Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1231: This girl is so beautiful

"Yes!" Blood Eagle was also cursing from the side, slowly dissatisfied with Li Jingyi in his heart.

This Li Jingyi is really despicable, right? What kind of ability to find a group of old ladies to come over?

But in a blink of an eye, seeing that their brothers were all beaten up to the point where they could not find the North, can't they just let them develop?

Thinking of this, Blood Eagle whispered, "Boss, should we withdraw it?"


Ming Ye stunned and went back, "How could I be scared by a few grandpas and aunts? If I was beaten back by a group of aunts, where would you let my arms tycoon face?"

"Also, haven't I brought out Nuanhua? I can't go home empty-handed."

All in all, Ming Ye will not just give up like this.

He said today that he came to find Li Jingyi to settle the accounts, that is, to find Li Jingyi to settle the accounts, if he just went back halfway in a dingy manner, his face would be lost.

"But, but you don't seem to be of any use waiting here. If Li Jingyi doesn't come out all day long, and Miss Tang is blocked by him from coming out, isn't it just a waste of time for us here?" Blood Eagle thought Mingye This is simply a moment of brain fever.

After all, Tang Nuan's paintings had already been "stolen" by Li Jingyi and went home. They must be well hidden. Can they be released so casually?

Obviously it is impossible.

But the matter has come to this point, and I won't listen to anything about Ming Ye.

He said very firmly, "If Li Jingyi doesn't come out for a day today, we will just break in. I still don't believe it. Can I still find Li Jingyi if I demolish this Li Garden?"

Thinking of this, Ming Ye felt like she was close to life hanging by a thread.

Today, he has to grab Tang Nuan's painting. If he can't grab it, he will be here forever, and no one is allowed to leave this house for half a step!

He had to see if Li Jingyi and the grandfather and aunt of the room could insist on not eating or drinking for a few days.


At this moment, Li's wife at the door of Li Yuan led a fierce battle with everyone in chaos, and Li Yuan's door was opened again.

Then a long, straight leg took the lead, and a slender figure appeared. The slender figure had a peerless face on top of it. It was Li Jingyi.

As soon as he went out, he saw the chaotic fierce battle in front of him, Li Jingyi stretched out his hand and softened his brows, feeling helpless.

He really didn't intend to come out. This Mingye, a big man, didn't know what he was going crazy, who would care about it.

But I saw that my domestic servants even started fighting with the outsiders in order to protect the Lord. Alas, he couldn't justify it if he didn't come out.

After all, if the servants of the family were injured, Li Jingyi would only feel guilty.

No, he walked slowly from the door.

There was a shadow behind him, and that person was Tang Nuan's painting.

I saw Tang Nuan painted a faintly resentful face, following Li Jingyi like a resentful woman, his eyes full of reluctance.

She even kept slandering Li Jingyi in her heart, and she didn't know what she was complaining about. In short, she was very unconvinced.

In contrast, Li Jingyi smiled.

Looking back, he directly took Tang Nuanhua's hand, and with a little effort, the girl staggered two steps to his side and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

"Remember to behave well for a while." Li Jingyi smiled suddenly, stretched out his hand and stroked her hair for Tang Nuanhua, thinking that this girl is really beautiful.

"I know, I know, take away your stinky hands!" Tang Nuan painted a look of impatience and reluctance, but he could only accommodate Li Jingyi.

At the same time, of course, Blood Eagle saw Tang Nuan painting and Li Jingyi for the first time.

He hid behind the car and exclaimed, "Boss, look at it, Li Jingyi has brought Miss Tang out!"


Mingye shifted his gaze almost instantaneously, and then, his gaze fell on Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan's painting, his gaze beamed instantly.

Raising his hand a little, Ming Ye said to the blood eagle, "Go, take the brothers to charge me!"

The blood eagle rolled his eyes helplessly, thinking that our brothers have been beaten to the front teeth by the old ladies, okay?

But Pidianpidian'er followed.

"Young Master, Young Lady." At this time, the servants also saw Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan painting, and quickly stopped the chaos in their hands.

Sister Li lowered her head in shame, "Sorry, Master, me, this is also..."

After all, she rushed out with the people, and it was her head if she was wrong.

I don't want Li Jingyi to be very indifferent right now, and only whispered softly, "It's not to blame you, go on."

"Okay, thank you, Master." Aunt Li quickly took the people back to the side.

At this time, Ming Ye walked forward in the same stride, and while walking, waved at his embarrassed group of subordinates, and the subordinates also retreated one by one.

In this way, the "stage" was given to two protagonists.

One is Mingye and the other is Li Jingyi. The two are standing opposite each other, equally handsome and uncommon, and their aura is also so strong.

It can be said to be evenly matched.

"Li Jingyi, you are too mean, right? We didn't talk about fair competition, but you stole the warm painting back. What do you mean?" It was Ming Ye who broke the atmosphere first.

As soon as he saw the painting of Tang Nuan standing behind Li Jingyi, he felt out of breath.

He had been guarding this woman for so long, but when Li Jingyi came, he stole the person. What a deception!

"Ming Ye..." Tang Nuan painting also saw Ming Ye of course.

Looking at Ming Ye's body, Tang Nuan's painting almost instinctively took a step forward, but was pulled back by Li Jingyi before he went out. By the way, he said, "Tang Nuan painting, you just can't hold it like this? Did you forget your identity?"

While talking, the hand that squeezed Tang Nuan's painting was also tight.

"I..." Tang Nuan painted helplessly, and found that Li Jingyi's eyes were full of discomfort, so he had to dispel the thoughts in his heart.

In the end, he just sighed and said softly to Mingye, "Mingye, go back soon."

"Warm painting?"

Hearing this, Ming Ye was shocked instantly.

What's going on!

The feeling in his eyes shouldn't be said by Tang Nuan.

"Li Jingyi, what have you done to Nuanhua!" Mingye immediately stared at Li Jingyi angrily.

Li Jingyi still had a calm face, even with a chuckle and disdain, "Mingye, do you think there is fairness between me and you? Are you thinking too much."


"Nuanhua was originally my fiancée. This is legally recognized, so there is no fairness between you and me."

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