After that, it was completely quiet.


Tang Nuanhua let out a breath, finally feeling a little more relaxed.

But I don't know why, while relaxing, I feel a little empty in my heart inexplicably.

At this time, Li Jingyi had already walked downstairs.

His face was faint, and he didn't seem to have any expressions. When he was passing by the living room, he saw Aunt Li and exhorted him, "Auntie Li, there will be a doctor coming to Nuanhua to see a doctor later, you remember to treat him well."

"Okay young master, I see." Aunt Li nodded and agreed.

He raised his head and looked at Li Jingyi, but found that Li Jingyi was a little strange.

I can't tell you how strange it is, but I feel that Li Jingyi has a depressive aura, which gives people a feeling of blocking the mouth.

Of course, Li Jingyi wouldn't explain much, he turned around and walked towards the gate.

When I walked to the door, he suddenly turned his head back, "Also, if the Mingye does not give up, remember to close the door and contact me as soon as possible."

"I know, please don't worry, Master." Sister Li nodded again.

Li Jingyi nodded slightly, and left.

The sound of footsteps faintly grew further and further away.


When Li Jingyi left completely, Li's wife suddenly sighed.

It was a pity that the old face was full of it. She thought to herself that it was God's will. The young master and the young lady finally went through so many hardships and got together again. As a result, the young lady still has amnesia.

Although the young master did not express his loss on the surface, he may only know how sad he is.

As a servant, she only hopes that the young master and the young lady can restore the old soon.

Half an hour later, the Li Group.

I don't know why. It only takes more than ten minutes to drive. Li Jingyi drove for half an hour. When he arrived at the company, all the employees of the company were already at work.

Li Jingyi returned to the office as usual, and then sat in his seat to work.

Before long, Xu Mo came in to report on his work, and took out a few contracts that needed to be signed for Li Jingyi to sign.

Li Jingyi took a look and signed it after he was sure that there was nothing wrong. He was still so meticulous, but the handwriting was a bit sloppy, and he was obviously absent-minded when responding to Xu Mo.

Xu Mo followed Li Jingyi. He already knew Li Jingyi's tone and expressions. He even knew that Li Jingyi was going to pee and pee, so he didn't dare to disturb him.

He could only quietly report to his work, and then quietly exit the office.

When I left the office, I just happened to bump into Gu Yunzheng.

Holding a document in his hand, Gu Yunzheng walked hurriedly toward the office, frowning as he walked, as if some problems were bothering him.

"Wait, Manager Gu!" At this moment, Xu Mo suddenly shouted.

Gu Yunzheng raised his head and saw Xu Mo approaching him with a worried look on his face, and said softly, "Manager Gu, the president doesn't seem to be in a good mood today. You have to be careful when you go in later."

"Oh?" Gu Yunzheng raised his eyes and looked at the office after hearing this, and asked, "What happened to him?"

Xu Mo shook his head bitterly, "I don't know, I know that the president has been a black face since he joined the company! Strange, stern..."

Upon hearing this, Gu Yunzheng suddenly smiled, "Isn't Jing Yi also a black face? You, just get used to it."

After talking about it, Gu Yunzheng didn't bother to pay attention to Xu Mo, and walked into the office with the files in his hand.

As he walked in, he said, "Jing Yi, our recent overseas projects are progressing very well, but now there is a thorny problem, that is, our wholesalers. I don’t know what happened recently, just... …Jing Yi, Jing Yi?"

Halfway through, his voice stopped abruptly, and Gu Yunzheng's eyes fell on Li Jingyi's body, obviously feeling something wrong with Li Jingyi today.

Although he was still a black face, he was still as untalking as before.

But even if he didn't speak before, the spirit of his body was very sufficient.

Today, this spirit is gone.

"Jing Yi, what happened to you?" Gu Yunzheng asked hesitantly.

Li Jingyi suddenly came to his senses at this time, feeling like waking up from a big dream, "Oh, it's okay, just a little tired."


Gu Yunzheng was even more surprised. You must know that Li Jingyi was never tired before.

Everyone says that Li Jingyi is a working machine. If people don't need to eat, take a bath, or sleep, it is estimated that Li Jingyi will stay with work all his life. It doesn't matter if he doesn't eat or drink, day and night.

Today, Gu Yunzheng heard the word tired in his mouth.

This is not normal, very abnormal!

Gu Yunzheng had to ask suspiciously, "Jing Yi, did that stinky girl painted by Tang Nuan break your heart again?"

The answer to him was a moment of silence.

"Oh, I know that it must be that girl who is not worrying about it again. You said she is really too, why does she like to be a demon so much? Even if it is amnesia, she still refuses to stop a little!" The tone was full. It was dissatisfaction. Gu Yunzheng thought he really had nothing to say about Tang Nuan's painting.

Not wanting this, Li Jingyi shook his head, still helping Tang Nuanhua speak, "It's not her fault."

He denied Gu Yunzheng's remarks and said softly, "That girl is not easy, and she should not be blamed."

Even if he was directly rejected by Tang Nuan's painting, Li Jingyi never blamed Tang Nuan's painting in his heart. In his opinion, that girl didn't know how much suffering she had suffered since she disappeared.

Moreover, Tang Nuan's painting is also an innocent victim of amnesia.

During the period of time after her amnesia, Li Jingyi asked herself that her own was indeed not guarded by Tang Nuan's painting.

So, what right does he have to say that the girl is wrong?

He just blamed himself, blamed himself, hated himself, as if not only didn't let the girl feel warm after returning, but on the contrary, he pushed the girl farther and farther.

"Hey, brother, I don't know how to enlighten you on this emotional matter. In short, you want to do something." At the end, Gu Yunzheng sighed.

Li Jingyi didn't say much, nodded silently as a response.

Then Gu Yunzheng turned around to leave. Just before leaving, Li Jingyi called out, "Yunzheng, you wait."

"What's the matter?" Gu Yunzheng turned around.

Li Jingyi sighed softly and said, "Come with me to a bar at night. We haven't had a drink for a long time."

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