Blood Eagle turned his head to look at Ming Ye's expression, but clearly saw some unwillingness in his eyes.

Blood Eagle had to change his expression, "Well, boss, if you really can't give up, you might as well give yourself ten years."

"Ten years..." Ming Ye murmured a few words.

"Yes, ten years."

"In these ten years, the boss, you can rebuild the arsenal, develop your career well, and make your gold content even higher.

If ten years later, you still can't let go of Miss Tang, just come back and look for her again. As the saying goes, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Perhaps by that time, Tang Nuan's relationship with Li Jingyi has faded.

And these ten years, you can just use it to test your heart for Miss Tang. If you forget her over time, then there is no need to reluctantly give up. If your relationship hasn't faded, it's never too late to fight. "

All in all, the blood eagle just hopes that his own statement can make Ming Ye feel better.

I have to admit that this statement is indeed useful. After Mingye heard it, he seemed to hesitate for a while.

In the end, he seemed to silently accept what the blood eagle said, and he was relieved.

"Well, I will give myself ten years. If ten years later, I still have a chance, I will definitely come back."

"Boss, come on!"

When the blood eagle heard Ming Ye say this, he was finally a little happier.

In this way, they left in a mighty manner.

On the other side, Li Jingyi and Tang Nuanhua had already returned to the room at this moment.

To be precise, it should be Tang Nuan's painting that was forcibly pulled into the room by Li Jingyi.

After entering the house, there were no others around. Tang Nuan finally stopped disguising, and directly shook off Li Jingyi's hand fiercely, "Are you satisfied!"

"Forcing me to say those things, forcing me to drive Mingye away, so you should be satisfied! But I tell you Li Jingyi, the more you do this, the more I hate you, who do you think you are? Ah? What qualifications do you have to control the fate of others!"

With a roar of scolding, Tang Nuanhua couldn't wait to get Li Jingyi's curse on his head.

Surprisingly, Li Jingyi was strangely silent at this moment, listening to Tang Nuan's various anger in front of him, he did not refute.

Only after Tang Nuan's painting was finished, he asked quietly, "Are you so sad?"

"What?" Tang Nuan was taken aback.

"Let you say those things to Ming Ye, are you sad?" Li Jingyi asked again.

In his eyes, Tang Nuan's paintings were all about the excitement that he had forced to hurt Ming Ye.

"Heh, Li Jingyi, you only have this little belly!"

Tang Nuanhua suddenly sneered, looking at Li Jingyi's eyes with special mockery.

Li Jingyi didn't excuse him, he just sneered, his handsome face was a bit lonely, "Yes, I really only have such a belly, I just can't accept that there are other men in your heart, you can only be me in Tang Nuan paintings. Humans can only be mine, don’t you understand!"

When the words were over, Tang Nuanhua suddenly felt suffocated.

Li Jingyi's kiss was overwhelming, and her sight was completely darkened. Only the slight pain on her lips reminded her that Li Jingyi was crazy.

But, what reason does he have to be crazy!

He was the one who forcibly brought him home, he was also the one who threatened him with Mingye's arsenal, and he was the one who eventually trapped him in this room!

Why should he be in charge of everything alone, and still pretend to be very injured, and why should he say that he belongs to him alone?

Tang Nuan didn't want to paint. She was not convinced, just not convinced.

"Li Jingyi, get out of here!"

Suddenly, Tang Nuan painted almost exhausted all of his strength before suddenly pushing Li Jingyi's tall body away from him.

The voice from her throat was also angry, "Li Jingyi, can I ask you to stay away from me! Do you know your overbearing and unreasonable appearance, it really makes people feel special? Annoying!"

"Hate? Oh, then I have something more annoying."

When the words were over, Li Jingyi couldn't help but stepped forward and directly hugged Tang Nuan's painting horizontally, and then unceremoniously threw it on the white and soft luxurious bed.

Tang Nuanhua felt that he had just lay down on the bed, and then an eager figure directly pressed up. The momentum was like a scourge, and no one was allowed to resist at all.

No matter how Tang Nuanhua cried or shouted or screamed, Li Jingyi did not stop.

In the end, Tang Nuan painting knew that his strength was impossible to compete with Li Jingyi's, so he didn't resist it at all.

She was lying on the bed like a dead fish, not struggling at all, only giving up on her fate, and the sound of chills in her throat.

"Li Jingyi, do you think you look like this, I would like you?"

As soon as he said it, Tang Nuan's painting could obviously feel Li Jingyi's body jerk.

She continued to sneer, "You think I will be helpless if you trap me here? I tell you, I won't like you!"

"Even if you are the one who kept me and forcibly occupied me, so what? Even if you ruin me, you still can't keep my heart, I don't like you, don't like you, don't like you If I don’t like you or don’t like you, I don’t like you! I will never like you! If I like you, I would rather die!"

Tang Nuan didn't know where the strength came from. After shouting a few words, she was also tired.

Just close your eyes and lie down on the bed with a dead heart, with a sense that you can do whatever you like.

However, after waiting for a long time, I didn't feel the movement of the person on him.

If it hadn't been for the strength on his waist, Tang Nuan would almost doubt if Li Jingyi had gone, or had disappeared out of thin air.

But Li Jingyi's force on her waist told her that he hadn't left, just that there was no more movement.

In the end, Li Jingyi seemed to sigh softly and finally got off her body.

Tang Nuanhua breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt depressed.

This depression did not come from himself, but from Li Jingyi.

He seemed to be completely frustrated, and even his tone was a little bit disappointed, "Get a good rest, I'm leaving."

Hearing this, Tang Nuan's painting did not react at all.

I didn't ask him where he was going, and didn't bother to care about it. Anyway, after he left, she was still here and couldn't get freedom.

Afterwards, Tang Nuanhua clearly heard a few slow footsteps. When he walked to the door, the man seemed to pause for a while, perhaps he even looked back at her.

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