Thinking of this, Tang Nuan asked incomprehensibly, "Auntie, isn't my boyfriend Mingye? Who is the young master you are talking about?"

"Oh my young lady, the young master is Li Jingyi, that is, your husband, didn't he just come to see you just now? Did you forget?" Li Sao said bluntly.


Tang Nuanhua silently recalled the situation just now, thinking that no one had come to visit him just now. The only one was the rascal who kissed her forcibly!

and many more!

Etc., etc!

Suddenly, Tang Nuan's painting seemed to think of something among the electric light and flint, and she made a sound in shock, "The young master you mentioned, isn't it the man who stood here just now and called my wife shamelessly? "

She clearly remembered Li Jingyi's cheeky appearance, calling her wife after forcibly kissing her, which made people wonder if his face was thicker than the walls of the Great Wall.


Sister Li was slightly embarrassed at this moment.

Although she didn’t know who Tang Nuan’s painting was, she had to explain quietly, “Madam Young, I don’t know who the rogue you said is, but the young master is wearing a full suit today with a slap on the neckline. A brown tie, he..."

"Stop it, Auntie, don't talk anymore!"

Hearing this, Tang Nuanhua suddenly raised his hands to cover his ears tightly, feeling about to go crazy.

The description in Sister Li's mouth is exactly the same as that of the rogue.


Tang Nuan painting felt like he had been hit by five thunders, and the sky was about to fall.

How could it be him!

That man was so rascal and shameless, Tang Nuan painted just thought about letting him go out and fell to death, choked to death after drinking water, choked to death after eating...

As a result, that rogue is actually her husband?


Tang Nuanhua felt that she was about to collapse, she put her hands down a little bit ashamed, and turned her head to look at Ming Ye, her tone of reproach that could not be ignored.

"Didn't you tell me that you are my boyfriend? Didn't you say that the two of us grew up together as childhood sweethearts! So you are lying to me!"

When Ming Ye heard this, he took a deep breath.

I'm coming.

This day has finally come.

In fact, he had already thought about this day, when all the truth was revealed, would Tang Nuan painting blame him?

And will the lies made up to convince Tang Nuan paintings to be the reason for Tang Nuan paintings to resent him?

Ming Ye didn't know.

He had no choice but to swallow a spit, trying to step forward to comfort Tang Nuan painting, "Sorry Nuan painting, I..."

"Enough, you don't have to say any more!"

Tang Nuan painting has no patience to listen to his explanation, she feels that her world has been completely subverted.

Moreover, Ming Ye’s reaction told Tang Nuan painting that Ming Ye had already known everything.

So, from the beginning to the end, Tang Nuan's paintings were kept in the dark by Ming Ye?

Ming Ye knew everything, but didn't tell her anything? Playing her like a monkey?

Okay, that's all right!

Tang Nuan's painting suddenly looked at Mingye disheartenedly, "Mingye, go, I don't want to see you now."

"Warm painting..."

Mingye felt sad when she heard this.

Although he really deceived Tang Nuan's paintings, his care and love for Tang Nuan's paintings these days are all true.

It's just that in the face of deception, all this seems so weak.

The most annoying thing about Tang Nuan painting is that someone lie to her, even if she doesn't remember everything before, the bottom line is still the same.

In the end, Ming Ye saw Tang Nuan painting and was reluctant to look at her again, so he sighed softly, "Anyway, Nuan painting, I always do it for your good from the beginning to the end, whether you are willing to take care of me. No matter if you don't want to care about me, as long as you can be happy, I will be satisfied."

"I didn't tell you this before because you were badly injured and your mind was not stable yet. I am worried that you will suffer unavoidable harm if you know it..."

"Besides, I have always liked you, and you know it. I dare not say how good I am to you, but you can feel how serious I am for you, so..."

Having said that, the Ming Ye that should be expressed has already been expressed.

Suddenly he didn't know how to continue, so he sighed softly, "Forget it, to deceive you is what I did wrong, Nuanhua, I sincerely apologize to you and hope you can forgive me."

"But now you have lost your previous memories. There is no need to be constrained by the past. Nuanhua, I don't ask you to love me, but I hope you can listen to your heart."

"Nuanhua, think about it."

After saying this, Ming Ye turned and left without waiting for Tang Nuanhua to give him a response.

Only Tang Nuan painting and the housekeeper Li Sao were left in the ward.

Seeing the love and hatred of young people, Li could not help feeling a little helpless, and sighed leisurely, "Madam, it seems that this young man is also infatuated with you. There are so many people who love you, Madam, you What a fate."

"Really? Why don't I think..."

Tang Nuanhua shrugged painlessly, feeling helpless in her heart. She really didn't expect Ming Ye to lie to her for such a long time.

Yes, Tang Nuanhua admitted that even after such a long time, she still did not feel that kind of love for Ming Ye.

But after a long time of getting along, I still feel a little emotional.

Now I suddenly learned that she was already a married woman...

And her husband is still that giant invincible, a terrible man!


This sudden change and blow is really something that people can't stand.

But I can't afford it, I have to suffer.

Tang Nuanhua sighed helplessly, took the bowl of fragrant porridge from the steward Li Sao, and began to eat slowly.

She didn't say a word during the whole process, but her thoughts had drifted beyond the clouds.

I don't know what I was thinking about, anyway, while drinking the porridge, he stared at a place blankly, as if he was stupid.

"Ah, Madam Young, Madam Young?"

The housekeeper on the side noticed something wrong with Tang Nuan's painting and couldn't help but yelled to her softly.

Tang Nuanhua suddenly recovered, and found that the housekeeper Li Sao was smiling at her kindly, and said softly, "Madam, I can actually understand your feelings. After all, I have to do it between two excellent men. Making a choice is really difficult."

"Huh?" Tang Nuan was taken aback.

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