Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1221: Don't miss the opportunity

"When I was young, there were also two male gods chasing me at the same time. They both looked good and had good family conditions. At that time, I was the school flower in the school, so naturally it became their competition. Object."

Recalling the events of her youth, Li Sao had a happy smile on her face, and she couldn't help herself out of her memories.

She was very intoxicated and continued, "At that time, my heart was especially swaying, because among the two male gods who chased me, one was very rich and handsome, and the other was very gentle and nice to me. "

"Oh, you know, women are always greedy, gentle and handsome, and rich and golden. In the end, I was swaying between two people, making both men unable to extricate themselves for me."

Gradually, Li's voice slowly fell down, and she smiled bitterly, "This also led to the end, I didn't get anything."

"But didn't you say that those two men like you? You just need to be among them and make a choice."

After listening to Tang Nuan painting, he was puzzled.

Aunt Li shook her head helplessly, her tone full of regrets, "At that time, I also thought like you. I always feel that I am so beautiful. Just make a choice."

"But later, the rich and golden male **** met a better and more beautiful girl than me, a gentle and handsome male god. After a long period of uncertainty, he resolutely chose a well-behaved and sensible one. ."

"Then I became the one abandoned by both of them."

"Until later, when I was out of society, I never met such a good boy at the beginning. In the end, I could only choose a man who treated me well and live an ordinary life.

Alas, these were all mistakes made by arrogance at the time. "

As soon as she mentioned this matter, Sister Li felt that her heart was full of regrets and regrets.

Tang Nuan painting quietly listened to Li's story, and couldn't help feeling a pity in her heart.

But what does Li's story have to do with me?

It seems that the relationship between eight poles can't be struck, right?

Just as I was thinking, Sister Li gave another warning, "Mrs. Young, so we must cherish the people in front of us!"

"Master, he loves you so much. During the time you disappeared, he was even more crazy. He didn't eat well every day and didn't sleep well, just to be able to find you."

"Madam, you must not cherish the young master's feelings for you just because of the man's involvement just now!"

Sister Li said bitterly, but the words were obviously partial to Li Jingyi.

"Madam Young, I watched you and Young Master with my own eyes. From the initial indifference to the later affection.

There are really not many handsome, rich and gentle men like the young master, and he is so dedicated, young lady, if you miss the young master, you will never meet again in the future! So you must cherish it! "

Tang Nuan painted speechless.

Yes, she understood what Li Sao meant.

At first, she heard Sao Li tell the story when she was young, thinking that Sao Li was really doing her good, and wanted to use her past mistakes to remind Tang Nuan painting, so that Tang Nuan painting would not make her original mistakes again.

As a result, it was pulled and pulled, and it happened to Li Jingyi...

Tang Nuan painting barely rolled his eyes.

Oh, such a damned person! No more if you miss it?

Don't say there are no more, Tang Nuan paintings are not rare to encounter!

That's it.

In the end, I quickly finished the bowl of porridge, and then threw the bowl to Sao Li, "Sao Li, I'm full."

"Huh? No, Madam, did you listen to me?"

Seeing Tang Nuan drawing a look that didn't want to pay attention to her, Li Wei asked quickly, "Although my words are not very good, but a good medicine, Mrs. Young, I said this is for your sake."

"Young Master is really a very good man, definitely a thousand times and ten thousand times better than the man just now, Madam Young, don't miss this opportunity, Madam Young, Madam Young..."

Hearing this, Tang Nuan barely turned his eyes out of the sky.

She stretched out her hand to cover her ears tightly, never wanting to hear Li Jingyi's name again, but Sister Li was still chattering behind.


Tang Nuanhua suddenly felt a little irritable in her heart, and her heart said it was endless.

In the end, I just turned around and spoke to Auntie Li, saying, "Auntie Li, don't mention Li Jingyi to me again, okay! Don't be his lobbyist in front of me anymore."

Upon hearing this, Sister Li was taken aback.

It seems that I can't believe that Tang Nuan's painting attitude is so indifferent and so determined.

She asked in a dazed tone, "Young, young lady, don't you like the young master?"

"Yes, I just don't like it! Even if you say it a hundred times and a thousand times, I won't have any affection for him!"

Tang Nuanhua said decisively, there was no room for discussion in his words.

Afterwards, regardless of what Li's wife behind him said, Tang Nuanhua simply lay down and went to sleep, put the quilt directly on his head, and then tightly covered his ears without listening to anything.

"Young lady, young lady?"

Seeing that Tang Nuan's painting didn't mean to care about herself at all, Sister Li was also very helpless.

She originally wanted to use her own strength to match Tang Nuan's paintings and Li Jingyi more together, but now it seems that it is completely useless and useless.

Reluctantly, Sister Li had to sigh and thought lightly in her heart, "Master, I can only help you here, so let's rely on you to work harder in the future."

Mrs. Young seems to be very ill this time, and she has forgotten all the good things you had done to her before.

No way, master, just work harder!

Thinking this way, Li Sao didn't say anything in Tang Nuan's ears.

The next day.

The news that Tang Nuan's painting was found quickly spread.

On this day, Lin Nanxiang took Mu Wushuang, Fu Yansi, Phantom and others to visit Tang Nuan's painting.

Lin Nanxiang was the first to arrive at the hospital. After hearing that Tang Nuan's painting was found, she was more excited than anyone else.

With various fruit baskets in her hands, she pushed open the door of the ward very excitedly, and rushed directly up to give Tang Nuan a big hug.

While holding Tang Nuan's painting tightly, she said excitedly, "Nuanhua! Nuanhua you are finally back, I am so happy, do you know how worried I am? I'm worried that I will never see it in my life is you!"

Happy, Lin Nanxiang's voice gradually began to cry.

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