
Hearing Li Jingyi's words, Gu Yunzheng immediately became interested.

He happily said to Li Jingyi, "It's a rare occasion, Jing Yi, you actually invited me to have a drink. It's a miracle!"

In the past, when the two of them went out for a drink, most of them were Gu Yunzheng who took the initiative to find Li Jingyi to drink, and Li Jingyi was just an escort.

This time, Li Jingyi actually took the initiative to make an appointment with Gu Yunzheng. Gu Yunzheng's heart was so festive that he forgot about Li Jingyi's bad mood.

"Then it's settled, let's see you tonight!" After the words were over, Gu Yunzheng ran away happily.

Li Jingyi was left alone in the office, and he couldn't help but recall the words Tang Nuan painted in the morning.

She shouted hoarsely, "Li Jingyi, I won't like you, I don't like you, don't like you, don't like you, don't like you, don't like you, don't like you! I will never like you! If I like you You, I would rather die!"

Would rather die?

God knows how heartbroken Li Jingyi was when he heard Tang Nuanhua say those words.

In fact, he didn't want to treat Tang Nuan's paintings in such a rude way, he just couldn't control himself.

As long as he saw Tang Nuan's paintings filled with other men, Li Jingyi couldn't stop wanting to go crazy.

She had disappeared without saying a word for so long, and he had missed her for so long, and now she finally returned to her side, how could she think of all other men?

What about him Li Jingyi?

Could it be that such a deep emotion is completely in Tang Nuan's heart, and it doesn't count for anything.

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi couldn't help feeling a headache.

In order to relieve this symptom, he had to force himself to take a deep breath and not think about these things.

That's it until the end of get off work.

Gu Yunzheng came happily after get off work, and then the two went to the old place together and ordered a lot of wine.

"Jing Yi, can you finish drinking so much wine?"

After all the drinks came up, there was a table full, and Gu Yunzheng couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

These wines on the table are more than they used to drink each time. If you drink all of them, it will be no wonder that people don't get drunk to a hundred thousand miles.

Li Jingyi didn't care about it. He didn't even show any expression. He picked up a corkscrew and opened a bottle of wine directly, and then poured the bottle of wine into his stomach.

"Hey, Jing Yi, you drink slowly, and no one here will grab you." Seeing Li Jingyi drinking so urgently, Gu Yunzheng had to worry.

But his worries were obviously unnecessary, because Li Jingyi didn't listen at all. After pouring a glass of wine into his stomach, Li Jingyi immediately opened the next glass of wine in a hurry.

"Hey..." Gu Yunzheng knew that he couldn't stop Li Jingyi this time, so he could only sigh continuously.

After Li Jingyi filled several cups in one breath, he tried to ask softly, "Hey, brother, what happened?"

"Nothing." Li Jingyi didn't intend to say it.

But even if he didn't say it, Gu Yunzheng knew that it must be because of Tang Nuan's painting. After all, no one except that woman could make Li Jingyi's reaction so intense.

"Yun Zheng, do you think there is any way to restore people's memory?" As he was thinking, Li Jingyi said aloud.

With the wet liquor at the corner of his mouth, he looked at Gu Yunzheng with a dizzy look, "If there is a way, you can tell me, I can try whatever it is, as long as I can restore the memory of Nuanhua."

"This..." Gu Yunzheng sighed helplessly, what could he do?

In the end, Li Jingyi still only smiled bitterly. When he didn't ask this sentence, he drank glass after glass.

With this drink, one hour passed.

With so much alcohol on the table, Li Jingyi had already solved eight or nine in the end, and Li Jingyi finally couldn't resist the excessive alcohol content, and his cheeks became red and drunk.

"Jing Yi, Jing Yi, can you still do it?"

Gu Yunzheng tried to step forward and pushed Li Jingyi's shoulder, but Li Jingyi was completely motionless in front of him, and he fell on the table weakly, seeing that he was completely drunk.

"Hey, it's still the word "love" that hurts the most!"

Looking at Li Jingyi like this, Gu Yunzheng felt a little emotional in his heart. He couldn't help being alone, and murmured a few words, "Brother, it's really harder than me to tell me about your love path."

"I used to think that I would never be with my beloved woman in my life, but how did you know that God gave me a gift? After a serious illness, I finally got the right result from Wushuang."

"As a result, now it's your turn for Qing Jie again, alas! Who is really the heaven to bypass."

"Fine, nothing, brother, you should go home early."

Having said this, Gu Yunzheng stood up and walked around to Li Jingyi's side, tried to support Li Jingyi, and then sent him back to Li Yuan.

Unexpectedly, the next second, an unexpected scene happened.

As soon as Gu Yunzheng helped Li Jingyi up, he suddenly saw a cloud of unidentified black juice on the table where Li Jingyi had just been lying down.

What is this?

Thinking about it, Gu Yunzheng curiously reached out and probed the tabletop, then moved his fingers a few times and then put it under his nose to smell it carefully.


A smell of blood!

Gu Yunzheng's eyes widened in an instant, and then he quickly turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and took a picture of the table that was not bright enough. Sure enough, there was a pool of blood on the table!

"Jing Yi, Jing Yi!"

Gu Yunzheng quickly turned Li Jingyi over and took a look. Li Jingyi's nose and mouth were covered with blood.

God, what the **** is going on!

Gu Yunzheng felt scared to pee in an instant, and he didn't dare to delay for a moment, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed 120!

At the same time, Li Yuan.

It was getting late, and Li Garden was bustling but deserted after nightfall, especially at night when Li Jingyi hadn't returned, there were only a few servants at home, and a painting by Tang Nuan who had been hiding in the room and refused to come out.

After a few servants finished their housework, it was almost time to get off work. They just felt bored, so they sat on the stairs for a while, and talked for a while.

"Oh, the young master didn't come back so late today, he must be very busy at work." A maid said distressedly.

"Isn't it? It's the first time I feel that Young Master is so pitiful. Even if I'm busy with work, my relationship is not going well..."

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