Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1219: Didn't treat me as a friend

"Really?" Ming Ye smiled.

"Of course, who do you think would be willing to be friends with a frivolous man?" Tang Nuan was not polite at all.

Anyway, she didn't like Li Jingyi anyway.

Although this man is really not handsome, even the popular niche on TV is a bit inferior to him...


But so what, Tang Nuanhua thought that he was not the kind of person who looked at faces, and besides, this man hugged girls at all times, so he didn't know how to be polite?

Therefore, Tang Nuan's painting will never give Li Jingyi any face.

She coldly scolded Li Jingyi, who was standing in the ward, "Okay, what else are you looking at, will you leave my ward soon? If you look at me like this again, I guess my illness will never be cured forever. ."

"Heh..." Li Jingyi chuckled inexplicably after hearing this.

Seeing Tang Nuan's painting of this tooth dancing claw, he suddenly remembered the previous Tang Nuan painting. At that time, this girl was not willing to be engaged to herself, all day long like a little hedgehog against him.

But in the end?

Not obediently following him.

So this time, Li Jingyi didn't mind that Tang Nuan's attitude towards him was bad, on the contrary, he felt a little funny in his heart.

There was an inexplicable arc at the corner of his mouth. Li Jingyi looked at Tang Nuan's painting with interest, and said softly, "You didn't treat me as a friend, right?"


Tang Nuan was taken aback and didn't quite understand what Li Jingyi meant.

Li Jingyi approached Tang Nuan's painting directly in a few strides, reached out and pinched her small and delicate chin, with his left hand, directly controlled her body under her body to prevent her from moving, then leaned down and dropped a kiss directly on Tang Nuan's painted lips. .


Suddenly, Tang Nuanhua felt qi and blood surge all over his body, and his brain was congested and blood.

Before she could react, Li Jingyi had let go of her delicate face and smiled slightly, "I was never your friend, and I never thought of being your friend. You can only be my woman."

After speaking, Li Jingyi smiled and got up, "Okay, my wife, I won't bother you to rest. I will send the housekeeper to take care of you and take a good rest."

When the words fell, Li Jingyi hurried away.

Fortunately, he left in time, because at the moment his front foot had just left, Tang Nuan's hoarse roar of painting sounded directly from the ward behind him, "Ah! Shameless scumbag, scumbag!"

Hearing this voice, Li Jingyi smiled without anger, a satisfied smile on his face.

If this is called a rogue, then he will have to play for a lifetime.

However, Xu Mo didn't understand all of this. Hearing the voice coming from behind, he said with a horror, "President, why do you say you are doing this? Isn't this sincere to annoy the young lady?"

"She has a bad impression of you right now. If you still toss her like this, she must not hate you?"

And the President is still competing with that Ming Ye. If the President does this, won't Mrs. Young hate him even more, and the affection for Ming Ye will become stronger?

Hey, Xu Mo really can't figure it out.

Unexpectedly, Li Jingyi smiled indifferently, "Hate hate, hate is also a manifestation of love."

"It's better than not hating or loving. I don't have any impression of me. Besides, I can always get her back to me."

When he said this, Li Jingyi almost made an oath.

Xu Mo looked dumbfounded and couldn't understand what the president of his family was thinking, but since this was what the president was thinking, he couldn't interfere.

Inside the ward.

Just after being kissed so strongly by Li Jingyi, Tang Nuan's painting is still full of anger.


While screaming angrily, she took the pillow up from behind and placed it on her lap, and while slamming the hammer, she explained, "It's really **** damn damn! How can there be such a brazen person!"

"Who is his wife? Who wants him to take care of it! What nonsense is he talking about! What a shame! Shameless! Rogue!"

In short, as long as all the negative words remembered by Tang Nuan's paintings, they were all used on Li Jingyi.

Ming Ye watched this scene from the sidelines, her fists gradually squeezed uncontrollably, and a serious slander against Li Jingyi in her heart.

But you still have to stay gentle to coax Tang Nuan painting, Ming Ye reached out and touched her head gently and said, "Nuan painting, don't care about that kind of rascal. You have to maintain a good attitude now to be able to accept it better. Treatment, as for that kind of person, just let him go."

I don't want Tang Nuanhua to hear this. Not only did he lose his temper, but became even more angry. He complained to Ming Ye, "Hey, is this your way of comforting people! I think you are clearly standing and talking without back pain!"

"Furthermore, didn't you say that you are my boyfriend? Then your girlfriend was taken advantage of by someone just now, how can you stand next to you!"

"Okay, I can see it through, you men don't have a good thing, you are all scum, scum!"

The more you speak, the more angry, the more you speak, the more angry!

Tang Nuanhua simply raised the pillow as a beating, and even took it out of Li Jingyi's body and returned it to Ming Ye.

Ming Ye was beaten to doubt life in an instant...

Half an hour later, the butler Li Sao came.

As soon as she entered the door of the ward, Sister Li grabbed Tang Nuan's hand tightly, feeling distressed and pitiful to her, and quickly took out the nutritious porridge she had prepared in advance.

"Mrs. Young, look at it quickly. Aunt Li gave you some of your favorite nutritious porridge. You have really lost too much weight during this period. You have to make up for it!" The barrel was opened, and the aroma was overflowing instantly.

Tang Nuan couldn't help drooling just by smelling the smell, thinking this porridge is really fragrant!

Just looking at the sister-in-law Li in front of her, she looked strange, "Auntie, you, who are you?"

"Mrs. Young? Don't you remember me?" Sister Li's reaction to Tang Nuan's painting was so strange, and she was a little sad.

Before Tang Nuanhua could respond, she sighed deeply, and said sadly, "Just now, the young master told me that you have lost your previous memories, young lady. I still don’t believe it. It seems that the young master said That’s right."

"Wait, master? Young lady?"

Listening to this series of appellations, Tang Nuan's paintings were like the first two big ones, and three question marks popped up directly.

If you understand correctly, what this aunt calls her young lady, is she already married as a wife?

If she is the young lady, who is the young master in the aunt's mouth?

Oh my God, Tang Nuan painting felt that he was getting more and more confused.

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