me, and you don't care..." Feeling wronged, Tang Nuan's painting cried to Mingye. The tone was soft and waxy, and I felt aggrieved.


Li Jingyi saw this scene before him, his pupils tightened instantly.

Ming Ye showed a smile, patted the head of Tang Nuan's painting comfortably, and comforted, "It's okay Nuan painting, this person is also your old friend."

"Friends? Cut! Who would have such a friend. When he came up, he was cuddling. I think he was a stinky rogue!" Tang Nuan glared at Li Jingyi angrily.

No matter what Ming Ye said, Tang Nuan's painting didn't have a good impression of Li Jingyi in front of him anyway.

I thought that there are no friends like this. They came up for a meal and hugged them, and made it clear that they were licking oil, okay?

It's really annoying.

"Nuanhua...you don't recognize me?"

Li Jingyi frowned at this moment, looking at Tang Nuan's painting with a look of confusion.

He thought to himself what was going on, why did Tang Nuan's painting seem to be very strange to him? As if never knew him.

As he was thinking, Tang Nuan painting suddenly snorted in disdain, and said to Li Jingyi with a more serious tone, "You are really self-righteous, why should I know you, stay away from me, you!"


Li Jingyi couldn't help being astonished.

In the end what happened? It was obvious that the girl in front of her was painted by Tang Nuan, but she never seemed to know herself.

Could it be that this girl is naughty again, playing with herself?

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi couldn't help but soften a little, "Nuanhua, don't joke with me."

"Who is joking with you, scumbag, scumbag, scumbag, you want me to say it several times!"

Tang Nuan was almost mad at painting, and said to his heart why there are still men so shameless.

He was obviously doing something to the girl he didn't know, and he looked disapproving.

Humph, definitely a scumbag!

Thinking about this, Tang Nuan's disgusting psychology became even more serious.

"Mingye! Come out with me."

Suddenly, Li Jingyi looked at Mingye with cold eyes.

He knew that he had to tell Tang Nuan to paint that he hadn't explained clearly. The girl seemed to have forgotten who she was, so Li Jingyi simply went to Mingye and asked him to understand.

If you let him know that Ming Ye did something unclean to Tang Nuan's paintings, he would be looking for death!

"Mingye, don't listen to this person. He is so fierce and likes to play rogues. He is definitely not a good person. Let him go quickly." Tang Nuan painting whispered from the side at this time.

She thought to herself that Li Jingyi looked too fierce. He was obviously here to find the fault, so she should ignore him.

He didn't want to smile softly, and after gently stroking Tang Nuan's head, he still said, "You go up first, I have something to discuss with others."

"Huh?" Tang Nuan painted a little disappointed.

Mingye had to give her a relieved look, "It's okay, but there are some things that need to be explained clearly, and it won't take too long."

"Okay." Tang Nuan painted this was considered willing.

Although she really didn't like this uninvited guest, since Ming Ye wanted to talk to this person, she had to avoid it temporarily.

After that, Tang Nuan painted upstairs.

Ming Ye got up from his seat, and then walked out the door with Li Jingyi.

"Mingye! You bastard!"

As soon as he left the house, Li Jingyi suddenly raised his fist and slammed his fist directly at Mingye's profile.

Ming Ye took a punch unpreparedly, and the whole person staggered back uncontrollably, almost unable to stand firm.

"Boss!" Seeing this, the blood eagle rushed forward.

Unexpectedly, before taking a step, Ming Ye directly raised his hand to the blood eagle and made a gesture of coming over individually, meaning that you don't care about my affairs.

"Boss..." The blood eagle had no choice but to stop coming forward, but his brows were already wrung fiercely.

Later, Ming Ye first reached out and wiped the warm juice from the corner of his mouth. After seeing the bright red blood, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Looking at Li Jingyi in front of him mockingly, he seemed to be inexplicably excited, "Li Jingyi, I didn't expect one day to be found by you. I thought you would never find me."

"Shut up for me!" Li Jingyi couldn't bear it, and stepped forward with another punch.

A mouthful of blood gushed out from Ming Ye's mouth, and the blood eagle followed him tightly. However, Ming Ye was not angry, but laughed more wildly.

He didn't intend to fight back. He just approached Li Jingyi step by step, with an arrogant irony in his words, "But I tell you Li Jingyi, you are too late!"

"Nuanhua doesn't remember you anymore. She doesn't remember anything. You are just a rascal."

Repeating what Tang Nuan painted just now, Ming Ye felt a burst of excitement inexplicably.

"You bastard, what did you do to Nuanhua!"

Li Jingyi was furious, and suddenly pulled Mingye's collar to lift him up.

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